The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 88 The ghost was forcibly blown out


Si Ye noticed the figure appearing above his head, but his expression didn't change much.

"The same method will not succeed the first time, and it will even fail the second time."

Si Ye sneered and activated his soul posture talent to quickly condense a flash in his hand.

As the flash was activated, Si Ye's body soon became illusory, and the oppressor lost its target again and returned to Fang Shiming's shoulders.

This time, because the ghost wind was forming a delicate balance with the weight, the pressing ghost had just returned to Fang Shiming's shoulder, and he immediately felt a strong force coming from him.

At this moment, the strange balance between the weight and the ghost wind was broken, and Fang Shiming's body fell rapidly.

Seeing this, Si Ye's expression remained unchanged, and the pale will-o'-the-wisps on his body condensed into a line and fell downwards.

However, he fell through the method of ghosts turning into rainbows, which was different from Fang Shiming's fall due to gravity.

The ghost's transformation into a rainbow is a special application method of the ghost. The normal ghost is a circular ghost with the releaser as the center.

But Guixiao's shape is not unchangeable. If normally, Guixiao's coverage area is only about one thousand meters, then if Guixiao is turned into a straight line, his coverage area will become 10,000 meters or even larger.

The owner of the ghost can move freely inside the ghost. In this case, moving through the ghost will become very fast.

This method is called the ghost transforming into a rainbow, which is why Si Ye's third ghost must be controlled by a fierce ghost who possesses the ghost.

Without Guixiao, it would be too difficult to catch up with the Ghost Controller with Guixiao.

The ghost transforms into a rainbow, allowing a person to quickly arrive at a new city in a short period of time. No matter how fast the sedan chair is, it cannot catch up.

While the two were fighting, some nearby ghost masters arrived one after another.

"Jiang Shangbai, you are finally here. Mr. Fang got into a fight with someone." When a ghost controller saw Jiang Shangbai's arrival, he seemed to have found a backbone.

Although Si Ye looked down on Jiang Shangbai, it had to be mentioned that Jiang Shangbai's strength was not weak at this time, having controlled three terrifying ghosts.

Even in the circle of friends, Jiang Shangbai's status belongs to the second-in-command position, and only Fang Shiming can dominate him.

"I saw it." Jiang Shangbai looked up at the sky.

"He Tianxiong, later I will use Guixiao to take you to support Mr. Fang. The others are waiting for the opportunity and are ready to take action at any time." Jiang Shangbai looked at a man not far away.

He Tianxiong is a ghost controller who controls two ghosts, one is a trampling ghost, and the other is ghost flesh. He is very powerful.

He Tianxiong nodded when he heard Jiang Shangbai's words. Now that his circle of friends was attacked, he would naturally take action.

Although he is not loyal to his circle of friends, the current situation in his circle of friends is not such that he needs to escape.

At the same time, Li Jun and others also arrived. They heard the conversation between Jiang Shangbai and others, but they did not say anything.

Now there are unknown people taking action in Dajing City, and their goals are the same for the time being.

At least until they figure out who that person is, the people at the headquarters will not block the circle of friends.

"A fight broke out suddenly. What happened?" In the distance, Yang Jian looked at the sky. With his ghost eyes, he could see clearly scenes that others could not see.

He could clearly see that the person in the sky was Si Ye, and the other person he didn't know was naturally Fang Shiming from the circle of friends.

"Brother Leg, can your ghost eyes see clearly what's going on in the sky?" Feng Quan followed Yang Jian and heard his voice asking.

"Almost, but we don't have to worry about it for now." Yang Jian nodded and slowed down with the others.

The time when the circle of friends was attacked did not pass long before the meeting at the headquarters, so a large group of ghost masters arrived soon.

Below the Ping An Building, a large group of people stood here.

"Damn, get out of the way, something fell down again." Suddenly, Guo Fan's loud scream woke everyone up.

Others subconsciously raised their heads to look up, but as soon as they raised their heads, they saw a black shadow instantly crossing the field of vision and falling to the ground with a loud noise.


There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and Fang Shiming was directly hit to the ground under the pressure of the weight.

The thick floor tiles in front of the building exploded and cracked, and even the ground shook.

Such loud sounds and changes suddenly attracted nearby pedestrians.

Ping An Building is a building close to the city. There are usually many people passing by Ping An Building.

"Be careful, someone fell down again." Su Fan narrowed his eyes and only took a brief glance. Without carefully identifying who the fallen person was, he quickly backed away.

Because the screen of his mobile phone was flashing with a faint blue light, and there were red writing on it that reminded ghosts of imminent death.

This kind of reminder is absolutely dangerous to him.

Su Fan believed that once he got close, he would most likely lose his life here.

The moment he dodged.

A white will-o'-the-wisp fell to the ground, and the flames ignited nearby buildings and walls. Everything around them aged rapidly under the burning of the will-o'-the-wisp, and soon became decayed.

"Isn't it, will-o'-the-wisp?" Everyone present looked at Li Jun.

As we all know, Li Jun's code name is Will-O-Wisp. At this time, everyone's reaction when seeing Will-O-Wisp was naturally to look at him, the person who also controlled Will-O-Wisp.

"It's different. My will-o'-the-wisp will not ignite these ordinary things." Li Jun said solemnly.

"This kind of white will-o'-the-wisp ignited all the surrounding buildings, and while burning, these buildings quickly became old and decayed."

When everyone heard this, they also looked at the buildings in the pale will-o'-the-wisps, the walls that would collapse with just a slight touch after being burned.

"Wait a minute, there's someone in the will-o'-the-wisp." Someone saw a figure in the will-o'-the-wisp.

"No, isn't it said that the circle of friends was attacked by a knocker? Why has it become like this again? Is it someone from the circle of friends?"

Everyone received the news through different channels, so naturally some people didn't quite understand the scene and exclaimed.

"The news about you is lagging behind. The knocker must have been lured here. Now someone is fighting with someone in the circle of friends."

Discussions are discussions, but no one dared to check rashly at this time. Even Li Jun hesitated at this time. Whether it was a will-o'-the-wisp or the figure that fell before, it gave people a very dangerous feeling.

"Don't get close, just observe first. It's not certain that the person who fell down is dead. Even if you want to collect the body, you have to confirm the identity first. Chen Yi, go deal with the people around you and don't let them get involved." Li Jun reminded.

Once you confirm your identity first, you can know a lot of information, which will facilitate subsequent actions.

Just when a green will-o'-the-wisp ignited on Li Jun's body and he was about to go inside to check, suddenly, the pale will-o'-the-wisp was withdrawn, and a face that was feared by countless people appeared.

"Si Ye!" Jiang Shangbai's eyes widened, looking at Si Ye with eyes full of hatred and a little fear.

"No, the bride is not with him."

However, Jiang Shangbai soon discovered that the bride who had forcibly controlled the evil spirit in his body last time was not around.

"Haha, isn't it a little too arrogant to dare to be a friend without a bride?"

Jiang Shangbai snorted coldly, winked at the people in his circle of friends, and then immediately attacked Si Ye.

Si Ye turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a dusk-like light covering him, and someone stepped on him.

"It's Jiang Shangbai's ghost that tramples people!"

Si Ye had fought against Jiang Shangbai and was already familiar with his ghosts. After being stepped on, he immediately reacted.

However, with the presence of the groom's uniform, Si Ye had no problem facing this kick and directly resisted it.

Although Si Ye usually thinks that the groom's uniform is not scary enough, but that is when facing the bride, if it is facing other ghosts.

The groom's suit was extremely scary, at least it was not weaker than the ghost shroud on Jiang Shangbai's body.

"How is it possible? It's actually blocked."

Jiang Shangbai was afraid of Si Ye and immediately stayed away after the attack, unwilling to face Si Ye alone.

At this time, he saw that Si Ye was completely unharmed after being stepped on by him, with a look of astonishment on his face.

The pair of dead ghost feet on his body are very terrifying. If it is the source of a simple A-level supernatural incident, it will take a long time to suppress it if he steps on it.

But facing Si Ye, it didn't even have any effect.

Si Ye glanced at Jiang Shangbai, then looked at the others present.

"Fang Shiming, it seems that your help has finally arrived, so I won't hold back any more."

Si Ye laughed loudly. Seeing the circle of friends surrounding him, he was not anxious at all, but instead became more excited.

At the same time, in a deep pit formed by Fang Shiming's fall, a man slowly stood up.

"Si Ye, you are looking for death."

There was a cold strong wind blowing around Fang Shiming. He held the scale in his hand and stared at Si Ye with a pair of cold eyes.

"He actually carried the weight."

Si Ye noticed Fang Shiming standing up and was a little shocked.

But he soon noticed a rag doll crushed to pieces next to Fang Shiming.

It was a scapegoat that could withstand a fatal attack on behalf of a person.

However, this is enough to show that Fang Shiming's combat effectiveness is still very good. After controlling the ghost wind, he can actually pick up the weight directly.

Of course, this is also related to the supernatural way of ghost wind. The ghost wind can blow people up and balance with the oppressive ghost in Fang Shiming.

Similarly, the ghost wind can also blow up the weight, allowing Fang Shiming to pick it up.

"Mr. Fang, are you okay?" Jiang Shangbai asked when he saw Fang Shiming.

"There is no problem yet." Fang Shiming said coldly.

"Let me give you a taste of this now."

Fang Shiming glanced at Si Ye coldly, and used force in his hands. In an instant, a cold and putrid air blew towards Si Ye from the direction of Fang Shiming.

Along with this cold wind, weights were also blown over.

The moment the scale was blown to Si Ye's side by Fang Shiming's ghost wind, he immediately changed the direction of the ghost wind.

The ghost wind that was originally intended to blow at Si Ye from the direction of Fang Shiming suddenly came from top to bottom. The blowing force of the ghost wind and the pressure of the weight came at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Si Ye had a slightly horrified look on his face.

Originally, the ghost wind and the gravity of the weight were blowing against each other, and the two sides just reached a balance. At this time, the scale, gravity, and ghost wind were facing in the same direction. In this way, didn't the power of the weight double?

But at this time, Si Ye still had the power to attract ghosts.

The moment the scale came to him, he immediately waved to the scale, and the gravity of the scale disappeared.

The supernatural power to attract ghosts was activated by him, and the weight was already under his control at this time.

But at this moment, Guifeng's pressure has arrived.

Si Ye's body was immediately pressed to the ground by the strong wind.

"That's all. You dare to challenge me, just with the weight in your hand?"

"That is indeed a good thing, but from today on, it is mine." Fang Shiming said coldly.

When Si Ye heard this, his face didn't change much.

"Fang Shiming, you were too proud. Just when you were using Ghost Wind to overwhelm me, I activated the trap card I left behind."

Although Si Ye was lying on the ground, he still stretched out a hand to Fang Shiming and said with a smile. He saw a card somewhere in the sleeve of Si Ye's clothes.


As Si Ye shouted, the card suddenly enlarged, and then the dark wind that was constantly blowing suddenly stopped, as if everything had been pressed on the pause button.

If it weren't for Fang Shiming and Jiang Shangbai who could still move, they might have thought that time had stopped.

At this moment, Si Ye stood up and picked up the weight, then lit a white will-o'-the-wisp in his hand.

Guixiao moved in the direction of Jiang Shangbai, and in just a moment, Guixiao came to Jiang Shangbai's side.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shangbai hurriedly used ghosts to isolate Si Ye's ghosts.

Will-o'-the-wisp, this type of ghost, you don't even need to think about it, it is definitely aggressive.

However, Si Ye's purpose was not to use pale will-o'-the-wisps to attack Jiang Shangbai. Si Ye then threw the weight and the scale disappeared in his hand.

Jiang Shangbai's body was suddenly pressed to the ground uncontrollably.

"Is this the weight?"

After watching the fight between Si Ye and Fang Shiming, Jiang Shangbai certainly understood the general effect of weighing weights.

He hurriedly used the ghosts to move the weight away through the ghosts that invaded Si Ye.

But a scene that shocked him appeared. It was obviously his ghost that successfully invaded Si Ye's ghost.

But just when he wanted to use the ghost to move the weight, he found that his ghost could not move the weight at all.

This weight seemed to be made of gold, and ghosts could not affect it at all.

"No, this is definitely not gold. Both Mr. Fang and Si Ye can use it. It should be that the weight is too heavy, so Gui Xie cannot lift it at all." Jiang Shangbai looked extremely ugly.

The three people present couldn't lift the weight by themselves. Doesn't this mean that they are the weakest?

Jiang Shangbai was convinced by Fang Shiming, but Si Ye didn't have a bride, so why?

Jiang Shangbai could feel that the ghosts on Si Ye were not much more terrifying than those on him.

"Xiao Jiang, I told you, do it right."

"As a junior, how dare you interfere in the battle between us?"

Just when Jiang Shangbai was angry, Si Ye's disgusting teasing voice sounded.

"Si Ye, don't get too proud too soon, it's just a matter of different abilities." Jiang Shangbai said coldly.

"Indeed, you were too proud."

At the same time, Fang Shiming's voice sounded, and the dark wind from above appeared again, blowing towards Si Ye.

Si Ye noticed the ghost wind, and the pale ghost fire on his body suddenly surged, and he used ghost ghosts to isolate the ghost wind.

Seeing this, Fang Shiming's expression did not change at all, he just said coldly:

"It's annoying to people like you who don't know how much you weigh. You think you are invincible because you think you have some strength."

"Another fool, just like the guy with the second grade disease. Since you can't wait to die so much, let's send you on your way. In your next life, remember to learn how to bend down and kneel when you go from school to society. Don't offend as much as you should. People, otherwise they will suffer big losses.”

"Now I'll let you feel the true horror."

Fang Shiming used the tone of an old-timer to educate Si Ye, and then a scene appeared that horrified everyone present.

The intensity of the cold wind increased, the smell of putridity spread over the surface, the whistling wind gods kept ringing, and Fang Shiming's seemingly invisible ghost suddenly became much darker.

It was like a strong wind before a heavy rain, dark, cold, and violent.

Then, the ghost wind fiercely tore a gap in Si Ye's pale ghost beast, and the dark wind flowed into Si Ye's ghost beast along the gap.

As the evil wind continued to pour in, the pale will-o'-the-wisp on Si Ye's body was blown out.


At this moment, not only other people, but also Si Ye also showed a look of astonishment.

"This Fang Shiming deserves to be the second best ghost controller in Asia. It's too scary. He actually blew out another person's ghost through the ghost." Someone exclaimed.

You must know that the ghost controller who has a ghost is either suppressed to the point that he cannot use the ghost. Once he uses the ghost, no matter how he is suppressed by another ghost, releasing a ghost that can cover the surface of the body is both beautiful and problematic.

"There must be some reason for restraint. The ghost wind forcibly blew out the will-o'-the-wisp. If it were other ghosts, it shouldn't be able to reach this point." Someone said.

"How could it not be achieved? Although according to this statement, the ghost wind does restrain the will-o'-the-wisp, but don't forget who is the driver of this pale will-o'-the-wisp. The power of the same ghost in the hands of different people is also different." someone retorted.

"There is indeed no problem with this statement, but Si Ye's ghost fire shouldn't be that scary. According to the information I got, he should have only controlled that ghost for a short time." Guo Fan frowned.

"I have participated in supernatural events with Si Ye at the Caesar Hotel before. At that time, he only controlled two ghosts, the ghost tag as the code name, and the groom's clothes on his body."

"He must have been controlling this ghost for a short time, and it hasn't been developed much yet."

"How do you know he's not developed."

Everyone was arguing, but at this time Li Jun spoke.

"It's not the will-o'-the-wisp. The ghost wind is really scary."

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