The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 291: Above the East China Sea

Ten years later.

Nvwa had been playing among the human race for a long time. She had a great curiosity about everything in the world.

Although ten years was a long time, it was not worth mentioning in the prehistoric world. Originally, Nvwa thought that she had been called back by Shennong at this time, but she did not expect Shennong to have not appeared yet.

The human race was close to the East China Sea. Nvwa walked and walked, and unknowingly reached the edge of the East China Sea.

Nvwa looked at the vast East China Sea with a strong curiosity in her heart. Nvwa, who lived on land, had never seen the ocean.

She usually heard others talk about what the ocean was like.

What Nvwa heard most was not anything else, but the vastness of the ocean.

As far as Nvwa knew, the prehistoric continent was surrounded by boundless oceans, and the ocean had no end.

Or it can be said that the end of the ocean is the end of the world. Nvwa did not want to go to the end of the world to see it. She was just a little fairy.

Wandering in the prehistoric continent these years.

It was related to the treasure that Nvwa had made by Shennong. It was a jade pendant. It didn't have many functions, but it could generate a protective shield to resist external damage.

Nvwa had encountered powerful creatures in the prehistoric times, but none of them had broken the jade pendant, which gave Nvwa strong confidence in it.

Nvwa's eyes turned.

She wanted to go to the East China Sea to have a look, but the East China Sea was vast and boundless. With Nvwa's magic power, she couldn't stay on the sea for long, but this didn't bother Nvwa.

Nvwa saw a tall tree.

The tree was fiery red. Nvwa particularly liked red, which was related to the flame avenue that Shennong practiced, which made Nvwa like red things even more.

Nvwa had the realm of a celestial being and could practice to the realm of a celestial being within a thousand years.

It can be seen that her aptitude was not bad.

Nvwa was an extremely beautiful woman. The sea breeze of the East China Sea blew her hair. A butterfly landed on Nvwa's shoulder, attracted by Nvwa.

Nvwa smiled in her heart.

She gathered some of the magic power on her shoulders, otherwise the fragile butterfly would be crushed into powder by the magic power. This move showed the kindness of the girl.

With the realm and magic power of a celestial being.

It was very simple to build a small boat. The girl didn't need the boat to be beautiful. As long as there was a place to land, she could recover her magic power on the sea.

The sun in the sky reflected the sea beautifully. The girl put the boat into the water. When making the boat, she used some methods of refining.

No human power was needed.

You only need to input magic power to push the boat.

The girl stepped into the East China Sea on the boat. The butterfly was still on her shoulder. The butterfly's eyes seemed to have spirituality. This was very normal in the prehistoric world. In the prehistoric world, anything could be spiritual.

Not to mention butterflies, even a piece of stone on the ground has the opportunity to be spiritual, although the chance is slim.

Compared with animals, stones are lower.

The girl felt that everything in the East China Sea was extremely new, and everything in it was something she had never seen before. From time to time, the girl looked under the sea surface. With her eyesight, she could clearly see what was under the sea surface.

She saw many lives living there, and these lives were very strange.

Different from the life on land.

The girl had a lot of fun, and from time to time she got out of the boat and stepped on the sparkling sea surface. The light of the sun star radiated the world, making the world bright.

It was originally a very happy thing, but there were always some bad things happening. The girl felt a majestic aura surging, as if to overturn the world.

The girl was shocked and didn't know what was going to happen.

The girl touched the jade pendant, and the warmth on it made the girl feel a little more at ease. She had strong confidence in the jade pendant and believed that it could protect her safety.

The sea surface seemed to be cracked.

A golden dragon flew out, and the golden dragon's aura was majestic, stirring up the sea. The scales on its body were shining with golden light, reflecting the light of the sun star.

The golden light shone on the girl's eyes, making her unable to open her eyes.

The majestic voice of the golden dragon sounded, saying: "Who are you? How did you appear in the East China Sea? You should know that I am the prince of the East China Sea, Ao Zhen, and you don't kneel down when you see me."

The girl used her magic power to her eyes to block the shining golden light, and then she could see the things in front of her clearly. The golden dragon was very close to her, and it exuded an extremely powerful aura.

The girl had the idea of ​​being invincible, but she was not afraid.

The jade pendant gave her courage.

The girl said: "Golden Dragon Ao Zhen, don't talk nonsense. Your dragon race has declined and can only dominate the East China Sea. I am the daughter of the co-leader of the human race."

In the eyes of the girl, the golden dragon in front of her must be afraid. She knew how powerful her father was, but the golden dragon didn't know much about the things on land.

In his mind, the human race was still very primitive. Ao Zhen once ran to the land and saw the human race living on it. In Ao Zhen's view, the human race was very primitive.

Although there are some people who practice cultivation.

But they are undoubtedly not comparable to the dragon clan. In his opinion, the girl in front of him is just talking nonsense.

Ao Zhen said with a smile: "You look down on my dragon clan so much, and your realm is extremely low. I will make you pay the price."

The girl didn't care much.

In her opinion, the jade pendant on her body can resist the attack of the golden dragon.

Ao Zhen used his magic power.

He is at the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and he has refined three qi. His power is so strong that it cannot be compared with the immortals. The dragon clan can easily mobilize water.

Under Ao Zhen's magic power.

The surrounding seawater was mobilized and affected, and huge waves rose. The huge waves submerged and destroyed Nvwa's boat, and she could not be carried.

Although Nvwa was in the realm of heavenly immortals, she was in the boundless sea.

She could not fly.

At this time, the jade pendant on Nvwa's body burst into pure firelight, supporting a spherical light film. Nvwa felt safer. Ao Zhen, who was flying in the sky, saw this scene.

His heart moved.

Nvwa, who was in the realm of heavenly immortals, could not resist his attack, but the light film that rose at this time was not fake.

Although Ao Zhen didn't know much about things on land, he knew a lot about cultivation and understood that such a protective object was refined by creatures of higher realms.

Just to protect others.

From the breath coming from the light film, Ao Zhen felt that the realm of the person who refined it was much higher than his.

If Ao Zhen was a creature of a small race, he would definitely be afraid, but Ao Zhen was a dragon clan. Although the dragon clan had declined a lot, it was still a hegemon in the East China Sea.

This naturally gave Ao Zhen strong confidence.

Ao Zhen did not retreat because of the breath coming from above, although the breath from above was very strong and far-reaching.

Ao Zhen's magical power became even more powerful, and he attracted a huge force to the girl. Under this force, the light film finally broke.

The girl did not expect this to happen.

The light film would break.

It had allowed her to survive so many dangers in the past, but now it was broken.

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