The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1917 Bone Pollution Source

Bone City does not refer to a single city, but an area, just like the Black Swamp. Except for the central area where the main body of Bone City is located, all the surrounding land covered by bones belongs to the control of Bone City. The best way to enter the area controlled by the city of bones is to see if there is still space disorder in the area.

Bone City represents order, and the abyssal serpent that built Bone City has already embedded the law of order into this chaotic land at the beginning of its construction, so any phenomenon in the abyss caused by the law of chaos will not appear in the abyss. One of them is the phenomenon of space disorder that occurs in the bone city and its control area. From a certain point of view, the bone city's control area can be regarded as a world independent of the abyss.

Although Bone City advocates order, and the various intelligent creatures inhabiting the area controlled by Bone City are rare order creatures and races in the abyss, this does not mean that there is no danger within the scope of Bone City. There is no difference in place, death, mutation, and pollution are still the themes here, and even in terms of pollution, this place is much more serious than other places in the abyss.

The owner of Bone City, Order Orochi, has left Bone City every once in a while to go to the abyss from the beginning of the construction of Bone City. In the city of bones, either it becomes part of the building materials of the city of bones, or it is discarded around the city of bones.

Although the Serpent of Order imprinted his unique order imprint on the bones without exception when dealing with the bones of these abyss superiors, he did not give the unique power attached to these bones that belonged to the abyss superiors. Clean it up, and over time these forces will form sources of pollution one after another.

A source of pollution is not terrible. In a place like the abyss, the sources of pollution formed after the death of the superiors in the abyss are numerous. The intelligent races of the abyss and the creatures of the abyss all have methods to deal with this source of pollution, but the problem is that the sources of pollution in the city of bones are crowded together. At the same time, this makes these sources of pollution extremely complicated, so complicated that even if the abyss superiors enter it, they will be affected, or even directly polluted and mutated.

In order for people to pass through the control area of ​​Bone City, the Serpent of Order specially built a large number of statues belonging to him on the periphery of its control area. Those intelligent creatures who want to enter the area controlled by him only need to recite in front of the statue and engrave it on the base of the statue. prayers, you can get His blessing, get the blessing of the law of order, and will no longer be affected by the pollution sources in the city of bones, and those races who want to settle in the area controlled by the city of bones only need to buy a statue from the city of bones If you place it in a settlement, you can get shelter within a certain range.

When Leo got close to the giant skeleton at the outermost edge of the city of bones, he could already feel the pollution source formed by the residual power of the abyss superiors in front of him. The screaming sound, if you turn on your spiritual vision ability to see it, you can also see some strange phantoms wandering in it.

Leo would not pay too much attention to this level of pollution. In these areas covered by the bones of various abyss masters, what really attracted Leo's attention was the mark of order attached to these bones.

These marks of order are not just marks made by the owner of Bone City to mark the territory as the outside world spreads. These marks actually contain profound meanings, because they are actually one with each other, and they are combined into a very large abyss. array.

Once someone tries to attack Bone City from the outside, these imprints will come into play, integrating the remaining power in the bones of all the abyss superiors, and finally be able to exert unimaginable power, no matter how bad it is, it can also make Bone City change. Formed into a field of order, when the time comes to cooperate with the power of the order serpent, the owner of Bone City, I believe it is enough to resist the attack or siege of most powerful abyss superiors in the abyss.

After Leo came to the outskirts of Bone City, he lingered for a while and felt the effects of those pollution sources in Bone City. Finally, he felt that even if he walked in directly, he would not be affected by these pollution sources. I can also feel a sense of hunger, as if the remaining power of these abyssal superiors is a delicious meal, but he did not do such a somewhat outrageous thing, but honestly came to a statue of order standing on the outside of the bone. Next to the big snake statue, he recited the prayer on the base.

These prayers have no special meaning, just some city rules written in Bagu language. The only interesting thing is that when these words were printed, the imprinter performed a very magical secret technique. It can make people who recognize these words instantly understand the meaning and pronunciation of the words.

After Leo finished reading these words, he immediately felt a force surge from the big snake statue in front of him, sweeping across him, and there was an extra mark on him at this time.

After sensing the imprint, Leo directly sent the imprint into the Stone Throne, almost at the same time as sending it into the Stone Throne, this imprint also appeared on the stone pillar of the crystal serpent, and some information related to the power contained in the imprint It was also transmitted to Leo's mind.

After quickly going through the information, Leo also looked at the statue of the serpent more than ten meters high in front of him with a little surprise, because through the analysis of the stone throne, he found that the owner of the bone city, the Orochi Orochi, might really have mastered a law of order Moreover, this law of order was not created out of thin air, nor did it come from other worlds, but was produced by the abyss itself.

In Leo's cognition, the abyss is chaos itself, and there is absolutely no order in the chaos, and all the knowledge he has collected about the abyss has shown this without exception, but now The appearance of the serpent of order has changed this cognition. The abyss has order, and even the abyss has produced the law of order, which makes him not only a little puzzled, is the abyss with the law of order still an abyss?

In order to prevent himself from making a mistake, Leo tried to recite prayers to the statue of the big snake again, let it put several marks of order in his body, and then sent them to the Stone Throne, Chaos Stomach Sac and Nightmare Path respectively. Analysis in the force, although the analysis of the power of Chaos Stomach and Nightmare Power cannot be compared with that of the Stone Throne, but it is still very important for Chaos Stomach and Nightmare Power to distinguish whether a force has such a special power as law. simple.

"Is it really the law of the abyss?" After getting the same feedback, Leo couldn't help muttering.

Leo can't figure out why such an abnormal situation happened for the time being. This is mainly because the knowledge materials he collected about the abyss are not comprehensive. Maybe when the data he collected is complete in the future, he will be able to know the reason. .

At this time, those Shudanians not far from Leo had already blessed themselves with the mark of order. They did not immediately enter the bone jungle in front, but replaced all the weapons on their bodies with cold weapons. Weapons, as for those pulse guns and high-frequency knives, they put them away. Obviously, they should not do this because the control area of ​​​​Bone City is already safe, but more like those energy weapons cannot be used in a special area like Bone City. effect.

In addition to changing the equipment, they also took out some amulet-like items to hang around their necks. These amulets are not made of any special materials, but are all pendants carved from ordinary stones. The only thing worth noting is a special symbol on the amulet.

In Leo's perception, this symbol is just an ordinary symbol, without any supernatural power, but he can feel that when he sees that symbol, the crystallized Serpent Pillar on the Stone Pillar Square will produce an emotion that affects his emotions. Energy fluctuation, if he integrates this energy fluctuation into his body, he will spontaneously produce an extremely disgusting emotion in his heart, as if seeing some extremely disgusting objects.

Obviously, this mysterious power that can make abyssal creatures feel extremely disgusting should be the effect that these Shudanians want these amulets to achieve. They may not be able to use force to disperse the malicious enemies hidden in the area controlled by Bone City, but But it can make those enemies unwilling to approach them in a disgusting way.

After wearing the amulet, the Shudanyan caravan drove forward along the road opened by its predecessors in the bone forest.

This time, Leo did not follow these Shudanians, but entered the bone jungle ahead alone, and then quickly moved forward through the gap formed in the countless piles of bones.

In the process of moving, Leo restricted the mark of order on his body from time to time to feel the surrounding pollution sources. Although the pollution sources after going deep into the bone jungle were far more erosive than what he felt from the outside, it was just as he had before As he discovered, the power of the crystalline serpent really treats these pollution sources as delicacies, and all the pollution power that penetrates into his body can be swallowed by the crystalline serpent stone pillar, and as the types of pollution sources swallowed increase, the surface of the crystalline serpent stone pillar Some of the embossed imprints have also become different, with some vague forms of the upper races of the abyss.

It's just that, even if the crystal serpent devours the polluting power that has penetrated into the body in this way, it is still difficult for it to swallow up these mixed polluting forces, and there will always be some residues left in the body, but Leo is not worried, because as long as the mark of order Let go again, and these residues in the body will quickly dissipate without causing him any trouble.

However, Leo did not use the fast and simple method of the imprint of order to solve these remaining pollution forces. Instead, he tried to analyze them through the power of devouring, and then used the power of nightmare to transform them into the power of the imprint of divine punishment, speeding up the pollution of the gods. The recovery speed of the imprint power.

On the way, Leo has tried repeatedly that the power of the divine punishment mark in his body has an extraordinary effect on the creatures of the abyss. It is not necessary to directly use the divine punishment mark, but to mix some divine punishment with other powers. The power of the mark of punishment can also achieve extraordinary destructive power and damage, so in order to be able to deal with possible conflicts and battles with the superiors of the abyss in the near future, he needs to make up for the existing power of the mark of punishment. Recovery from defects is slow.

After repeated attempts, Leo found that although the power of the divine punishment mark disguised by the power of nightmare is fundamentally different from the real power of the divine punishment mark, this imitated power of the fake divine punishment mark can also act like a catalyst to promote The power of the God's Punishment Mark recovers quickly. This kind of recovery is not directly integrated into the God's Punishment Mark for recovery. It is more like creating an environment suitable for the recovery of the God's Punishment Mark, allowing the God's Punishment Mark to recover on its own.

Therefore, without affecting himself, Leo will use the power of devouring as much as possible to absorb some of the power of the abyss, and then convert it through the power of nightmare, and now these pollution sources in the area controlled by Bone City are just right for him. undergo phagocytic conversion.

After repeated attempts to form a cycle of absorption, devouring, and conversion, Leo no longer stimulated the imprint of order in his body, but let himself completely immerse himself in these pollution sources, absorbing them into the body without any scruples. in vivo.

However, what Leo didn't know was that his operation had inadvertently created a hole in this pollution source out of thin air. It might be difficult for ordinary people to find this hole, but for the owner of this area, Orochi Orochi, this Empty but extremely eye-catching.

I saw the serpent of order with a pair of golden eyes waking up from his throne, then stood up, and slowly crawled out of the palace built for him by his family members, just like other different areas of the abyss in the city of bones It also has a completely different environment from other places. For example, there is no sun in the sky, but there are countless clouds shining with golden light. When these rays of light shone on the serpent of order, the scales of the serpent also shone with golden light, and some mysterious symbols could be vaguely seen in the golden light.

"My lord, you woke up early!" When the serpent of order came outside the temple, a snake man wearing a priest's robe quickly walked up to the serpent of order, saluted him respectfully, and said.

"A guest is coming." The serpent of order stood up high, turned to the eye-catching hole in the pollution source area, and said, "I feel the breath of an old friend in him."

"Old friend?" The snake-man priest was stunned for a moment, and soon realized who the old friend the snake of order was talking about, and confirmed: "The old friend you mentioned is the one who was expelled with you..."

"Yes, that's him!" The serpent of order admitted the snake man's guess, and then said with doubts: "But I remember that my old friend is dead, and I saw the process of his death with my own eyes."

The snake priest was stunned when he heard the words, and asked: "We need to send someone..."

"No, no!" The serpent of order shook his head, turned around and moved towards the temple, and said at the same time: "He came back to find me, you don't have to do anything."

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