Hongmeng Jie official Weibo V: [Trailer], August 10th, sharing with you, the Eight Desolation Festival!

-It's over, as a StarCraft fan, I think StarCraft is going to be cold this time...

-Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, this TM is a Chinese movie, this TM is a Chinese movie, it’s just the quality, it’s not an exaggeration! On August 10th, we blew through the summer files! !

-The emperor, awesome!

-The emperor, awesome!

-The emperor, awesome!

-The shadow fans next door laughed, asking yourself, now that the trailer of Hongmeng Realm comes out, do you dare to laugh at it?

-Chinese mythology and culture blockbusters, foreign interstellar blockbusters, who to choose, it seems that the Chinese people should be a bit B-number/dog head

-How do I feel that this time the Emperor's film is about to break the box office record...

-I was watching the video. My dad saw this film and kept asking me what TV series it was. I said it was a movie. He is now checking movie tickets online. He used to be an old antique who only paid attention to the news broadcast...

-I just want to know how big the psychological shadow of all the leading actors and creators next door is...

-I watched it again and again, feeling hot on my palms and sweating on my forehead. Oh my god, it’s just a movie trailer. I actually saw a sense of mission that I’ve never contributed to this movie. I’m sorry for not contributing more than a dozen box office rises The feeling of everyone in the movie!

-It's over. The emperor's "Hongmeng Realm" is so awesome now. What kind of killer should I have in the lower part of "The Seventh Killer Space"?

-Now that the emperor treats the tastes of the Chinese audience so well, this time he has a direct assassin. In the future, will the group of facial paralyzed celebrities in the film industry mix up?



Jun Ci slept in a refreshing sleep.

Wake up early in the morning, Children's Day, which happens to be the weekend, and when the university is off, she will also celebrate the holiday.

Gulu was also very happy: "His Royal Highness, this time the praise on the Internet is much better than before, and I have not seen any of you that are bad. The film industry is all complimenting you."

Jun Ci was also very happy.

But it is true that the quality of this trailer has been suppressed since she was produced. If people in the film industry dare to laugh at her, I am afraid that she does not want to mix it up.

This film won't come out even if you close your eyes.

The only black spot means that the essence will be cut out in case of a notice?

But Junci knows this is impossible, and the film will only give people a more shocking feeling.

Take a look at today's Weibo again, the overwhelming numbers were swiped by the trailer of "Hongmengjie".

This time, everyone spontaneously helped the Emperor Ceramics Amway, which was much more shocking than the original "Record of Life and Death in the Immortal".

On the contrary, "Interstellar Dream City 3", which originally insisted on a daily update, is as quiet as a chicken today.

Junci knew that the inside of Gafoni had been fried.

Everyone does not know that the domestic film market in China, which has always been looked down upon, has been hit by a blow.

Do you want everyone to have fun together?

"Hongmengjie" is set for August 10th. Is this unclear what the opposite of "Interstellar Dream City 3"?

Moreover, judging from the current state of the collective carnival of the Chinese people, StarCraft 3 will not be able to guarantee hundreds of millions of explosions this time, but it is impossible to say that it will explode the Hongmeng world.

Just by predicting the difference between the two films, Gaffney can understand where they will lose.

The special effects background is too grand. This is the history and culture of China, and the obsession of the Chinese people, they can't compete.

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