A blade of grass cultivates humanity, wants to prove the great path of heaven and earth, walks in the wasteland, and comes to the spiritual world, trying to fly into a god!

Those divine beasts are too shocking, and the truth is almost breathless.

If you say the most intuitive feeling, it is.

Money! ! ! !

All TM is money! !

You dare not let Hollywood burn these special effects like that!

The spirit of that beast that lingers all over the body can crush the soul of the cosmos-like prehistoric years with a glance, it is simply a copy of the beast of the Chinese nation in their heart!

The final picture is frozen in the appearance of Kun, the actor Xi Mu, with his hands folded, standing in front of it like a Buddha.

It is too large, reflecting the male lead but like dust, its eyes are full of compassion.

A mouth, a howl, resounded all over the world, and quickly disappeared from the world!


A huge line of words appeared suddenly.

[Hongmengjie, August 10, shockingly released! 】

In the middle of the night, countless Hongmeng fans including book fans screamed, ignoring the possibility of being complained by neighbors!

"I'm hastily!!!"

"One day, our country of China will be able to produce this magical movie!!"

"Just watching the trailer, I would be willing to sit in the cinema for two hours!!"

"The emperor is really..."

Want people to swear.

Countless fans who watched the trailer all had scalp tingling.

The scenes in the lens are too real, so real that they can't wait to be born in such a vast and wonderful era!

This is not a movie at all!

The point is that the leading actor, Xi Mu, didn't let them play, and his performance cut out in the trailer is still remarkable!

Fuck, emperor, awesome!

Countless people who had watched the trailer said these words silently.

I used to think that the special effects of "The Record of Life and Death in the Immortal" were enough to blow up, but now it is even more explosive! !

My mother, never felt for a moment that all the historical beasts of their China, just legends, are enough to kill all the holy sites abroad!

What is a miracle, this is a miracle! !

Even many film critics who received the news closed their mouths after watching the trailer with a critical heart.

They shivered with their hands, clicked on the notice, read it over and over again, and shocked it over and over again.

Many fans even blushed after seeing such a notice.

Why is such a wonderful movie only appearing now?

Why, such a picture has only been discovered now?

The bad domestic films that were complained by Chinese people seem to have changed since someone appeared.

Today, even the stupidest person knows that this film is the key to the Chinese blockbuster's elation.

It can prove to the world that it does not rely on any foreigners to join in, and does not rely on any factors to help, that they, China, also have large enough to shock the world!

This is their Chinese culture, their pride!

Just like the divine beasts that appeared in the trailer, they exist in legends in the history of China and have been written by countless historians and writers.

And there has never been a person who can restore them so shocked.

They instantly felt that months of waiting was worth it!

On August 10th, the cinema will explode! ! !

What, what do you want to do with "Star City of Dreams 3"?

Who is going to watch that ghost movie!

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