The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1226: How did you knead me before?

She is accustomed to her calling now, and still does not want to change her tongue.

Junci also didn't care, it was just right.

"It's okay, Li Ma, I just have a sore stomach, just drink some warm stomach warming."

She wasn't that painful yet, but she was lazy and not too sleepy.

After drinking a few sips of **** sugar water, he lay on the bed and watched TV series.

Her next plan is to make TV and movies for European and American audiences, so now she has to get used to the plot mode there as soon as possible.

At 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, Jun Ci looked at the phone, and Jiang Yi hadn't even returned her message.

This is abnormal.

She frowned slightly, trying to dial back, when she heard a "click", her door unlocked.

She should go, and a tall figure outside the house walked in.


It was Jiang Yi that Jun Ci had just thought about.

He was wearing a military uniform that he didn't have time to change, Jun's expression on his face was warm and missed, and he rushed towards Jun Ci.

Jun Ci only wore shorts and had two straight long legs lying on the bed, which was so tempting to Jiang Yi.

The whole person leaped over and pressed on Junci's body, put her arms around Junci and kissed her on the cheek.

Jun Ci patted Jiang Yi: "Don't press me, my stomach is uncomfortable."

As soon as he heard this, he immediately climbed down nervously, "What's the matter, why do you feel sick in your stomach?"

"Auntie is here."

Jun Ci said indifferently, Jiang Yi's expression stiffened when he heard it.

"My waist is a little sore, don't press me, go take a shower first, it smells of sweat."

He estimated that he rushed back after training.

Hearing the voice of his wife's disgust, Jiang Yi was not convinced: "There is no taste."

But I still washed up obediently.

When he came out of the shower, he changed into the pajamas he had left here, and he walked over and saw that Junci had been covered with a thin quilt and was lying in his nest watching TV. He crept in bed, opened the quilt and squeezed in.

The refreshing smell penetrated into Jun Ci’s nasal cavity, he hugged Jun Ci carefully, kissed twice, and covered her belly: “It’s uncomfortable, do you want to rub it for you? There is also a bit of heat inside the room, I’m Hold you, don't you turn on the air conditioner?"

The boy turned his head and squinted at him: "Aren't you rolling over to sleep?"

Jiang Yi didn't say a word, as he didn't hear it.

Instead, he rubbed his stomach for Jun Ci.

Jun Ci let him move, turned his head and continued watching his TV.

European and American TV dramas are bold and unrestrained. The protagonist is always a kiss scene or a bed scene. As soon as the protagonist’s lips touched, Jiang Yi grabbed the phone with disgust: "Don’t look at these, hot eyes!"

Junci:? ? ? ?

When she is a three-year-old child, she can't see anything?

She hurriedly snatched it over, "If you have something wrong, I will beat you up. I learnt the narrative technique and rhythm of TV shooting, and I didn't watch it randomly."

"Look at how unhealthy these are!"

Jiang Yi is also sensible and strong, mainly because she doesn't want Porcelain to see these things that are not suitable for her.

Jun Ci ignored him.

Jiang Yi fell dejectedly into the neck of Junci and continued to help Junci slowly rub his stomach.

Rubbing and rubbing, he didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly he was a little curious: "Hey, Porcelain, I remember that I had an upset stomach. Didn't you rub my stomach at the time and it was all right in an instant? How to rub it, so amazing? Can't you rub it yourself?"


Because she doesn't hurt to the point where she needs to grunt.

But how can she answer this question?

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