"It's really an interesting second personality."

After Jun Ci left the school, Gulu sighed.

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why is it interesting?"

"The master is cowardly, humble, and even abnormally kind. He thinks of an unbelievable state for others. The second personality can be seen for the time being. I am the only one who does not care about the feelings of others. He is domineering. As for violence, there should still be some. The girl and Ming Yan can see that her personality is still violent. To a certain extent, she and the master's Sura are completely opposite."

"Guru has consulted a lot of knowledge about psychology in the past two days. According to Sura's situation, her second personality is definitely not something that can be formed suddenly, but it should be a blow overnight. Patients with multiple personalities, Generally, she will experience severe psychological damage when she is a child. Sura’s temperament is indeed too aggressive. Maybe this personality is the personality she separated, and she wants to have but cannot achieve the personality to protect herself."

"I don't think..."

Jun Ci thoughtfully: "Guru may be right about what you said, but in my opinion, Sura’s master personality is not normal. In general, such a family, the children raised by this kind of personality? You found out. According to the data, Sura’s adoptive parents are very kind and sensible families, and they are very fond of Sura. The problem may be before the age of 11 when she has no data."

Junci is good at catching things that are wrong, but he is not denying Gulu's words.

Gulu hesitated: "His Royal Highness, do you need Gulu to check her previous information?"

"No need."

Because it doesn't matter, Junci does not need to bother to check the information of an unrelated person.

"I have a hunch that this second personality knows what happened to Sura back then. If she wants to say it, she will tell us. You don't need to bother to use energy to check her information."

"Ok, Gollum listen to your highness."

After discussing this, Junci came to the audition scene.

She came up from another passage and saw that there were not many audition actors left in the room.

When these people saw Jun Ci appear, they all greeted her with some surprises.

But Junci simply nodded and did not give them extra attention.

After entering the room, Xiao Li looked at the information and raised his head. Jun Ci directly asked, "Did you meet someone suitable today?"

Xiao Li frowned, "Still not."

His requirements were lower than Junci's requirements, but he said so, indicating that today there is still no satisfactory heroine.

"Forget it, don't worry, there are so many actors behind."

Because there were so many people who signed up, Junci had to extend the original one week time to two weeks.

And at this time, her "Hongmeng World" is still in hot release.

Junci's current box office has successfully passed 5.5 billion.

Now the box office growth rate has begun to weaken, but for her box office this month, she has created a remarkable historical record.

According to this growth rate, "Hongmengjie", which has extended its release period for two months, may have a box office of 6.5 billion.

The filmmakers in the circle are now numb. In their eyes, the box office of "Hongmengjie" is just a bunch of numbers.

However, only they know how greedy interests are behind those strings of numbers.

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