The boy in front turned his head, a little strange: "You can still laugh?"

Claire nodded, her eyes glowing. Crying just now didn't affect her beauty, but because of being slapped, one side of her face looked a little red and swollen, but there was a feeling of distress.

Beautiful to heartbreaking.

Jun Ci paused, then turned his head and continued to walk towards the captain's room.

The kidnappers in the captain's room couldn't contact the people outside, and didn't know what was going on. They just notified the Kojima organization, and were knocked out by Jun Ci who came in suddenly.

Then Jun Ci asked the captain to re-drive the boat back and called the police.

"Why do you have no signal on my cell phone?"

Claire was a little surprised when she saw her call the police.

Because of Junci's grunt, there is no such thing as no signal. They have no signal because the kidnappers moved their hands and feet on the boat.

Jun Ci casually said nonsense: "Mobile phones are specially made."

She could already think that when she called the police, the gang of wealthy men might jump in anger.

Because the public influence of this kind of thing is huge, they will try their best to hide this kind of news from the public.

Hundreds of rich men were threatened and kidnapped on a ship. The impact was too great.

It was only the early hours of the morning, and the ship sailed back for just an hour.

That night, the sound of police cars at the dock was loud.

The police force sent by the police station alone is stunned.

Even an explosion-proof brigade was dispatched.

No matter how much information was concealed, after being hurriedly disembarked from the cruise ship, they were still photographed and posted online.

Jun Ci did not intend to let Guru control this news, naturally someone would control it.

No video spread, only a section of the cruise ship returning suddenly, and the news that many people had disembarked from the cruise ship, in the video, there was a loud sound of police cars.

But there was still huge news that shocked the entire Hollywood.

[The cruise ship is invaded by kidnappers, hundreds of rich people are facing life threats]

But there were still a few reporters on the ship, but fortunately, some probably knew that the emperor should not be made public. They did not say that they were rescued by a Chinese director, and they all concealed it for Jun Ci.

But Junci knows that this matter involves a lot of things, and the only benefit of saving these people is that in the future, no one in Hollywood will dare to be blind to themselves.

After returning home to regain their spirits, those who have learned the grace, borrowed Juncer’s phone number, expressed gratitude to Juncer, and said that they would conceal this, but if Juncer has any needs, they Will help as much as possible.

Of course, some of them were pretending to be dead, and Jun Ci didn't care about it. Anyway, if something happened to her in the future, she would definitely be a killer.

This huge benefit is something countless people dare not even think of.

Although the news is very shocking in Hollywood, no one is willing to stand up and accept interviews. Even if there are a few stars present, they refuse to accept relevant interviews on the grounds of being frightened and wanting to rest.

Jun Ci went home with Claire that night, and because of tonight's affairs, she had changed a lot to Claire.

It is not easy for this woman to take care of herself at the moment of life and death.

She was frightened all night because of fear, so she took a rest after returning to her home.

Junci opened the door, and the little spy stood by the door. The little one looked up when he saw her: "Are you okay?"

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