The Myth Of Confucianism And Taoism Is The Holy

Chapter 1275 The only sword between heaven and earth!


Two white beams of light shot out from Di Shitian's eyes.


"Since you choose a battle, how can the sword stay immortal not fight!"

Even facing the mysterious Tianmen Sect Master, Jian Liuxian was not afraid, although he had already figured out the identity of this person from the master, and knew that he was an old monster who had survived for more than two thousand years.

But who is he Jianliuxian?

He is the only personal biography of the sword banned immortal, and he is so righteous, how can he be afraid of death!


Jian Liuxian did not retreat, but moved in. At this moment, he stepped out and stepped on the raft. The front end of the raft sank instantly, and the entire sea surface fell in vain. Then the waves splashed and poured heavy rain.

The monstrous waves rushed into the sky, and the sea blasted loudly.

With this step, Jian Liuxian suddenly revealed a heavenly sword!

This sword is a heavenly sword and a gentleman's sword. When the sword was out that day, there was no sharpness and extremeness, but there was a great Confucian spirit that swept across all directions.

The awe-inspiring righteousness, the upright strength, shook Yunting, and even the wind and clouds were quickly dissipated by that breath.

That is the Heavenly Sword, the Gentleman's Sword, and even more... the Confucian Sword!

It is the sword of Jianliuxian and the sword of Jianshixian!

The Sword Technique and the Sword intent are derived from the similar Realm!

Realm of Sword!

Yes, Jian Liuxian also cultivated Realm. This is the second person in Shenzhou. After Yin impermanence, he is the second Tianzong wizard to become Realm in the realm of Deva.

As soon as the Confucian sword came out, the Sword Qi immediately radiated to all directions, and countless Sword Qi separated from the Confucian sword, spreading around the Confucian sword, and in a blink of an eye, ten thousand swords were spawned.

Thousands of swords stand side by side, and Confucian swords are the respect.

Realm is formed instantly!

At this moment, the sky is exchanged for the earth, the sun and the moon fade away, and into the darkness, even the heaven and the earth are slowly disappearing, and there is only a dark and cold world.

When the Realm of the Sword comes out, the sky is the sword, and the sword is the sky.

Between heaven and earth, the only sword!

Xuanyuan Sword slowly raised from his hand, and was slashed by the sword Liuxian. Sword Qi, which was visible to the naked eye, tore through the sky, shattering the sky, and extending a thousand-mile-long black crack.

Shatter the world and shake the space.

This is the real sword of heaven! !

Di Shitian was horrified, and never expected that the sword staying in the immortal would be a mere half-step Deva, and such power would burst out.

But Di Shitian deserves to be a veteran Deva. Two thousand years of wisdom and Martial Dao experience, coupled with years of experience and experience in prehistoric Buddhism, made him almost instinctively open up a Realm.

The cold is overflowing, and the world is frozen.

The Sacred Heart Secret Art evolves into a tens of thousands of miles of ice, and the terrible ice gas fills the void, freezing the space.

The sky and the earth are withered, only the cold is permeating, forming a thick layer of ice, and it collides strongly with the Realm of the sword!

Sacred Heart Ice World! Di Shitian's Realm!

The two realms collided fiercely, as if two big stars collided together, and the terrible aftermath swept through the world, tearing all the land in all directions.

Suddenly, burning the sky and boiling the sea, the blue sea actually dropped in vain, but was evaporated by the aftermath of the two realms.

At the same time, the entire Shenlong Island was tumbling and shaking, and a series of terrible cracks like a blue dragon appeared on Shenlong Island. The Shenlong Island was actually torn apart and slowly sinking toward the sea.

At this moment, there was a burst of wild laughter from heaven and earth.

"Hahahahaha...boy, I admit that you are a Bufan, but the borrowed power is after all a borrowed power. Now that you have a sword, you still have the remaining strength to fight against you!"

It is Di Shitian.

He laughed wildly, palms touching his face, and even because of this wild laugh, his shoulders couldn't help shaking.

At the same time, Jian Liuxian's face was as pale as paper, without blood.

But his eyes are still shining like stars, and an amazing Sword intent has never dissipated.

As soon as Yitian draws swordsmanship, Internal Energy is exhausted. Not only does the Realm of the sword dissipate behind him, but the world reappears, and even the sword stays immortal is staggering.

Seeing Emperor Shi Tian flashed forward in a wild laugh, Jian Liuxian bit his lips tightly.

"Master, the disciple still failed you..."

A palm was pressed on Jian Liuxian's shoulder.

"You didn't let me down, you have done a good job, I am pleased to be a teacher, and now I leave the rest to my teacher..."

A peaceful voice sounded.

The sound of kaka is continuous, it is the ice spreading, and the disappearance of the sword Realm makes the Sacred Heart Ice Realm of Di Shitian directly replace the whole world, and Realm spreads and completely occupies the world.

The ice was piled up, and in the center of the Realm, a huge face was transformed into a face, but it was actually a mask at all.

The mask completely transformed by the ice is exactly the same as the face of Di Shitian. At this moment, the mask is as huge as a three-story building, roaring from the sky.

"Boy, I want Long Yuan!"

"You still have your life!"

In the two holes where the eyes of the ice mask were, the appearance of Emperor Shitian was clearly revealed, and his eyes were full of murderousness and more contentment.

The mask blasted from the entire Sacred Heart Ice Realm, and it was not yet close. The terrifying momentum had already collapsed the heavens and the earth, landslides and tsunami, and the sea was raging to the sky.

It is conceivable that there will be no more eggs under this strike.

The mask banged and approached, no more than a foot away from the sword.

Suddenly, an old palm was pressed out and gently pressed on the edge of the Realm of the Sacred Heart Ice Realm.

At this moment, the sky and the earth seemed to have fallen into a static state, and everything in the sky and the earth was frozen, frozen in time and space, and fell into such a momentary pause.

A moment later, using that palm as the origin, the entire Sacred Heart Ice Realm shattered, and countless cracks spread and rolled back.

In a blink of an eye, the complete Sacred Heart Ice World was shattered into a fan-shaped area where the sword Liuxian was located, making the entire Sacred Heart Ice World seem to be a bite-bite pie.

The sudden situation caused the huge mask that was blasting in midair to stop suddenly and stay in midair.

The position of the mask's mouth opened and closed continuously, and the giant's voice reverberated like thunder.

"who are you!"

What the mask saw was the old man who had been standing beside Jian Liuxian, the old man who had no power to bind the chicken.

The huge anger manifested, forming two clusters of blue flames in the eye sockets of the mask, indicating that Di Shitian was intensely angry.

The old man raised his head faintly, and his old voice sounded at the same time.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is that you want to kill the old man's disciple. Have you ever asked the old man?"

The two eyes were muddy, but they were extremely energetic. At this moment, his face was indifferent, and the wise look in his eyes never disappeared.

The tight palm of the hand, the face once again closed.

The dull voice revolved around Nine Heavens. Although the voice was dull, the shock and doubt within it turned into a storm.

"Are you a swordsman?!"


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