The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1101: Birthday dinner

Although Xiaoci knows a lot of questions, it is a serious-conscious robot and never checks out some irrelevant questions.

It's different for someone as dirty as a little spy.

But the little spy was unwilling to be sordid in front of his little lover, and said solemnly: "Xiao Ci, you can't understand these questions, and you can't investigate them. Humans are a very sordid creature!"

Xiao Ci solemnly defended: "But my father is not dirty!"

"Yes, yes, you are all right!"

Now it's a matter of my own happiness. Of course the little spy is obedient to Xiaoci.

When they were talking, the figure of the piano appeared.

It walked out of the elevator leisurely. When the programmers outside saw it coming in, the elevator behind was empty, and they were a little dazed: "Hey, if no one presses the elevator for it, how did it know that it was on our floor? ?"

Others said they were unclear.

Jun Ci was chatting with Jiang Yi here, and because there was nothing to do when he was idle, Jun Ci first gave Jiang Yi a trial of the first-generation simulation version of Hongmeng World.

Now Hongmeng has actually achieved a similar edge, but it is still intensively optimized, and no private test is required. Junci plans to conduct a public test after the movie is released.

When the piano sneaked in, Jiang Yi just opened the game interface.

Seeing the dog coming in, Jiang Yi suddenly got up, and the piano jumped out in shock.


After doing something, I knew I was afraid of being beaten, so I hid, and Jun Ci just smiled helplessly.

Later, when she finishes her work, she will go home with Jiang Yi before the piano reappears.

If it weren't for the reason that it was the father of the cello, Junci really wanted to beat the piano.


Time soon got Jun Zhiyi's birthday.

Jun's house is located in the suburban villa area, so today is a big day. In the afternoon, Junci, who brought a gift, rushed to Jun's house with Jiang Yi.

There will definitely be a lot of people going to Jun's house to participate in this birthday party today, and Jiang Yi answered several phone calls during the trip.

"The banquets are actually like that. Later, I may have to meet some people with my dad, so you can just stay by and play on the phone."

In the car, Jiang Yi was very worried and told Junci that he would rather Junci stay alone than Junci chatting with other people, because he would look upset in his heart.

Jun Ci rolled his eyes silently.

"Got it."

The teenager deserved to be perfunctory, and Jiang Yi didn't care. After arriving at the scene, Junci saw a row of lights in the Jun's villa far away.

She had been here last time, and she was not very good for Jun's senses. The shining of the street lamps made Junci feel a little cold.

Although a family like the Jun family has family wealth that others can't ask for, many things in it are probably beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Because of thinking about Jun Chengbai, Jun Ci felt a little unhappy about the Jun family in front of her, but she didn't show it, after all, today is someone else's birthday party.

Many vehicles in the surrounding area drove from Jun's private paved road, and perhaps some of them knew Junci.

Soon, Jiang Yi merged into the traffic and drove the car to a suitable position under the guidance of the servant. When Jiang Yi arrived, many people around him noticed and came forward to say hello with smiles.

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