The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1919 Bone City Market

"No, it needs thirty bone coins. You have to know that only I have the bearded monster's brainstone in the whole city of bones." A Samran businessman tapped the front of him with his slimy fingers. Jars, and then said with great confidence: "If you don't believe me, you can go to other places to have a look. I believe you will come here in the end, and at that time, thirty bone coins can't solve it."

Leo looked at Samran, who had a lion's head, an octopus-like body, and countless tentacles, and then looked at the water polo that wrapped Samran's body. He didn't bargain any more, and took out thirty bone coins , took the jar full of bearded monster brainstones on the table, turned around and left this booth, and walked towards other booths.

After Leo walked towards the city of bones for about seven or eight days, more and more abyssal races and those from the fallen world settled here, and their tribes and settlements were no longer the same as before. They are scattered widely, and it takes a few days of walking to see them. Their settlements are more like divided suburbs outside the city. They are very close to each other, and some are even separated by a street.

In addition, there are also many order guards composed of abyssal snakemen patrolling this area, and these order guards have also built large barracks here, each barracks is composed of tens of thousands of snakemen Guards, and many of them have reached the level of fifth-level psychics, and judging from various signs, these snake people can also obtain the blessing of the law of order from the golden light covering the entire land, so that Even if their combat effectiveness cannot be compared with that of the demigods, they are definitely not too far behind.

It is precisely because of the existence of these snake-man guards that even though there are tens of millions of abyssal races and fallen world groups living here, the social order can still remain relatively stable, and it will not be full of chaos, fighting and fighting like other areas of the abyss. In death, if the presence of the power of the abyss is not clearly felt around, all kinds of abyssal races full of pollution appear everywhere, and it may give people the illusion that this place is no longer in the abyss.

Because there are a large number of abyss races and fallen world groups living here, areas similar to markets have also spontaneously formed here. Products from various regions of the abyss can basically be found here, and those who bring these goods here People are some abyssal races in the abyss who like business transactions, just like Samlan who just traded with Leo.

Samlan is an abyssal creature with a lion-headed octopus body. In the abyss, it can be regarded as a very prosperous mid-level race in the abyss. They are mainly attached to an upper-level race in the abyss called Stone Spirit.

This kind of stone spirit is produced by a unique spirit injection rock in the abyss. It can be connected with other stone spirit spirits from birth, and learn fighting ability directly from other stone spirits. As the stone spirit grows up, he even It can borrow the power of other stone spirits, and when it grows into a stone spirit king, it can integrate all the spirits connected to it spiritually and become a great stone spirit demon.

Therefore, stone spirits are actually a rare group of abyssal creatures. Even if a single stone spirit is not particularly powerful, once it conflicts with one of the stone spirits, it needs to face a group of stone spirits, and such a group of stone spirits Even if the number of stone spirits is small, there are thousands, and when there are many, there are even millions. In the end, even if you defeat these stone spirits, you will not get any benefits, you will only get a pile of broken stones, so there are many people in the abyss. Few abyssal creatures would provoke Shi Ling.

The reason why Samlan is attached to the stone spirit is mainly because the stone spirit can provide them with stable things. Samlan is very special. They don't need to eat anything, they only need to absorb the spiritual power escaping from other living bodies. The spiritual connection between stone spirits can stably produce a large amount of dissipated spiritual power, which is the most stable source of food for Samran.

So in the early days, Samlan thought about enslaving Shi Ling and producing food for them, but in the end, he was almost wiped out by several Shi Ling demons. In the end, he had to sign an abyss contract and become Shi Ling's subordinate. Race, specifically using their talent for doing business, to trade bone coins for Shi Ling to Bone City.

Leo was not surprised that there would be currency in Bone City. In fact, when he learned that the Shudanians were going to Bone City to trade redstone, he already guessed that Bone City would issue its own currency. After all, currency can also be said to be the product of the rules of order. Since the snake of order wants to enforce order in the abyss, currency that assists various commercial activities is naturally the best weapon.

However, what Leo didn't expect was that the currency of Bone City could not just be regarded as currency, but more like a strange object of the abyss.

The material used to make this currency called bone coin is the bone of the abyss superior who has been thoroughly purified. From the outside, this bone coin is as crystal clear as some kind of gemstone, and the bone coin contains This is the only criterion for distinguishing the authenticity of bone coins.

For the vast majority of abyssal races, the value of bone coins is almost the same as that of stones on the roadside, or even inferior to those stones. At least those stones will not hurt them, because the law of order in bone coins will hurt them. If you hold a bone coin, your palm will feel pain like a brand, and even the pattern on the bone coin will be permanently branded on your hand, so most of them will put the bone coin in a bag to avoid direct contact.

For Shi Ling, the power of the law of order contained in the bone coins can strengthen the spiritual connection between Shi Ling, and it can play a very important role in assisting Shi Ling in the process of evolving into a Stone King, so they will Make your own vassal race, Samran, continue to trade bone coins from the city of bones.

Leo's bone coins all came from those abyssal races and abyssal creatures that he had killed before. At that time, he didn't know what they were, but felt that these bone fragments contained the power of the law of order. Bone City's unique currency, and he was a little annoyed by this, because he lost a lot of these bone coins on the road, leaving only some better-looking bone coins, and the number was not too many, only more than two hundred.

When passing by a market, he saw that the abyssal race traded that kind of bone coin, so he was curious about these things that were used as commodities, so he also had the idea of ​​entering the market to buy something, so he stopped for a while , Strolling around in this market, because there are a large number of order snake guards responsible for the order in the market, even if the market is full of various forms of extremely dangerous abyssal creatures, it can still maintain the superficial order and safety.

Not long after entering the market, Leo took a fancy to a product, or the only product he knew. This product was called a brain stone, which was produced from an abyssal creature called a bearded monster. brain.

The bearded monster is a kind of parasitic creature in the abyss. It has no intelligence itself, but it has very powerful psychic ability. Once a prey approaches them, they will use their psychic ability to control the prey, and then parasitize on the prey. Gain wisdom in the brain.

After killing the long-bearded monster, a special stone can be removed from its brain. Although this stone is the core of the long-bearded monster's spiritual ability, it does not have any power itself. For most abyssal creatures, it can By burning this stone, it produces a kind of smoke, and this smoke will bring the person who smells it into a state of peace that cannot be described in words.

However, for Leo, this kind of brain stone has another function, that is, it can be used to make wizard potions specially used to enhance spiritual power.

However, what puzzled Leo was that the formula of this spiritual potion did not come from the abyssal knowledge in his mind, but appeared out of thin air after seeing the brain stone, as if the related memory had been banned before , And just suddenly woke up the same.

Although he was puzzled by the memory related to the formula, this was not a good place for him to think about his own problems, so after he bought the brain stone and kept it, he continued to stroll around the market as he had planned.

Afterwards, he bought a few more products, all of which were related to wizard potions without exception, and all of them were the same as the brain stones before. Potion formula.

After shopping around and finding that there was nothing else worthy of attention, Leo was about to leave this market and go to the next market to have a look.

But then a commotion in the market attracted his attention, and he saw that many people who were trading in the market stopped trading and started to move towards the largest skeleton tent in the market.

Leo remembered that the curtain of the skeleton tent was lowered, and he didn't see any products, but now it seems that it should be open for business, which also made him very curious, what kind of things are sold there, which will attract the abyss race in the market.

Out of curiosity, he also walked over there, but when he got there, it was already crowded with all kinds of abyssal races, and there were even many abyssal races suspended in the air.

Leo also flew into the air, and his flying behavior made the surrounding abyssal races look sideways, and some abyssal creatures felt offended and seemed to want to do something, but before they could do anything, Leo guided his fingers halfway. The might of the God Abyss vines had already covered the surroundings, scaring all the abyssal creatures flying in the air to the ground, and none of them dared to fly in the air like him, and this also made Leo particularly eye-catching.

It's just that Leo's attention has fallen on the abyssal creature sitting in the tent at the moment. I saw that this abyssal creature looks very similar to the image of evil creatures rumored in other worlds. There is a layer of bones, and a large number of bones protrude outward, looking like a pile of sharp knives. There are seven or eight pairs of big horns on the huge head that is completely out of proportion to the body, and each pair of big horns is densely packed. It is engraved with a large number of blasphemous words originating from the will of the abyss. If you stare at it for a long time, your mind will wear away quickly, and eventually you will be polluted by the blasphemous words and become a madman who loses his mind.

"Quadrome? It turned out to be a Quadrome!" Leo quickly recognized the origin of this abyssal creature, and couldn't help whispering.

When the abyss mentions trading, the first thing that all abyssal creatures think of is not those abyssal races with trading talents like Samlan, but the abyssal aliens like Quadromon. It can be said that all things related to trading in the entire abyss They are also the direct or indirect providers of all commodities in the abyss, and almost 90% of the commercial activities in the entire abyss are supported by the Quadrome group.

Compared with the median race like Samlan, the Quadromon has a much higher status in the abyss. Their lineage is very ancient, so ancient that they were born in the abyss even before the abyss serpent appeared. up.

They are extremely long-lived, or it is more appropriate to say that eternal life is more appropriate. As long as there is no accident, they can live forever. It is said that among their group, the first batch of Quadrome born in the abyss survived. It is also because of this that they hold most of the secret knowledge in the abyss, including some core secrets of the upper races in the abyss.

Perhaps it is precisely because they have eternal lifespan and a large amount of secret knowledge that their power has been weakened to the extreme. In a sense, the Quadrome is also the weakest group of all abyss upper races.

They, who are not good at strength, have found another way, and regard the behavior of trading as their fundamental and self-protection ability. Trading goods with them can be ordinary items, or some kind of wish, as long as they can afford it. They can trade anything they want. It is said that they once traded an old abyss superior who was strong enough to fight against the abyss lord.

The reason why they have such an exaggerated ability to trade is entirely because they are the only abyssal race among all abyssal races who can directly communicate with the abyss and obtain trade items directly from the abyss through trading, as if they are It is the same as the incarnation of the law of abyss trading.

Many abyssal races covet this kind of exaggerated trading ability, but now no abyss upper race dares to capture Quadrome and enslave him to serve him, because the last abyss upper race that did this has been directly wiped out by the abyss, and What the Quadrome did was to use one of the oldest Quadror as a trade item, and reached a deal with the will of the abyss to erase an abyss upper race.

The strong vengeance of the Quadro is their best protection. As long as all the Quadro in the abyss cannot be killed at the same time, then no abyss race dares to risk the whole family being wiped out by the abyss. Attack the Quadrome, and the Quadrome is also very clear about their position. They have always made deals with various abyssal races, and have never intervened in various struggles and killings in the abyss.

For ordinary abyssal creatures, encountering Quadomo is an opportunity. As long as they can come up with a trading item that makes Quadomo's heart beat, then the abyssal creatures may get a blessing of the will of the abyss from Quadomo, which is enough Let ordinary abyssal creatures complete a bloodline evolution, which is why it caused such a commotion in the market just now.

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