"The old man is not a swordsman."

"The old man is too good."

The old man spoke with a very peaceful voice.

"Too great..."

"Impossible, you are definitely not a great master. Jian Liuxian calls you a master, and the great Confucian aura on your body is so rich. It is clearly the unique Confucian Sword Qi breath of the Sword Qi, and you are the Sword Qi. Sin!!!"

The mask said angrily, feeling deeply deceived.

"The old man is too good."

"Swordsman, in vain, you are known as the number one master of China. I didn't expect you to hide by this seat a long time ago. It seems that you are also coveting Longyuan, and you are really a wolf's ambition. You actually used your disciple as a bright face and secretly deceived this seat's Dharma Eye. Even now, I still want to fool this seat!"

The mask kept floating up and down, indicating how angry Di Shitian was at this moment.

But the old man who claimed to be too superior completely ignored his anger.

But at this moment Jian Liuxian spoke, his eyes were cold, and he looked directly at the huge mask that Emperor Shitian had turned in the air, coldly right.

"Di Shitian, Master is right, he is too good. You think that Cultivation Base is in vain, but if Master comes, it will be your turn to be presumptuous!"

"Keep talking!"

His face vibrated more violently. Although he was despised by the sword-staying kid below, what the kid said made Di Shitian even more puzzled.

"Is he a sword banished immortal?"

For a while, Di Shitian had this kind of doubt. No matter how he looked at it, the two below did not seem to be lying to himself, so that at this moment, Di Shitian was also caught in contradictory suspicions.

Let's not talk about how Di Shitian was jealous.

Tai Shang turned to Jian Liuxian beside him and said: "Liuxian, although you have cultivation to become Realm, your Realm is still lacking. Since you are ready to follow the way of Confucianism and sword, you should understand that Confucianism is human. The Tao of Confucian Sword is the Tao of the Heavenly Sword, and it is also the Tao of Deva. But the real Tao of the Sword is the imperial sword of the gods, but the Confucian sword is not like that. The Confucian sword is the imperial sword of man."

"With the god imperial sword...with the human imperial sword, dare to ask Master what is the difference between the two?"

Jian Liuxian directly ignored Emperor Shitian and asked Taoism humbly.

Too ridiculous to answer.

At this time, Di Shitian was extremely angry. He claimed to be the Great Sage of Heaven and Earth. He was a figure in the world of cholera. In the past two thousand years, how many masters died under his Sacred Heart Art, and how many masters were in his peerless Cultivation Base. After yielding, he became his lackey, serving for Tianmen.

But at this moment, these two people are so reckless, in the face of his murderous intent, they are still so talking and laughing, and they are so ignoring him!

"Looking for death! No matter if you are not dead, or some bullshit, you are going to die under the Sacred Heart Art of this seat today!"

The murderous intent at the moment set off a violent storm, even the void swelled with layers of ripples, and the mask of Emperor Shitian carrying the sacred heart and ice world directly descended like the heavenly world.

This is... Open the sky with the world!

The heaven and the earth were opened by the Sacred Heart Frost Ice Realm, forming a terrifying space abyss.

The space was shattered, like a huge hole appeared in the center of the mirror, and the edge was constantly cracked under the influence of that hole.

Tai Shang and Jian Liuxian were on the edge of this mirror.

"Fine! Chi'er, try the sword for your teacher personally today, and let the teacher tell you what is the real Confucian sword and what is the sword of man!"

Tai Shang spoke slowly, and at the same time placed a hand on Jian Liuxian's shoulder.

With this release, Jian Liuxian clearly felt a majestic force pouring into Own from the palm of his master.

Jian Liuxian's eyes flashed with the color of Mingwu, and he slowly closed his eyes.

"Stay as immortal, I would like to witness Master's battle with my own eyes!"

Tai Shang smiled slightly, "Never mind! Let the immortal use your body to use your body, let the teacher use your body to fight that battle, let you personally understand what is the Deva battle, you are already Realm approaching, but you lack skills. This is also good, the battle through your physical body as a teacher will make you feel as if you are personally, and a battle against the real Deva will be of great benefit to you. Being a teacher will open an eye for you The permission allows you to feel everything with your own eyes, and now it’s like a real comprehension!"

Taishang's words slowly disappeared, and at the same time, in Di Shitian's shocked eyes, Taishang's body turned into a bizarre colored ribbon and entered Jian Liuxian's body.

This is so weird, it's incredible.

However, Di Shitian is also a peerless master in the Deva realm. He has stood for thousands of years in this Realm. Even if his aptitude is poor, he knows the mystery of this Realm.

"Dao-seed!!! You turned out to be the Dao-seed of Sword Sword Immortal!!!"

Di Shitian was horrified, and his shock was unparalleled at this moment.

Dao kind! It turned out to be a kind of Tao! !

The sword immortal actually comprehended that kind of thing, and that was all, he even condensed the Taoism with his will and manifested in the world! !

Naturally, Jian Liuxian heard Di Shitian's shocked question, but he didn't know what Taoism was.

However, he understands the status of the master better than anyone else. He clearly knows that this is the master, not his master.

Jian Liuxian clearly remembered what the Master had said before going down the mountain, and it is now vividly in his ears, echoing in his ears like yesterday.

"Liuxian's trip to Dragon Island, you can do it, even if Xuanyuan Jianxian is added, it is not the opponent of Emperor Shitian, and I have important things to do, so he will accompany you on this trip! "

When Master said this, a scene that shocked Jian Liuxian happened. He saw with his own eyes a figure appeared on the top of Master's head, and that figure was exactly the same as Master own.

"Master, this is..."

Jian Liuxian looked at that person and asked Master Own.

"Stay as immortal, it doesn't hurt to tell you something now. Sooner or later you will go down this road."

Jian Liuxian still remembers that Master Own said to himself in a profound tone at the time: "You have cultivated Taishang Jianjue. Naturally, you know that Taishang Jianjuan will eventually condense the Zifu Jianpill. But what the teacher wants to tell you now is that this is not too high the limit of the change of sword art, because after the Zifu Sword Pill, the Zifu Yuanshen will be further formed."

"And he is the primordial spirit of the Purple Mansion who is a teacher."

At that time, Master looked at the person who was exactly the same as Master and said to himself: "Now let’s let the Zifu Yuanshen accompany you to Dragon Island for a trip, but you must remember that Zifu Yuanshen only makes one shot. Opportunity, after the shot, he will dissipate the world and return to the body of the teacher."

Although he was shocked in his heart, Jian Liuxian also had his own doubts and hesitations, because he discovered that this master's Zifu Yuanshen had his eyes dull and seemed to have no mind.

However, Master O seems to see Own's concerns.

The master at the time looked at himself and smiled: "Are you worried that Zifu Yuanshen has no mind and can't act autonomously?"


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