The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 86: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Si Ye put away the new cards he got and returned the Liar Ghost to Yang Jian.

This ghost is interesting, even interesting, and has great potential.

But the shortcomings are obvious. The horror level of this ghost is too low. How low?

Si Ye's use of the trick on him didn't cost him anything at all.

Judging from what happened to Si Ye when he used Shunshouyang, except for the ghost father, he had to consume cards to compensate the ghosts for using Shunshousheang.

This means that the ghost's supernatural power will not last long on other ghosts, even if the deceitful ghost is very effective.

Unless you complete the puzzle for this ghost, but for Si Ye who has now controlled three ghosts, completing the deceitful ghost is completely thankless.

This ghost is too difficult to control.

Yang Jian took the Liar Gui from Si Ye and showed a thoughtful expression.

"It's this method again, but this time it's used against the devil."

Si Ye chuckled softly when he saw Yang Jian's appearance. He didn't explain or explain, but just walked towards the conference room inside.

"Let this farce end as soon as possible. We have stayed in Dajing City for a long time and it is quite boring." Si Ye looked at Cao Yanhua and said.

Cao Yanhua heard Si Ye's words and didn't answer.

Si Ye is a truly lawless person, and he actually dares to attack a person in charge who has controlled three ghosts in front of the headquarters.

If it weren't for Mr. Qin, this guy would have killed Jiang Shangbai directly.

Si Ye walked into the conference room and waited for less than a minute when people came in one after another from outside.

It seemed that Si Ye's appearance made Cao Yanhua unintentional to continue arguing with Yang Jian.

This headquarters meeting is extremely important, not only because of the celebration banquet of the ghost mission incident, but also partly because the captain plan is being launched.

Many people who have controlled two ghosts and been elected as captain candidates have come to Dajing City. Now most of the top ghost controllers have gathered together. It can be said that every move can affect the trend of various regions in Asia.

Si Ye raised his head and looked at the people coming. He knew some of them, such as Jiang Shangbai, Feng Quan, Cao Yang, Li Jun, and Guo Fan.

There were also some that he didn't recognize, but he had met before. They were the Ghost Controllers whom he had met while watching the show outside.

But obviously not everyone cared much about this meeting after these people walked in.

Someone was lying on the table, yawning and playing with a paper frog.

Someone put his feet up on the table and leaned on a chair to sleep.

Some people held their heads and looked around curiously.

Seeing this, Si Ye felt that it would take some time for this meeting to really start, so he took out a deck of playing cards and started playing.

Since everyone here has his or her own personality, Si Ye should also do the same.

"I, Si Ye, will never be weaker than others in my life, even if I am pretending to be 13." Si Ye said secretly in his heart.

In this way, Si Ye played cards, others also played their own, and the conference room was quiet.

People came in one after another from outside, some chose to join, and some chose to look around silently. The scene seemed a bit strange for a moment.

After someone came in, it looked like the atmosphere here, watching these ghost masters playing with themselves, sitting silently in their seats.

Some people came in, looked at the people playing cards and paper frogs, and silently joined in.

For example, Si Ye noticed that a woman walked into the conference room. She was stunned for a moment, then took a makeup box and went to her seat to touch up her makeup.

Si Ye also noticed that someone was holding a mobile phone and playing with it while walking inside. After seeing the situation here, he was unmoved and sat directly on his seat to play with his own.

Time passed little by little, and soon, the empty positions were slowly filled.

At this time, Si Ye finally saw someone worthy of his attention walking in.

He was an ordinary-looking person, but as long as Si Ye's eyes disappeared from him, it would be difficult to notice him again.

"Is it Li Leping?" Si Ye was curious.

He wanted to find Li Leping, but found that he couldn't see him, as if he was always in the blind spot of his sight.

And even though he had just seen him, Si Ye forgot his appearance again.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a man's voice came from beside Si Ye.

Si Ye turned around and saw a person with a somewhat familiar face sitting next to him.

"You seem to be able to see my presence."

"Are you the ghost in the movie? Are you going to ask me if I have yin and yang eyes in the next sentence?" Si Ye said calmly.

"This is the first time I've heard this answer." The man smiled and introduced himself: "My name is Li Leping, a person who cannot be remembered."

"Well, my name is Si Ye, a person that everyone should remember." Si Ye smiled.

"Sure enough, you are a very interesting person, and you are worthy of being the one who directly attacked that guy Jiang Shangbai." Li Leping said.

"You're also very interesting. How about making a deal? I'm very curious about the power in you that can make people forget." Si Ye smiled.

"I'll give you one of my ghost cards, and you can check your supernatural powers for me."

When Li Leping heard this, he didn't answer Si Ye, but just looked at him.

If an ordinary ghost controller were said like this, he might feel uncomfortable or even become hostile towards Si Ye.

But Li Leping is different. He can't be remembered after controlling the Forgotten Ghost.

Even those very powerful ghost masters can only think of him when he appears. They cannot think of the existence of Li Leping at ordinary times.

Therefore, Li Leping does not need to worry about others targeting him.

After all, even if Li Leping attacks you once, as long as he does not appear in front of you in the future, you will not be able to recall that he attacked you.

Under such circumstances, if someone could compete with Li Leping, it would be a good thing for him.

At least someone in this world can remember him.

"I can agree to your deal, but it doesn't make sense even if you understand the supernatural power in me." Li Leping said calmly.

"It doesn't matter, I just like collecting." Si Ye smiled.

"Don't resist."

Si Ye took out a piece of paper and put it on Li Leping.

Seeing this, Li Leping showed no expression on his face. He had seen Si Ye use this card before.

But Si Ye didn't notice his presence at that time.

The sheep disappeared, and soon, a new card appeared in Si Ye's hand.

At the same time, Li Leping also got a card in his hand.

"Dodge? Can you avoid any attack unconditionally? It's a very interesting supernatural thing." Li Leping commented.

Because Li Leping had no intention of resisting, Si Ye's use of the trick on him didn't cost much, only one.

Si Ye also took out the cards he got at this time.

(???) The world forgot me: Consume two cards? ? ? ?

"What the hell? Except for the name, it's all question marks? Even the card maker's supernatural power can't record the forgotten ghost, right?" Si Ye complained in his heart.

The consumption of two cards, the result is unknown, this is simple.

"Looking at your appearance, there seems to be some surprising effect on you. Can you show it to me?" Li Leping said.

When Si Ye heard this, he didn't refuse. He got this skin from the other party. Maybe the other party could give him some explanation.

Li Leping picked up the card, read the content on it, and frowned.

"What is the function of this card? Can it copy the ability of this ghost in me?"

"Similar effect." Si Ye said.

"If it were an effect on me, it would be something like making you forgotten by something, or making you unable to be remembered for a period of time."

"As for other possibilities, I can't guess. After all, I don't know you well."

"Is that so?" Si Ye nodded. It seemed that he still needed to find a chance to try it himself.

The consumption of two cards is not too big for Si Ye now. It is still worth it to figure out the effect of this card.

Just as the two of them were talking, the meeting started.

However, most people at the conference table remained silent, doing their own things and not appearing impatient.

Those who should sleep were sleeping, those who were playing with their phones were playing with their phones, those who were folding frogs were folding frogs, and even a female ghost controller was putting on makeup.

Si Ye even played with Li Leping.

But it's a pity that between the two of them, Si Ye always wins and Li Leping loses.

Yang Jian was late at this time. He had gone to deal with the problem of the liar before. He walked into the conference room and looked at the situation inside with a strange look on his face.

If these people were given another set of clothes, it might be called a cosplay (role-playing) convention.

Such a lazy and undisciplined look makes people wonder what these people do.

Who would have thought that just a table of people could determine the life and death of countless people, and even affect the global situation.

"No one is normal."

Yang Jian glanced at everyone and commented.

A few more minutes passed, and finally.

Cao Yanhua, Wang Xiaoming, several accompanying staff, and Mr. Qin with a cane finally arrived at the conference center.

Are you coming?

The boring waiting time is finally over.

Many people began to cheer up, and their eyes rested on Vice Minister Cao Yanhua, who was holding the meeting this time.

"Everyone is here? That's good, because this meeting is quite special, and we are not the kind of people who like meetings."

Cao Yanhua said: "So I will not say any useless opening remarks. This meeting will be convened by me, the deputy minister, accompanied by Professor Wang."

"First of all, there is the issue of the ghost incident. The S-class ghost incident was resolved just a short time after it broke out. I think many people are confused."

"Why can the ghost mission incident be rated S-level?"

Cao Yanhua explained the killing rules of Gui Cha to everyone, and soon made everyone aware of the horror of Gui Cha. After all, not everyone was in Dajing City during the ghost incident.

"Now let's invite our hero Si Ye to speak and share with us his experience in dealing with ghost incidents." Cao Yanhua pointed at Si Ye.

Seeing this, Si Ye stood up and glanced at everyone present.

"I don't have much experience. If I have, then don't get involved with the garbage. The more people there are, the more troublesome it will be to deal with it." Si Ye said calmly.

His words made many people present look angry. After all, there were many people present when the ghost errand was being dealt with.

People like them can't even get in. Isn't this garbage talking about them?

"Si Ye, what you said is too arrogant. I don't believe it. Without you, we can't deal with ghosts." Someone retorted on the spot.

When the man saw Si Ye looking at him, he continued: "I admit that I am not your opponent, but with so many people here, did you just mean that all of us combined can't compare to you?"

"Haha, you just need to understand." Si Ye chuckled for a lifetime, but he did not refute this statement.

The man was speechless when he heard Si Ye's admission. He originally wanted to use so many people to pressure Si Ye and force him to deny it, but he unexpectedly admitted it.

"Do you have anything else to say now?" Si Ye glanced at him: "Or do you want to verify my strength like Jiang Shangbai?"

"I can give you this opportunity."

Hearing this, the man turned his face and sat back, not daring to continue speaking.

"If anyone thinks there is something wrong with what I said, you can come to me now. Anyway, I am willing to accompany you and let you verify your strength."

"I can't do it alone, but I can accept it as a team of two people."

Si Ye looked at everyone present and saw that no one answered. They just looked at him with disdain.

"As expected, they are all rubbish. Strong people will just ignore what I just said, or they will start a fight with me directly."

"Looking at you like this, you are unhappy with me but don't dare to speak. This is how it will be for the rest of your life."

"Deputy Minister Cao, I also have a suggestion here. If these people who showed hostility to me just now but dared not take action become captains, then..."

Cao Yanhua understood what Si Ye meant. These people didn't even dare to take action. If they became the captain, they would be dissatisfied.

At least Jiang Shangbai had a fight with Si Ye. Although he almost died in the end, he did it after all, right?

The meeting continued. Si Ye took out the cards and stopped listening.

This is just meaningless speech.

With what happened before, Cao Yanhua didn't dare to let Si Ye speak again. Although Mr. Qin was suppressing him, who knew whether he would say words that irritated other people in charge again.

Soon, the meeting came to a critical moment.

The headquarters began to assign credits to various ghost masters.

There is no doubt that it was Si Ye's contribution to the number one spot.

He had participated in the Starving Ghost incident, solved the ghost problem on his own, participated in the ZS City incident, and Zhao Jianguo had deployed some of his original contributions. No one could compare with Si Ye.

The credit of one S-level supernatural event is comparable to ten A-level supernatural events.

The second one is Yang Jian. In addition to the starving ghost incident, there is also the ZS City incident, plus some other things.

Looking at the rankings on this merit list, some people's expressions changed.

There were already a lot of captain spots reserved, but now that Yang Jian and Si Ye each occupied one, there was only one captain spot left.

Jiang Shangbai stared at Si Ye, his eyes showing fear, disgust, hatred, and a little murderous intent.

Si Ye noticed Jiang Shangbai's gaze and glanced at him.

"It seems like I'm going to become a thorn in the side of my circle of friends? I don't know when these people will attack me."

Si Ye secretly guessed in his mind, and then considered whether to strike first.

In the past few days, he has also figured out the location of his circle of friends.

The existence of ghost scissors still poses a certain threat to Si Ye. Si Ye currently has no powerful means of self-protection, nothing that can hang his life.

The meeting ended quickly, and everyone walked out one after another.

Si Ye looked at the people leaving and walked up to Mr. Qin.

"Old man, I plan to take action against that guy. You won't stop me, right?" Si Ye asked in a low voice.

"I saw something wrong with that guy's eyes. He must be planning to attack me."

At present, the person who worries him the most in Dajing City is Mr. Qin. The reason why he did not directly attack the circle of friends is because he is worried about this.

Mr. Qin looked at Si Ye, his face didn't change much.

"Don't ask me about young people's affairs. As long as you don't make too much noise, everything is up to you."

"But taking action in Dajing City will have a big impact. I need you to take action unconditionally once something big happens in Dajing City in the future."

Hearing this, Si Ye thought for a moment and nodded without rejecting.

It seems that Mr. Qin should still know his own future. Mr. Qin in the future may still be as self-proclaimed as before.

But Si Ye was very curious as to why he would be so self-proclaimed.

But all this has nothing to do with Si Ye. With Mr. Qin's permission, Si Ye has nothing to worry about.

Si Ye walked out of the room, looked at Jiang Shangbai's hurried away figure, and took out a card in his hand.

(Event card) A street kid comes to your door (from Knocker).

"Old man, someone is going to attack me this time. You have to help me make the decision."

Si Ye whispered in his mouth, designated the card Fang Shiming and threw it out. "Go to Ping An Building, Fang Shiming."

The card flew out of his hand, mysteriously disappeared into the air, and headed towards the Ping An Building.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It was still daytime at this time, and suddenly, the Ping An Building became strangely dim.

The dull knocking on the door echoed between floors, and the strange and dull knocking on the door kept ringing.

"This is?"

In a hidden floor of Ping An Building, a man with a pale face and a gold box in his hand changed his expression.

His name is Fang Shiming, but Fang Shiming strangely doesn't have any supernatural power at this time.

Apart from his pale skin, he was almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

"Mr. Fang, is this the knock of a ghost knocking on the door? Could it be that someone in Ping An Building was accidentally cursed by that ghost?"

A man looked up, looking panicked.

"The voice of the knocker is correct. Among all the information, the only one that fits the current situation is the knocker."

"But it's not necessarily that someone here accidentally got entangled. It's also possible that someone deliberately spread this curse to us."

"After all, the Knocker has been to the Caesar Hotel and attacked Zhao Kaiming. This coincidence makes people doubt that someone has mastered the curse of the Knocker."

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