Jun Ci entered the room and said lightly: "What can you do, you know?"

The little spy is at home, it is impossible to see so far.

"I told it."

Guru said: "It should know."

These intelligent bodies are all raised by His Royal Highness, if His Royal Highness has something, why are they hiding it from them?

The piano didn't sleep either. When I arrived at Junci, I smelled the **** smell on Junci's body, and looked a little irritable, and screamed twice.

The little spy translates: "It asks if you are fighting outside, and if you lose, it is so miserable, it can help you get revenge."

Jun Ci: "...The blood is someone else's, I won."

A dog also knows to care about her, so she is actually moved!

When I heard the piano, he yelled twice, and his voice became a little cheerful. Sitting in front of the piano, he actually played a good day.

Junci: "..."

She suddenly felt quite happy to have this live treasure.

She went into her room to take a shower, closed her eyes and was silent for a while.

This incident was an accident, and no one knew that such a thing would happen, so she didn't take it too seriously.

But today, she still restrained.

She didn't want to kill people very much, so she was bored when she was in StarCraft.

What's the point of struggling hard for the empire, for the throne, and for the throne.

Now I am doing what I like to do, and today’s thing is considered to be an activity.

It was originally planned for a two-day event, so the crew naturally didn't need to go there. Jun Ci slept late, and originally planned to wake up late, but was awakened by the doorbell.

She opened the door with some headaches, and Claire was outside.

She carried something in her hand, and it smelled quite delicious.

Very familiar taste.

Claire saw Jun Ci and smiled at her: "Good morning, I asked someone to buy breakfast, from Huaguo, you can eat it."

The breakfast she said was a well-known Chinese restaurant near Hollywood. It sold meat and buns for breakfast. The business was very good.

Claire asked someone to line up early, and then bought it and sent it here.

Jun Ci nodded, did not refuse as before, let Claire walk into the room.

The piano came over to look at Claire, circled her twice, sticking out his tongue, very doglike.

Jun Ci glanced at it, wondering what the silly dog ​​was thinking.

Claire looked at the husky, chuckled lightly, knelt down and stroked the husky's fur, "You know how to raise a husky? This dog is very noisy!"

The piano squinted his eyes with enjoyment.

The evil Jun porcelain seldom touches it because it dislikes its dog hair. The instinct of dogs is to be touched by others, and the piano is no exception.

This **** **** shoveling officer, if it weren't for it, it would have wanted to change it.

The little spy was on the side, his eyes flashing red despising the unscrupulous piano.

The steamed buns that Claire brought were eaten by Junci in two or three bites. It is really rare to eat Chinese food here. The taste is quite authentic. In fact, Junci has eaten it several times.

She was eating there quietly, and Claire squatted there quietly playing the piano, smiling very happily.

After the meal, Jun Ci said: "I haven't rested yet. I want to take a rest. Don't you continue to rest?"

Claire experienced something like that last night, but today he recovered quickly.

Claire touched the piano twice and stood up, "I'll take a nap later. If you want to rest, please rest. I'll leave first and take a good rest."

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