The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1013: This director

In the distance, Claire's eyes widened.

The young man who was pure and noble in her heart suddenly became the devil from hell, and the scene change seemed extremely dramatic.

When Mike had no power to resist, Junci stared at the group of people with cold eyes: "Watch well, let go of one and wait for death. Behind them is an organization."

These people are definitely not a sudden premeditated, there may be something involved.

Otherwise, it is not easy to transfer such a huge wealth.

Someone reacted, trembling with a bit of courage, picking up a knife to protect himself, by the way, to guard against this group of robbers who had all fallen to the ground, life and death unknown.

Jun Ci walked towards Claire, and the crowd parted automatically, allowing this expensive and terrifying young man to come straight to Jun Ci.

Jun Ci stretched out her hand, and Claire, who was sitting on the ground, was shocked.

She saw the young boy's thin lips, hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand, and was pulled up by Jun Ci.

Junci is going to deal with other kidnappers, but she is not willing to leave Claire here.

She glanced at the fat man who had just hit Claire next to her.

This look almost shocked the fat man.

He probably knew that he would not end well because he played Claire.

Sure enough, Jun Ci only slightly curled the corners of her lips, the smile filled with palpitations, and then she kicked the fat man out.

Even if this person is strong in the United States, she doesn't care.

Just now she dared to push her out, and even dared to beat Claire, just to die.

With a wow, the fat man was kicked out with great force, and he passed out at once.

No one dared to have any opinions on Junci's behavior.

Jun Ci took Claire and started looking for the remaining kidnappers under the guidance of Guru's video.

She was right. The kidnapper who was controlling the captain contacted a signal from a foreign island, and Gulu directly traced the vine and detected that this was a rising organization.

In this kidnapping case, they planned for a few years, just to get the information and threatening videos of this group of wealthy people, and then do business from it.

There are even some special and brutal services on the island, and they are prepared for this.

The account Mike was going to give them came from this small island, and it would take a while for the authorities to find out, and at that time, they had already transferred the money away.

Of course, this one even has the assistance of another high-level force in the United States.

Jun Ci didn't care about this at all, she immediately sent a notice to Kurt on her island.

"Kurt, I'll give you a coordinate to find this island and it exploded."

When she dared to offend her this time, she used the most direct way to make these people disappear.

Kurt was only slightly surprised by the simple and rude behavior of his employer, and then he did it without hesitation.

And Claire followed Junci the whole time, watching her find someone who was with those people in some corners, pulling it out, and knocking out.

Claire's vigorous and smooth movements surprised Claire.

She didn't dare to imagine that this nephew who had been raised outside for more than ten years would have such a great ability, not just a director, but also such a good skill.

Today, she rescued everyone on board.

Thinking of Jun Ci kicking the fat man just now, Claire smiled softly.

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