Regarding the box office of "Hongmengjie", in fact, Junci is not too concerned about it.

What she cares about is how much explosive revenue it will bring after the game is released simultaneously.

After all, even the mobile games of "Jianghu Life" cannot keep up with the box office.

But the dream of a director was her original aspiration, and she never thought of letting it go.

Back home, the little spy and the piano were at war again.

The two of them made a fuss, the cello was so stupid that they didn't understand anything, and they followed him around.

Occasionally help his father bully the little spy.

Because the piano is an exception, Junci didn't let Gollum connect with the cello.

One exception is enough, and if there are too many, there will be an accident at that time, and there will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the one who can be refined may be the piano.

It is also awesome now. It is estimated that some time ago when Junci talked with it on WeChat, it realized that it still didn’t understand characters. In the past few days, the little spy bought it a lot of children’s books on the Internet. Such things are shocking to the world, after all, they hide in the piano room and close the door, avoiding Madam Li.

But Ma Li was still suspicious, because she took the courier.

She even wondered if the young master had become childish now, so she bought a lot of children's books back, because the little spy wittyly mixed many fairy tale books in it...

Also bought are limited editions, for the money of Junci!

Junci was tossing about by them, anyway, the premise of everything is that he can't show up after going out.

Otherwise, the piano will be taken to study at that time, is she really no trouble as a master?

"Say this word! Yao! How many times have you said it, yao, read it to me!"

Piano: "Wow!"

Cello: "Wow!"

Little spy: "..."

Ma Li must have gone to buy fresh fruit for Junci during this time period, and will be back to cook soon, so she is not at home.

When Jun Ci heard the little spy teaching the piano to speak, he rolled his eyes: "Knowledge is enough, you still let it speak? Is it really crazy!"

The dog who can read has exploded into the sky, and he is really forced to speak.

No matter how clever the piano is, it is impossible to change the biological structure of a dog. It is impossible for a dog to speak. Forcing it to speak will damage the dog's vocal cords.


You are right, you are right, the idiot little spy still keeps teaching me how to speak!

"Dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people! I kindly teach you to read words, and you still talk a lot!"

While talking, a paw of the piano touched the little spy's head, and the little spy furiously fought back and began to pinch the rack again.

The cello was barking excitedly beside him.

Jun Ci ignored the mental retardation of a room, and waited a while for Li Ma to come back to cook, and one dog and one robot stopped a bit.

Jun Ci originally watched dreamily to send Jiang Yi a video message, but Jiang Yi didn't answer, and she didn't ask Gulu. After eating and taking a shower, she went to bed and rested for a while.

I didn't expect the aunt to come again.

She can finally avoid Li Ma, but she didn’t pay attention to drinking some ice in the cafeteria yesterday. Her waist is a bit sore. Although it is summer, it is now after September. The room is not very hot, so she shut it down. Air conditioner, go out and let Ma Li make some **** sugar water for herself.

It's always something to drink warm.

Ma Li had forgotten about this. When she saw her young master said with a serious face that she had come to her aunt and wanted to boil some water, Ma Li felt that it was hard to say...

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