Jun Ci still asked Jiang Yi to go to his room to sleep first.

This is not due to being outside. There is also a Li's mother in the house, so you must always pay attention to the influence.

At most, I gave Jiang Yi a good night kiss.

When Jun Ci woke up in the morning, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Yi didn't knock on the door, it means he was asleep.

Jun Ci first checked the online comments as usual.

As she expected, after the premiere of Hongmeng World last night, online comments have exploded.

The trailer of this movie has caused a lot of waves on the Internet beforehand. Now that it’s premiere, the plot is superb and the special effects are smashing the sky. It is also the pinnacle of domestic production. The reviews are very good, and the most intuitive is reflected in the box office. On the first day of today, Hongmengjie relied on the explosion of word-of-mouth, and the box office pressed the city of interstellar dreams on the first day of today. In one morning, both box offices have exceeded the billions mark, and Hongmengjie 100 million. 50 million, the city of interstellar dreams broke 100 million, the momentum of the two movies, whatever the time period they put, is the existence of all the movies.

These two giants competed for the box office at the same time, which stunned the industry.

On major apps, the box office forecast for Hongmengjie is 6 billion, but for the city of interstellar dreams, it is 4 billion.

Probably because of greater confidence in this excellent foreign blockbuster series, coupled with the box office explosion, I feel that the box office of the two films will not be bad.

After how many movies were released, all the box offices did not add up to more than 100 million. However, in Junci, it was easy to break 100 million on the first day.

According to this momentum, at least during the release period, Hongmengjie’s box office of 3 billion will never be low!

No matter what, this box office battle will create a huge miracle.

"His Royal Highness, according to the true growth rate of today's box office, the box office on the first day will probably not be less than 400 million."

Gulu reported the approximate data, Jun Ci just nodded faintly, got out of bed to wash.

However, the daily box office has exceeded 400 million, which is already a terrible concept. The first film of Junci made the first box office of China on the first day. Now Hongmeng is going to break this box office record.

Countless everything, put it on other directors, I'm afraid it will be red eyes.

Such an enviable achievement, even as a young man, seemed calm and natural.

This is where she feels helpless and arrogant.

Today is not a special day. As usual, Junci changed into men’s clothing. Li’s mother was not at home, and the two dogs and two robots were not there. Probably they were all taken out to shop. Junci saw that there was no movement in the next room. , Walked over to open the door and saw that Jiang Yi was awake, just lying on the bed looking at the phone.

The boy leaned against the door frame, with a slight smile on his lips: "Why did you get up today?"

Jiang Yi was lying on the bed, probably just after waking up, his expression was not very clear, his handsome and compelling aura added some hazy aura, which made people easy to be maternal at first glance.

He saw Jun Ci come in and stretched out his hand towards Jun Ci with a smile.

Jun Ci walked over, and as soon as he hooked Jiang Yi into his arms, he buried his face in Jun Ci's neck and sniffed heavily.

Jun Ci lay on him, touched Jiang Yi's hair and patted him on the shoulder: "Get up quickly. I have something to do in the afternoon."

"whats the matter?"

He asked in a low voice, just unwilling to get up.

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