The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 85 Ghost Coffin Funeral Guess What?

Cao Yanhua had a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

Find Mr. Qin to mediate next time? How can he have such dignity?

That is to say, this time Wang Xiaoming is here. The old man attaches great importance to Wang Xiaoming, so he came here.

Otherwise, even if Si Ye killed Jiang Shangbai, Mr. Qin would not come to stop him.

"No fight, no acquaintance. I believe that after this conflict, something like this won't happen again between the two of you, right?" Cao Yanhua looked at Jiang Shangbai and winked.

Jiang Shangbai showed a face the color of pig liver, looked at Si Ye, gritted his teeth and nodded, "I won't target you anymore."

Life or face, it was obvious that Jiang Shangbai chose to follow his heart. Although he didn't know the specific thoughts in his heart, it seemed that he had given up.

"If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, you can never do good. Xiao Jiang, please don't make this kind of principle issue again next time." Si Ye chuckled lightly and said to Jiang Shangbai.

Jiang Shangbai's expression turned cold when he heard Xiao Jiang's name, but at this time, his skills were inferior to others, so he did not dare to say anything more.

The old man at the headquarters knows the existence of the other party. Unless there is a life and death crisis in Dajing City, the other party will never take action.

That is to say, the captain's plan is now being implemented. The prestige of the headquarters is very important, otherwise the other party may not be able to save him.

When Si Ye saw Jiang Shangbai's appearance, he ignored him and looked at the old man.

In the original work, this old man can talk to the future and seems to know what will happen in the future. Even Yang Jian is just a trap they set up, a person who can take over in the future.

He was very curious about this old man's attitude towards himself.

Si Ye was brought here by the system, and his appearance will bring huge changes to the world.

At least now, the ghosts are restricted by Si Ye, and Yang Jian did not control the third ghost in the ghost incident. This is already a big change for Yang Jian.

"Do you not care about me at all? Or are you going to give Yang Jian another chance to control the third ghost?"

Si Ye stared at the old man and thought in his mind.

Because of his own reasons, Brother Ghost no longer caused harm. Without the threat of Brother Ghost, the headquarters no longer needed to come up with a plan to attract ghost paintings.

As a result, Mr. Qin in front of him could not continue to implement the original plan, deal with two S-level supernatural incidents and then declare himself, allowing the domestic ghost masters to grow and collide savagely.

Mr. Qin does not claim to be self-proclaimed, and those ghost masters of the Republic of China dare not jump out. This will have a great impact.

The old man noticed Si Ye's gaze and gave him an expressionless look, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"Let's adjourn."

Cao Yanhua noticed the atmosphere at the scene and asked everyone to leave.

With Cao Yanhua's words, everyone no longer wanted to stay in this depressing place and left one by one.

Jiang Shangbai stood up, stared at Si Ye, hunched over and planned to leave.

"Xiao Jiang, remember to be honest when you go back. The bride won't be the only one to take action next time."

Si Ye noticed Jiang Shangbai's gaze, turned to look at him, and said with a playful smile.

As he said this, a card appeared in Si Ye's hand.

Jiang Shangbai's pupils shrank suddenly and he almost forgot that Si Ye's code name was a ghost card.

This time, I didn't see any supernatural phenomena related to Si Ye's use of cards during the whole process. It was completely unilaterally beaten by Si Ye using a ghost.

Jiang Shangbai looked at the red robe on Si Ye. With the presence of the bride, the groom's clothes on Si Ye would not go unnoticed.

Bride and groom, in everyone's opinion, the clothes on Si Ye's body should be the reason why he can control the bride.

Soon, everyone left the conference room, leaving only Si Ye and Mr. Qin.

Si Ye looked at Mr. Qin. He wanted to see Mr. Qin's attitude towards him, so he never left.

Facing such a powerful existence, Si Ye didn't want to escape.

If the other party really plans to take action, he has no chance to escape.

Instead of running away and worrying about this and that, it is better to understand the other party's attitude now and put yourself at ease.

"With her by your side, you're lucky that you didn't die."

Just after everyone left, Mr. Qin spoke.

Si Ye heard Mr. Qin's words and glanced at the bride: "Are you lucky? It's okay."

Mr. Qin was noncommittal and continued: "But while focusing on your family, you still have to remember that you are a human being, not a ghost."

"It would be very troublesome if you gave up your identity for your family."

"What do you mean?" Si Ye frowned and looked at Mr. Qin.

"It's nothing, just a reminder. Just don't forget that you are a human being." Mr. Qin shook his head and walked outside.

Si Ye looked at Mr. Qin with confusion, constantly thinking about what he meant.

Mr. Qin didn't ask him to do anything, he just emphasized that he should remember his identity as a human being, which made him very confused.

"Can it be said that I will abandon my human identity for the bride's ghost father and the others in the future?"

"That's not right. According to this world, even if they are aliens, as long as they think they are human beings, then they can be regarded as human beings."

"Even if I become an alien in the future, as long as I identify as a human being, I should maintain this identity."


Si Ye thought of a possibility, that is, after becoming a stranger, he was affected by the evil ghost's instinct.

"Father cares for his son, son respects his father, brother and friend respect his brother, husband sings and his wife follows him"

Si Ye thought about it. After his consciousness was changed by his ghost father, he could use other attitudes to deal with these family members as long as he did not violate the rules.

But if you become an alien, at that time, will your alien self execute your own ideas first? Or should we follow the rules of family status first?

"Oh, the Riddler is so annoying. Don't worry about him. Let's kill some ghost in him first."

"There's no need to worry about aliens or anything like that."

Si Ye stood up. Mr. Qin's words had a certain impact on him, but not that much.

He is an optimistic person. Since this matter needs to be thought about for too long, let's talk about it later.

The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. If you cannot live happily and freely, even if you can live forever, it is meaningless. It will just continue to worry.

After walking out of the conference room, Si Ye went to get his reward from Cao Yanhua.

There should be ten people who survived at the Ghost Controller Training Base, and there were a total of thirteen ghosts to suppress. Si Ye successfully got thirty-nine yuan in ghost money.

Then Si Ye went to Wang Xiaoming and got the ghost coffin.

The ghost coffin can suppress the evil ghost. The ghost brother's pregnancy has not been completed yet, and there seems to be some kind of supernatural being inside.

But Si Ye didn't touch the thing and just put it away after getting it.

"Ghost coffin, mirror, bride, you have to go to Tai O City to get a new house number as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to take the bride and the others with you."

Si Ye lay on the bed and took out a card.

This was the card he got after using the trick on Brother Ghost, which consumed three of his cards.

As the saying goes, brothers settle accounts clearly, but Brother Gui did not give Si Ye the same discount as the bride and father Gui.

(Equipment Card) Ghost Coffin Funeral: By consuming two cards, this card can be turned into a paper ghost coffin for ten minutes, restricting a certain person. During this period, the supernatural powers of the person in the ghost coffin will be suppressed. If you can use a paper ghost coffin to start a funeral ceremony, you will be sent to Brother Ghost's ghost and you will get a loan card.

(Remember, the funeral cannot be interrupted, otherwise the existence in the ghost coffin will be released. After the funeral is started, the existence time of the paper ghost coffin will be extended for free until the funeral is over or the ghost coffin is opened.)

Borrowing card: You can borrow the supernatural power of a certain ghost from Brother Ghost for ten minutes.

"Can we temporarily borrow the supernatural power of brainless suppression? Although we just lock the other party in a paper ghost coffin, it is enough."

Si Ye looked at the content and quickly saw the content of the funeral ceremony.

"Good guy, Brother Gui has indeed corrupted Wei Jing. Someone with Wei Jing's wisdom actually knows how to trick me."

"You actually want me to work for him and catch ghosts for him."

Si Ye's face turned dark. This was the weirdest card he had ever gotten since he controlled the card maker.

The card provided by the Bride only has two consumption forms at most, and provides different supernatural powers according to different consumption.

Brother Ghost actually wanted to catch the ghost himself and send it to him.

"The main thing is free shipping to your home, right? And I'm the one responsible for delivering the courier, and I'm the one who gets charged."

Si Ye continued to look at the card, and his face darkened when he saw the content in the brackets.

"I paid to deliver the courier to you, do I still need to spend money to extend the existence time of the ghost coffin? Isn't it right to hold a funeral to extend the existence time of the ghost coffin?"

Si Ye put away the cards provided by Brother Ghost with a helpless look on his face.

It should be said that this card is definitely very strong. Use the card Ghost Coffin to suppress others and send it to Brother Ghost.

Among the current ghost controllers, who can beat Brother Ghost? Even at the seventh elder level, it may be troublesome to face the ghost brother who has grown up to suppress the quota.

After all, the only way to deal with Brother Gui is from outside Gui Xie. If he is sent to Brother Gui's Gui Xie, tsk tsk tsk, there may be a scene where the powerful strength has no place to use.

"Forget it, let's talk to Brother Gui about his treatment next time."

"Let him change the cost of this card from two to one, otherwise I would be at a huge loss. All the benefits of the hard work are his."

Si Ye took the cards back and muttered a few words before getting ready to sleep.

Nothing happened in the next few days. The problems left by Brother Ghost meant that Si Ye didn't need to attend any more training classes.

In the past few days, Si Ye has been staying in the room watching movies, animations, etc., without going out at all.

Nothing bad happened during this period. No one in the circle of friends took action against Si Ye, and no one came to contact him.

It wasn't until the third day that He Xiaoling called and told him to attend the celebration party that Si Ye walked out of the room.

Si Ye got into a special vehicle and drove out of the urban area of ​​Dajing City.

While sitting in the car, he saw that the car was heading towards an uninhabited mountainous area. There was no display on the map, and there was no clear road on the navigation system for the vehicle to continue moving forward. \u003c/p\u003e

But in fact, a wide and straight road extends all the way into the mountainous area.

As the headquarters of the Ghost Controllers, such a special place would naturally not be located in an urban area. If there were any problems with the Ghost Controllers, it would be too harmful to ordinary people.

The vehicle passed several sentries along the way, all of which were guarded by special personnel with live ammunition. Even a special vehicle had to go through several checks to confirm the identity of the vehicle's occupants before it was allowed to pass.

Although there are not many people on guard posts, the security level is very high. This is a security method that is loose on the outside and strict on the inside.

It seems that there are only a few people checking, but if something happens, God knows how many people will come to support in a short time.

The vehicle drove for about half an hour before Si Ye saw new buildings appearing around him.

But soon, he saw the signal on his satellite positioning mobile phone showing: Switching to intranet mode. Verification information code name: Ghost Card, name: Si Ye. Verification has been provided, welcome to the headquarters.

The vehicle finally stopped in front of a building. \u003c/p\u003e

Si Ye saw a dozen or so similar vehicles parked in front of the building. This must be the result of other ghost masters arriving in advance, and it looked like there were quite a few of them.

"This is Si Ye."

Just as Si Ye led the bride out of the car, a woman's voice came from a distance.

Si Ye heard the sound and looked over, and saw He Xiaoling standing not far away.

"For convenience, everyone entering the headquarters will be received by their own dedicated operator." He Xiaoling said with a smile:

"Seeing that you haven't come over, I thought you would be late. Today's meeting is very important and of a very high level. It would be best if you take it seriously and don't cause trouble like last time."

Si Ye nodded, realizing that He Xiaoling's words were a reminder to him and for his own good.

Although Si Ye might not care about these reminders from He Xiaoling, he would not face other people's kindness with a cold face.

"How long until the meeting starts?" Si Ye said calmly.

"Right away. You came very late and there is not much time left. But now Yang Jian seems to have had a dispute with someone inside. It should start after the dispute is over."

Si Ye heard this and walked inside.

He Xiaoling hurriedly followed him and led him to the place where the dispute occurred.

There was a huge room inside, surrounded by people.

Someone saw Si Ye coming and hurriedly made way for him.

Walking inside, before Si Ye could figure out the situation, he heard Yang Jian speak.

"Minister, this ghost is in my custody and should be dealt with by me."

Si Ye heard this and looked at Yang Jian, who was holding a pale man in his hand.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say it was a ghost. It was a ghost controller, but now the ghost has revived and was suppressed by Yang Jian.

Si Ye looked beside him, found the more familiar Cao Yang and asked, "What's going on?"

"You're here." Cao Yang saw Si Ye, smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing. There was a ghost controller named Gao Zhiqiang who attacked the operator next to Yang Jian, so he was killed."

"The ghost controlled by Gao Zhiqiang is quite interesting. It is called a liar ghost and can deceive reality through words. Yang Jian was almost deceived to death by that guy before."

Hearing this, Si Ye quickly understood the origins of this place.

The ghost in Yang Jian's hand should be the deceitful ghost in Gao Zhiqiang.

"Liar?" Si Ye looked at the liar with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This ghost is very interesting, and he wants to try using the trick on this ghost.

Si Ye walked through the crowd and came to Yang Jian without paying attention to other people's expressions.

"I heard that this ghost can deceive reality? I'm very curious, Yang Jian, show me." Si Ye said to Yang Jian.

When Yang Jian heard this, he didn't hesitate and handed the ghost directly to Si Ye.

If it were anyone else, Yang Jian might not do what he did, but with Si Ye's words, Yang Jian was still relieved.

After all, the two of them had a promise that Si Ye could take away a ghost from Yang Jian.

That was the deal between Yang Jian and Si Ye in order to take away Guixiaolian. If Si Ye fell in love with this ghost, Yang Jian would naturally not refuse.

Si Ye took the Liar Ghost, condensed a card in his hand, and printed it on the Liar Ghost.

The Liar Ghost itself was not very scary, and it was still suppressed. Si Ye got a new card without even paying for it.

Si Ye took the newly acquired card and returned Li Gui to Yang Jian.

"You didn't pay the price, why?" Si Ye had doubts in his eyes.

"Is it because the difference in terror between the two sides is too big? And this ghost is still suppressed by me."

"In this way, this is just a normal act of stealing, and there is no cost at all."

"Before, I had to pay a price for using Shen Sheng. The main reason was because the card makers were too terrifying at the time to suppress them, so I needed to use cards to make up for the price."

Si Ye figured this out quickly.

The horror level of the Liar Ghost is too low, and it is in a suppressed state. The card maker can directly take away the supernatural power from it.

Although the original Starving Ghosts and the fourth-stage ghost babies were also suppressed, these ghosts could not be easily suppressed by the card makers at that time.

Therefore, in order for the rule of plundering to work smoothly, the card maker needs to compensate these evil spirits and reduce their resistance to plundering.

Si Ye looked at the card provided by the liar ghost to see if it worked.

(Event Card) Guess it; after using this card, you can take out any card and read out the names of other cards, making people guess whether they are true. If others believe them all, they can be consumed at no cost. of using that card.

If someone doesn't believe it and the name of the card you take out is different from the card name you read out, then you need to pay two cards as a price and give it to the liar.

If someone doesn't believe it, but the card you take out has the same name as the card you read out, then the evil ghost in these people's bodies will take the initiative to revive.

Si Ye looked at this card with a look of helplessness in his eyes. This card looked very complicated, but actually its meaning was very simple.

After using this card, Si Ye can take out a card, such as Ghost Baby Cart, and then read out the name of Ghost Baby Cart or other cards.

Then others guess right or wrong. If everyone believes that what Si Ye took out is correct, then Si Ye can use the card he read out for five costs without even consuming the Ghost Baby Rocking Car card.

No matter what this card is, it only needs to be believed by others when Si Ye reads the name, whether it is calling Ghost Dad or calling a bus.

Of course, you can also choose not to believe it, and the cost of not believing it is easy to understand.

If Si Ye and others guessed correctly, Si Ye would have to give the Liar Gui two cards. If these people guessed wrong, then they would have to revive the Li Gui.

All in all, the advantage of this card is only against Si Ye or Liar. For others, it has only disadvantages or nothing at all.

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