The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1121: Someone who looks like her

"Of course I went to the company, or where else could I go."

Jun Ci touched Jiang Yi's hair, feeling that his size was a bit pierced.

Touching all his hands.

Jiang Yi made an unexplained grunt and rubbed Jun Ci's neck several times.

"Okay, get up."

Jun Ci got up, Jiang Yi half-squinted his eyes to look at Jun Ci: "Why do you wear men's clothing?"

"What can I wear without men's clothing?"

Jun Ci's answer is very natural. She has been wearing men's clothing since she was a child. Even if she wears women's clothing once in a while, it cannot change the habit she has cultivated for many years.

And Junci is not prepared to change too much.

Jiang Yi didn't say a word, his eyes were a little confused, and he didn't know what was thinking in his heart.

Jun Ci went out and got something to eat from the kitchen. Li's mother cooked it early and put it in the pot to keep it warm. They were summer appetizers.

After Jun Ci finished his meal, Jiang Yi still lay in bed and did not get up. Jun Ci asked him again, "Are you not going to the company with me?"

"Not going."

Jiang Yi turned over, it is rare to see where he would not go with Jun Ci: "I have something to do today."

But he had something, he didn't say, and Jun Ci didn't ask.

She nodded to show that she knew, and she packed up and went to the company.

The company is now actively developing the game about Hongmeng World every day, and it is almost done now. The public beta will be released in two months. Time has to be hurry.

However, as soon as Junci arrived at the company, she found Yao Kitty holding a mobile phone and looking sneaky outside her office, looking at her while looking at her mobile phone.

The expression is still a little thoughtful and puzzled.

Jun Ci looked at her a few times, and the little cat Yao hid for a while and then appeared again. Jun Ci looked at her for a long time and couldn't stand it any longer, and beckoned to the little cat Yao through the glass.

Yao Kitty was a little bit perplexed at once, but Jun Ci called her, she couldn't pretend not to see it, so Qi Aiai entered the office.

The boy put his hands around his chest, and looked at Yao Kitten with slightly raised brows: "What have you been outside watching me doing?"

Yao Kitty was a little embarrassed, his head lowered was like a pupil who was caught by the teacher who admitted his mistake, his fingers were still twisted and twisted in front of him.

When Jun Ci asked, she said in a rather tangled voice: "No, boss, I just saw a photo on the Internet, I'm not sure if it's you."

She took out the mobile phone in her hand and adjusted a photo for Jun Ci to see.

Junci felt strange when she heard her words, because of course her photos are available on the Internet. After all, she has appeared in the public several times. Naturally, there are many captured photos, but Yao kitten seems a little uncertain. .

It wasn't until Yao Kitty showed her the mobile phone that Jun Ci understood.

It's not her, it's someone who looks like her.

An interesting emotion suddenly rose in the boy's eyes.

This photo is a profile photo. The person in the photo is a handsome boy.

It was taken in the classroom where I was sitting, because the background looked like a solemn university.

The boy is facing the camera sideways, and his bright chin creates a beautiful dreamy atmosphere, and it looks so much like her.

If you don't pay attention, you will think this person is her at first glance.

However, there is only a profile portrait. Through the facial features, it can be seen that this person is definitely different from her in front, but because of the profile profile, this photo is subtle.

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