The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1291: Little girls do not sell themselves

"By the way, Porcelain, my mother's birthday will be in the early spring next year."

He reminded him that Jun Ci knew about this.

It's not an ordinary birthday, but Jiang Yi's mother's 40th birthday.

Speaking of Jiang Yi's parents, there is still an affair. They both fell in love with each other before they reached the legal age for marriage. Jiang Yi first had the marriage certificate issued later.

At the beginning, even with the power of Mr. Jiang, he didn't go through any backdoors and followed the rules.

This incident was still a bit of a bad reputation at that time, but after many years have passed, the Jiang family is in harmony, and there is no bad news, but it has become a good talk.

So Jiang's mother is young.

It's only forty birthday in the spring of the coming year.

The 40th birthday is an important date. Needless to say, Jiang Yi, Gulu has also reminded Junci a long time ago, so Junci still remembers to choose a gift for Jiang's mother.

"I know this and I will not forget it."

Jiang Yi blinked at Junci in the video: "Porcelain, my mother likes calligraphy and painting, especially the great painter Mr. Xu Bo. Mr. Xu Bo now lives abroad. His paintings are hard to find now, but I heard that he recently had a painting, which was the first painting he practiced back then. It is of great significance."

Junci instantly understood.

She doesn't know who Xu Bo is, but Gulu can understand by checking the information. A well-known contemporary painter is good at landscape ink painting. A painting is worth tens of millions and his reputation is very strong.

Mother Jiang likes his paintings. If you can get a pair of Xu Bo's first painting and give it to Mother Jiang, you will definitely be very happy.

This news was also inquired by Jiang Yi laboriously. On such an important day of his mother, he naturally wanted to please Jiang mother, but he didn't expect to give this opportunity to Jun Ci first.

Don't say whether Xu Bo sells or not, just send this information, which is certainly not something ordinary people can inquire.

Jiang Yi was able to know, indicating that he had made a good idea.

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows: "You tell me now and give it to me, what do you do?"

There are only a few good gifts.

"It's enough if you have it. I'll find another gift to give her. She doesn't need anything." Jiang Yi doesn't care about this. As long as his daughter-in-law knows how to make future mother-in-law happy, it will be a good mother-in-law relationship. , He is also happy.

The boy said "um", and asked Gulu to find Xu Bo's address first, planning to buy this painting. "You gave me a bargain, I'll thank you very much."

"Thank me? Just a few words and it's over?"

Jiang Yi smiled particularly ambiguously: "I have a holiday in a few days and I will come back to see you. You can think about how to thank me."

The boy sneered, "It's just a painting, it's not worth selling myself."

"Then I can't sell it!"

Jiang Yi in the phone can be said to have no morals, and he made Jun Ci laugh in a hurry.

She talked with Jiang Yi for a while. Jiang Yi had something to gather there, so she hung up the video. There was still a slight smile on Jun Ci’s mouth, and the boy’s eyebrows were picturesque and clear, and he smiled like a picture. Fairy.

But I only heard the little spy squeaking a strange voice next to him: "The little girl doesn't sell her life~!"

Jun Ci's smile disappeared instantly.

The piano is on the side: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh?"

What kind of brain-dead TV series are you watching, silly robot?

Jun Ci's face sank: "Little spy, do you want to be beaten?"

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