The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1918 The Change of the Crystal Serpent

The outer area of ​​Bone City is very large, perhaps even larger than the Black Swamp. It took Leo two and a half months to walk out of this area, and the sign of walking out of this area is that the surrounding bones are no longer so huge. Looking at the largest bones here, the height is only a dozen meters, and most of them are several meters in height. Huge bones with a height of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters abound in the outer areas that have been walked before.

In addition to the size of the bones, the pollution sources formed by the remaining power in the bones are no longer as chaotic and disorderly as before. The pollution sources here seem to be drawn by some order and rules, and they are fused together and entrenched in a small area. , forming a regional pollution source seal, while other places outside this area are very clean, so clean that even the power of the abyss has become much thinner.

Along the way, because Leo deliberately restrained the breath of crystallized serpent power on his body, he didn't look very powerful, and attracted many abyssal monsters and races that inhabited the bone jungle to attack them. To him, it was like an experimental product automatically delivered to his door, helping him understand the biological structure of the abyss world and the habits of intelligent races in a short period of time.

And when he was still fighting these abyssal creatures and races, he discovered some secrets of his own strength, for example, if he used the power of the mark of divine punishment to kill those abyssal creatures and races during the battle, then in the process of recovery later , the power of the God's Punishment Mark will increase a little, and he can feel that there is no limit to this improvement, that is to say, the more abyssal creatures are killed, and the stronger the power of the killed Abyssal creatures, the greater the degree of improvement of the God's Punishment Mark big.

Similarly, if he uses the power of the God's Punishment Mark to clean up those pollution sources, the power of the God's Punishment Mark can also be improved during the recovery process afterwards, but the degree of improvement cannot be compared with killing powerful abyssal creatures.

For this reason, Leo often stops on the road, or takes a detour, looking for some abyssal creatures hiding in the bone jungle, especially those that are completely polluted and mutated by the pollution source to hunt and kill, and then transform the pollution source through a large amount of devouring power to supplement consumption.

After more than two months, it can be said that the power of the God's Punishment Mark has made great progress, and he has also gained a lot of combat experience through fighting with the creatures of the abyss. It is no exaggeration to say that if he encounters those abyss again now Orochi, he can completely deal with them in a short time, and there is no need to worry about attracting other abyssal snakes after the battle is stalemate.

However, these improvements are not comparable to the improvement of the power of the crystallized serpent. It seems inappropriate to continue to call this power the power of the crystallized serpent now, because as more and more sources of pollution are swallowed and digested, those sources of pollution The power possessed by the abyss superiors is also condensed little by little on the crystal serpent stone pillar, and the most intuitive manifestation is that there are more and more types of reliefs on the stone pillars, and the images on the reliefs are becoming clearer and clearer.

Although the power of the crystallized serpent is still dominated by the crystallized serpent, Leo felt that the power of the crystallized serpent has produced more than thirty kinds of powers belonging to different abyss superiors, including the abyssal dragon Power.

Leo can be sure that the change of the crystal serpent stone pillar is not caused by the square of the stone pillar, or not entirely because of the square of the stone pillar. In the reason for this variation, the square of the stone pillar may only have played an inspiring role, but In essence, it will make the Crystallized Orochi Stone Pillar into the current abyssal Stone Pillar that gathers the power of more than 30 kinds of abyss superiors. It was caused by the power of the abyss serpent.

In the beginning, the core power of the Crystal Serpent was actually divided into two parts, one part was the power of crystallization, and the other part was the power of the abyss transformed from the eyes of the abyss serpent, and now it is this power of the abyss that is constantly absorbing those The refined source of pollution is transformed back into the original power of the abyss superior. It seems that there is a certain law in this abyss power that even Leo cannot perceive.

It is not that Leo has never tried to use the Stone Throne to analyze the power of the abyss contained in the crystal serpent, trying to find out the secret, but in the end he found nothing. It seems that this power of the abyss has exceeded the analysis range of the Stone Throne.

It has to be said that this result surprised him very much, because among the various powers in his body, the power of the crystal serpent was not particularly powerful, and he rarely used this power, but what he did not expect was that this There is a big secret hidden in this kind of power. If he didn't come to the abyss and possess the power of devouring to devour and transform those pollution sources, maybe he hasn't discovered this secret until now.

Although the power of the crystallized serpent now contains the power of more than thirty kinds of abyss superiors, this does not mean that the power of the crystallized serpent has become stronger. In fact, the power of the crystallized serpent is now stronger than before entering the area controlled by Bone City. Weakened by a few levels, the power of those abyss superiors is too mixed, which greatly affects the display of the power of the crystal serpent, and this influence comes from the power of the crystal serpent, which cannot be removed or isolated.

However, the strength of power is not the only criterion to measure the change of the power of the crystal serpent. In fact, the power of those who are superior in the abyss is the most valuable harvest that Leo thinks, because he can most intuitively see these things from different sources. The mystery of the power possessed by the superiors of the abyss of the race, and these powers are still growing. Leo can fully grasp these powers by observing the growth process, until these powers grow strong enough to condense into an exclusive abyss belonging to this power At the origin, he can use this to master more than thirty or more kinds of abyssal power at the same time, and even in the end, he may be able to master the power of all the upper races of the abyss.

However, Leo still has some doubts in his heart, because in his opinion, behind any huge gains, there are equally huge hidden dangers, and now although he has not discovered any hidden dangers in the changes in the power of the crystal serpent, he does not. He thinks there is no such hidden danger, he just thinks that he has not discovered it yet, and he also feels that the later the hidden danger is discovered, the greater the adverse impact on him will be.

So during this period of time, he spent almost half of his time looking for hidden dangers in the changes in the power of the crystal serpent, but the results were not satisfactory. Although he found a few minor problems, these minor problems did not cause him any trouble.

After entering the inner area of ​​Bone City, the number of abyssal races inhabiting here also increased, and a large number of abyssal plants and abyssal animals grew here, which seemed to have a more civilized atmosphere.

In the previous abyssal jungle, both the abyssal races and the abyssal creatures inhabiting there were more aggressive, violent and chaotic, but here there was more order and civilization, especially when Leo came from a certain place. After walking outside the tribes and garrisons built by the abyssal races, most of the guards and fighters of the abyssal races watched him vigilantly until they left, instead of immediately Attack.

In addition, among the races that settled in this area, Leo discovered many settlements built by humans. These humans all came from those fallen worlds swallowed by the abyss. They should have multiplied in the abyss for countless generations. More or less polluted by the abyss, some mutant features appeared, but they still retained some of the civilization and culture of the original world. For example, it is not difficult to see from the construction methods of those human settlements that the fallen world they belonged to Which civilization segment.

And the civilization span of these human settlements is very large, the most primitive is still in the tribal civilization, the houses are all vaulted tents built with the bones of the abyss superiors and the skins of the abyss creatures, and the clothes are also directly holding the abyss beasts Animal skins are draped on their bodies, and they can survive here, in addition to being protected by the law of order in the city of bones, it is more because most of their bodies have mutated, showing a gigantic appearance, and the gigantic brought The powerful power of the abyss allows them to resist even if they encounter some abyssal creatures.

In addition, among these human settlements, there are two settlements with the highest level of civilization. The worlds to which these two human settlements belong should have developed tools such as spaceships that can explore extraterrestrial galaxies. The level is not as bad as the Shudanya he encountered before. In these human settlements, there are also a large number of cold weapons made of alloys, as well as chariots and cannons with special energy. There is even an aircraft in one settlement .

Although the level of civilization in human settlements is very high, most of the people living here are good at using various tools, but this does not mean that they are not powerful. In fact, the mutated organs of these people are concentrated in the head, such as some The human head is two or three times the size of ordinary people. Some people have several pairs of eyes on their heads, and some people have some strange crystals on their heads. These human beings who have been infected and mutated by the abyss often have some magical abyss Mysteries, these mysteries can help them deal with any foreign enemies. Leo felt in several of the human settlements that the abyss breath of several humans was not much worse than those of the abyss masters. There is still some gap between demigods, but it is also equivalent to the level of fifth or sixth level psykers.

In addition, after the Shudanian convoy that Leo followed went out of the outer bone jungle and entered the inner area, it went to a human settlement with the highest level of civilization for repairs, in order to prepare for the final journey. Bone City is preparing, and the humans in that settlement have also shown corresponding friendliness to these lizard-shaped intelligent creatures. It seems that this is not the first time they have dealt with each other.

Leo did not go with these humans, but chose to bypass the tribes, camps, and settlements of these abyssal humans, and continued towards the direction of Bone City in the distance.

The moment he entered the inner area of ​​the city of bones, Leo had already seen the city of bones in the distance. This was not because the field of view was wide and there were no objects blocking his sight so he could see the city of bones clearly, but because of the abyss environment. Due to the change, the city of bones in the distance appeared in his eyes instantly, and when he retreated to the surrounding bone forest, even if he only retreated with one foot, the city of bones would not appear in his eyes.

I saw that the entire bone city presented a cone shape, and the whole body was built and piled up by countless bones, with a height of over a thousand meters, almost touching the golden clouds in the sky, and it was precisely because those golden clouds emitted The golden light that comes out shines on the city of bones, making the pale and colorless city of bones appear golden as a whole, like a city made of gold, it looks extremely sacred, and this sacred atmosphere is completely different from the surrounding abyss. The fit feels a bit weird.

In the eyes of the creatures of the abyss, the Bone City and the golden clouds in the sky are two separate entities, but in Leo's spiritual vision, he found that the Bone City and the golden clouds are actually one, and the way they are connected is Through the golden light shot down from the clouds and the golden light reflected from the bone city to the sky, these golden lights are like the arteries and veins of the human body, repeatedly communicating and transmitting the power contained in the two.

And what shocked Leo the most was that the power supporting the existence of the city of bones and the golden clouds was not the residual power contained in the bones of the superiors of the abyss, but the law of order in the abyss.

Yes, the owner of the Bone City, the Order Orochi, applied the Law of Order to the Bone City and the golden clouds in this way, clearly showing the full picture of the Law of Order to all creatures who can see these two things. All the intelligent creatures you see can study its mysteries, even if you have just walked in from the outer bone jungle.

However, the abyssal races and creatures who settled here were restricted by the abyssal power in their bodies. What they saw in their eyes was only golden light, and they couldn't truly feel the law of order in the light.

Leo still has doubts about the purpose of Serpent of Order to disclose the laws of order, but he can be sure that Serpent of Order is definitely not that kind of selfless life, so even though he was shocked by these laws of order in the abyss, he did not try to make them known. Integrating into the body, using the stone throne to analyze its mysteries, on the contrary, it is excluded from the body, and there is no chance for it to penetrate into the body.

However, if he does this, there will be some anomalies around his body due to the conflict with the law of order contained in the golden light, such as a layer of seven-color light surrounding his body and so on.

For this reason, he specially took out a special isolation cloak from the storage space, wrapped himself up, and made him look like he was blocking the golden light through the cloak instead of using his own strength to block the golden light, but In this area, there are many abyssal intelligent creatures whose costumes are similar to his. It seems that these golden rays of light full of the law of order are not a good thing for them.

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