The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 87 Wind and Gravity

"You mean Yang Jian?" The man's expression changed, and he first thought of Yang Jian, the person who first came into contact with the knocker.

"Maybe it's him, but not necessarily." Fang Shiming shook his head.

"Although he may be very big, among those who have had conflicts with us, Yang Jian is not the only one who has come into contact with the Knocker."

"Could it be that guy Si Ye?" the man thought after hearing this.

"By the way, that lawless guy Si Ye will attack us at this time."

"Yang Jian is always vigilant. If it were him, he wouldn't attack us easily."

"Liu Dong, don't worry about this for now. This body of mine is just a clone. There are no ghosts in my body, so I can't deal with the knocker. Let's gather the others first and let's leave."

Fang Shiming suddenly said: "After we leave, we will find a way to investigate who attacked us."

When the man named Liu Dong heard this, he looked at Fang Shiming with a hesitant look in his eyes.

If Fang Shiming's body was just that of an ordinary person, wouldn't it be a drag to carry him around?

Fang Shiming noticed Liu Dong's thoughts and his face darkened.

But at this moment they had no chance to say anything.

"Tap! Tread! Tread!"

Outside the floor, dull footsteps could be heard, which were the unique footsteps of the devil.

Only a fierce ghost can walk in such a rhythmic and indistinguishable step.

If it were a human being, in this darkness, the steps would be either urgent and chaotic, or stop-and-go.

Only a ghost would not be affected by the dark environment. There was no problem with the pace, and the gap between each step was exactly the same.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and the ghost outside the door had already started knocking.

A strange scene appeared in the room, and with the knock on the door, everything in the room began to be corroded.

When Fang Shiming saw this scene, his face turned cold. Instead of saying anything to Liu Dong, he ran in a distant direction.

Because this body was that of an ordinary person, Fang Shiming built golden safe houses in many places in Ping An Building.

Since Liu Dong was unreliable, he had no choice but to find a way to enter the safe house.

Liu Dong saw Fang Shiming's actions and hurriedly followed him.

He knew that Fang Shiming was the boss of his circle of friends, and there were definitely many safe places in Ping An Building that only Fang Shiming knew about.

Fang Shiming noticed Liu Dong's movements, and his eyes became colder, but he didn't say anything at this time.

His body is just that of an ordinary person, and he cannot deal with Liu Dong head-on.

However, just when Fang Shiming and Liu Dong ran forward and came to a window.

Suddenly, a strange head floating in mid-air appeared at the window looking at Fang Shiming.

Then a strange scene appeared. Fang Shiming's body suddenly fell to the ground, his head separated from his body, and floated to the sky.

"Is this a human head balloon?"

Liu Dong watched Fang Shiming's head float and his expression changed.

He looked up at the sky and saw human heads floating above the ghosts.

These heads had different degrees of decay, but they all had their eyes closed and their faces were pale without a trace of blood, which made people's hair stand on end.

"What the hell, the knocker incident actually includes the human head balloon incident?"

The human head balloon is an A-level supernatural event, and the knocker is also an A-level supernatural event. If two A-level supernatural events are mixed together, it is not weaker than S-level, right?

In other words, the ghost knocking on the door is not big enough. If it were bigger, maybe this would be an S-level supernatural event.

However, just when Liu Dong stopped because of the human head balloon, the dull footsteps appeared again.

"Damn it, that ghost is following me."

Liu Dong's expression changed and he looked behind him. An old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit appeared.

However, a strange scene occurred at this time. Just when the old man was about to step forward, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because at this moment, Liu Dong's head suddenly separated from his body.

Liu Dong is a ghost controller who controls a very terrifying dead man's head.

People or ghosts who are seen by this dead head will be unable to move. In the original work, even if Yang Jian, who controlled three ghosts and used the music box and was not worried about the resurrection of the ghosts at all, was watched by Liu Dong, he would still be unable to move.

The evil ghost in the body cannot move, and the ghost eye cannot use the ghost to take him away.

The human head balloon is an A-level supernatural event. The murder pattern of this ghost is unknown. It first appeared in the Caesar Hotel incident in ZS City.

The killing method of the head balloon is to directly separate the person's head from the body and let the head float into the sky.

But these are not the most important things. This ghost has been taking other people's heads, which seems to be related to some kind of instinct.

This ghost seems to want to get a complete body and find a head that can always exist.

The reason why human head balloons keep killing people is because after a human head floats in the sky for a period of time, the head will begin to rot.

As Liu Dong's head floated into the sky, a strange scene suddenly appeared.

These strange heads rotted rapidly, and soon the heads fell one by one until only Liu Dong's dead head was still floating in the sky.

Soon, even Liu Dong's floating dead head disappeared.

However, the disappearance of Liu Dong's head was not the same as Fang Shiming's. It did not fall after the head rotted, but disappeared out of thin air.

This shows that the ghost who originated the human head balloon took away the dead man's head.

Si Ye didn't know all this. He just watched from a distance as the old man's ghosts surrounded the Ping An Building. After waiting for a while, the old man's ghosts disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Si Ye hurried to Ping An Building.

After searching the building, Si Ye soon found the ghost scissors placed in the gold box.

But unfortunately, he did not find Fang Shiming's body. It must have been taken away by the old man's ghosts.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Si Ye felt a cold atmosphere in the Ping An Building even though the old man had already left.

"Didn't the old man take away the ghosts in his body after Li Gui, a ghost controller in a certain circle of friends, revived?" Si Ye guessed in his mind.

On the other side, Jiang Shangbai was rushing to the circle of friends at this time.

Suddenly, he received a call. "What? You said the knocker attacked the Ping An Building?"

"What's going on there now? Where are Mr. Fang and the others?" Jiang Shangbai asked hurriedly.

"Mr. Fang and Liu Dong can't be contacted. As for the others, since they are not there, there is no problem. We are rushing to meet at Ping An Building."

"Okay, I'll be right over here. I have a hunch that things won't be that simple this time." Jiang Shangbai hurriedly hung up the phone and drove towards Ping An Building.

Not only Jiang Shangbai, the headquarters also received this news at this time.

"What? You said the knocker attacked the circle of friends?" Yang Jian's expression changed after receiving the news.

He had the curse of the knocker in his hand, but he didn't release it to his circle of friends. How did the circle of friends get attacked?

"Vice Minister Cao has issued a notice to meet at Ping'an Building first." Yang Jian's operator Liu Xiaoyu said.

"Okay." Yang Jian nodded and hurried to Ping An Building.

At the same time, Li Jun, Cao Yang, and Feng Quan were also notified and rushed to Ping An Building.

If something goes wrong in Dajing City, it will have a huge impact on the country.

When Liu Dong died, there was a safe house on a certain underground floor of Ping An Building.

There is a separate compartment inside the safe house.

next moment.

The door to the separate compartment suddenly opened.

A corpse smell that had been sealed for a long time came out, and in the dark room, a figure slowly walked out.

"Did I die once?" A hoarse, deep voice echoed in the safe house.

When the figure completely walked out of the room, the fluorescent lights in the safe house slightly illuminated the figure's appearance.

He is Fang Shiming.

But it is slightly different from Fang Shiming who died before. Fang Shiming who died before seemed like a sub-healthy living person.

But at this moment, Fang Shiming, who walked out of the safe house, looked like a skinny corpse. His bloodshot eyes were particularly huge, filling his entire eye socket, and he was ferocious and terrifying.

He walked out of the safe house.

He glanced around, his skinny and waterless face moved slightly, looking at the darkness around him:

"Ghost Domain? And the area is very large. It seems that there is indeed a big problem. Even the me in the photo is dead. Although I don't have the ability to be a ghost in the photo, I am at least isolated. It exists, and ordinary supernatural events cannot be dealt with.”

"Now that this has happened, I can't sit still anymore."

He took a few steps forward.

A cold wind suddenly blew around.

This wind is like a ghost blowing in your ears, making people's hair stand on end. The wind carries a lingering smell of corpses, which makes people have to wonder if there is a corpse standing at the source of the wind. Or a ghost.

When the cold wind blew, the surrounding lights began to flicker.

Everything around him became dim.

But just as he walked out, the darkness around him suddenly left.

"Huh? Is it really a ghost?" Fang Shiming watched with some surprise as the darkness around him disappeared.

However, he was not surprised for long, as he soon noticed the appearance of a person.

"Ghost Controller? Sure enough, although it was a ghost who did it, this incident was premeditated and not just a supernatural incident."

Fang Shiming disappeared from the spot, and the next moment, he arrived at the sixth floor of Ping An Building.

At this time, Si Ye had just put away the ghost scissors and was standing by the window looking outside, waiting for other people in the circle of friends to arrive.

Suddenly, a strange wind sound appeared. The dark wind carried a putrid smell, swept Si Ye up, and brought Si Ye down from the sky to the ground.

"Is Fang Shiming here?"

Si Ye noticed this strange sinister wind and immediately realized that this guy Fang Shiming had appeared.

Si Ye did not take the bride with him at this time. Without the house number 404, taking the bride with him would easily cause too many unnecessary problems.

Maybe by accident, the bride will feel some kind of ghost that can be used as a puzzle piece, and she will forcefully control Si Ye.

After all, in addition to jigsaw puzzles, there are also universal jigsaw puzzles among the ghosts.

The universal puzzle means that this ghost is deliberately used as a puzzle piece by any ghost.

After all, the ghost shroud, Si Ye's groom's suit, this type of clothing is also like a ghost rope.

So Si Ye kept the bride in the residence arranged by the headquarters during this period.

The residences arranged by the headquarters are all golden rooms, where the bride can prevent her from actively attracting ghosts.

At this moment, Si Ye was not surprised but overjoyed when he felt his falling body.

"Fang Shiming, you finally came out."

Si Ye grinned, and a pale fire suddenly appeared on his body, stopping his tendency to continue falling downwards.

Borrowing the ghost to stop himself, Si Ye looked at where he was before. A man with a thin face was standing there.

"You don't seem surprised by my existence." Fang Shiming said calmly.

"Why should you be surprised? Let's have a good fight."

Si Ye laughed, and a killing shot appeared in his hand and aimed at Fang Shiming.

At the same time, Si Ye raised his hand to wave to Fang Shiming, and a sedan chair carried by eight paper figures suddenly appeared and crashed into Fang Shiming.

"You guy."

Fang Shiming's body became illusory and disappeared from the spot, appearing in another place staring at Si Ye.

There was a look of fear in his eyes. The last time a person like this didn't care about people using supernatural powers, he almost revived him.

Si Ye saw Fang Shiming's expression and didn't pay attention, but a new card appeared in his hand.

"Little guy, come on, bite off that layer of skin on his body."

Si Ye threw the ghost baby rocker, and the ghost boy fell from the card and rushed towards Fang Shiming.

Seeing this scene, Fang Shiming's face turned cold: "It seems that we have to fight. If that's the case, then go to hell."

The evil wind on Fang Shiming's body made a violent whistling sound, and a gust of wind blew towards the ghost boy, blocking the ghost boy and the sedan chair that had not hit him before but continued to hit him.

"If this is your method and this is why you dare to provoke me, then you are dead on purpose now."

"Fang Shiming's position suddenly changed. He came to a distance shorter than Si Ye."

Suddenly, a heavy pressure appeared, and Si Ye felt an extremely terrifying ghost appeared above him. He seemed to have stepped on him, pressing down on his shoulders and pushing him down.

"A pressurer?" Si Ye chuckled, feeling the gravity on his shoulders and the fact that his falling body was not tense at all.

"Do you want to step on me just because you want to?"

Si Ye took out a flash in his hand. The flash was activated, and Si Ye's body instantly became insubstantial.

The oppressor lost his target and immediately returned to Fang Shiming and stepped on Fang Shiming's shoulders.

The Suppressor Ghost is a very special ghost. The killing pattern of this ghost is to step on the tallest person present. The person who is stepped on will be subject to a very terrifying attack. Even if he is not suppressed, the evil ghost on his body will be extremely powerful. of suppression.

But it's a pity that although the ability of the oppressive ghost is strong, Si Ye's flash can perfectly restrain his ability.

Even Fang Shiming himself cannot control the target of the oppressive ghost. After Si Ye dodges the oppressive ghost's attack, the ghost will lose its target and return to Fang Shiming.

Fang Shiming's face turned cold when he saw this scene. This ability was able to restrain the oppressive ghost in him.

If you can't step on people, the attack of the Suppressor will be ineffective.

On the contrary, his own state will be affected by this ghost.

The oppressor's trampling is not only aimed at other people being stepped on. Even Fang Shiming, the driver, will also be suppressed by the oppressor when he is suppressed.

So after Fang Shiming appeared, he was a hunched back. The oppressor had just left, but before he could stand upright for a few seconds, he was immediately suppressed again.

"Since you like being stepped on so much, how about I give you something heavier?"

Si Ye laughed wildly and took out a card in his hand, Betrothal Gift.

By activating this card, the groom's server successfully borrowed the bride's ability to summon ghosts for ten minutes.

Si Ye raised his left hand and took out a palm-sized gold box from his body.

Open the lid and inside the box is an old weighing weight.

When Fang Shiming saw the weight, he was confused. This guy had a lot of tricks, which made him a little afraid.

This Ye Zhen he met last time was different. Ye Zhen was a substitute, a ghost, and a pair of ghost fists, so he beat himself so hard that he was close to the ghost's recovery.

Si Ye in front of him had used so many supernatural methods in just a few minutes.

The sedan chair, the ghost boy, the cards that can attack, the cards that can dodge, and this weight, the card that was just unknown.

Just when Fang Shiming was staring at Si Ye, ready to fight back at any time.

Suddenly, he saw Si Ye throwing the weight over.

Then a horrific scene occurred.

Fang Shiming felt a terrifying force coming from him, and the pressing ghost and ghost wind that he had just maintained balance suddenly became one-sided.

In an instant, Fang Shiming's body fell to the ground at an extremely exaggerated speed.

And the strange thing is that Fang Shiming's position in this kind of whereabouts has already reached Si Ye's body, but the oppressor ghost did not leave Fang Shiming's body to suppress Si Ye.

"This thing!"

Fang Shiming looked at the weight. He controlled the crushing ghost and immediately understood the function of this thing.

This weight has the ability to be similar to the Suppressing Ghost, except that the Suppressing Ghost suppresses a single target, while this scale suppresses the whole group.

But at the same time, Fang Shiming looked at the weight with a fiery look in his eyes.

I have a man-suppressing ghost. If I match it with this weight, the power of the man-suppressing ghost will be increased to a higher level.

Fang Shiming could clearly feel that the oppressor just wanted to get off his shoulder to step on Si Ye, but because of the weight, he couldn't get away.

But also because of this, the supernatural power of the oppressor did not have much effect on Fang Shiming.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

A cold and putrid wind blew, and gusts of wind blew from the ground to the sky, stopping any signs of Fang Shiming's whereabouts.

The main focus of the suppressing ghost was not on Fang Shiming just because the scale could not escape. In this case, Fang Shiming, who was able to resist the suppressing ghost, used the ghost wind. A temporary balance was immediately reached between the ghost wind and the scale. .

On one side is the terrifying downward pressure, and on the other is the terrifying upward blowing force.

The two canceled each other out, and the oppressor successfully escaped from Fang Shiming's body and appeared on Si Ye's shoulder.

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