The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1100: Little porcelain's problem

People in the company feel that their vice president is really quite cold.

For example, when talking to the boss, they have a bright smile. They say hello and call the vice president. The vice president will turn his head and nod in a perfunctory manner. The expression is almost indifferent. Two words.

Sure enough, it is a very obvious difference in treatment!

Because of the presence of the BOSS, they are only now surprised to find that the vice president is also the kind of handsome guy! !

It is because there is usually Junci's face for comparison, but now one wears a mask and the other does not, the difference is particularly obvious.

If there is any difference between the two, it is that the BOSS looks like a dreamy teenager. At first glance, he is the lover of your dreams. On the contrary, he looks like a vice president. He is very handsome and specific, but it is obviously unattainable. , Especially hard to contact.

In general, the two are a perfect match! !

"Why did you come back suddenly today, aren't you training?"

Today is not a special day. Could the leaders go abroad again?

"It's not... It's easier to ask for leave during the summer vacation. Did you forget that Uncle Zhiyi's 50th birthday tomorrow?"


She did forget.

He is not a very important person, so Junci never bother to remember things about irrelevant people.

Just slightly nodded and nodded: "Okay, I will go with you tomorrow."

She had promised Jiang Yi to go earlier.

She went to pour Jiang Yi a glass of water. Jiang Yi looked back and looked at the people outside. If Jiang Yi hadn't noticed that many people were looking at this place, he would really be a little uncontrollable and wanted to step forward and hug Jun. porcelain.

People are so amazing. Since knowing that Junci is a girl, his affection for her has grown deeper.

In the past, when Junci was a boy, he actually didn't care very much. He was raised by his own way since he was a child. If he liked someone, he liked it, and he would not consider other reasons.

He just thinks that he likes this person very much.

Jiang Yi hooked his chin and looked at Jun Ci, his eyes hot and undisguised. If he hadn't turned his back to the people outside, I believe that this expression would be seen as a problem.

Jun Ci looked back, and only chuckled, "I don't get tired of watching you every day?"

"See how you get bored?"

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows. Now he just opened his mouth when he talked about love: "I still don’t think I can see you enough. I only saw you in a month. I think it’s been too long for me to graduate. I want to marry you home sooner. Then declare that you are mine."

Without announcing, I watched a lot of people lining up to call her husband on Weibo every day, and the scene was more than a heartbreak.

"It's still early."

Jun Ci walked over and nodded Jiang Yi's forehead with her finger. Such an intimate and conniving move made some people outside look over.

"Every day, the BOSS smiles so well to the vice president...Come on!"

"Oh my god, my heart will melt from this smile, our BOSS is too su!"

"Then the question is, now do you think which of these two people is attacking and who is receiving?"


"Vice President!"

"Although the BOSS looks good, but the aura is too offensive, but the vice president is obviously offensive. Oh, it's too hard to guess, I can't guess!"

A group of people were speculating on this question with enthusiasm. The little spy in the corner was in contact with Xiao Ci. Hearing these words, Xiao Ci asked curiously: "What is attack and what is suffering?"

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