The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1292: See me for something?

"My whole body is a machine, and I'm still afraid of you beating it?"

The little spy was so thick-skinned that he could form a wall, and simply gave up struggling, and went directly on the pole with Hejun openly.

The piano immediately slapped the small piano with a paw, "Oh!"

It can be beaten like this!

The little spy fluttered his arms under the piano paws: "Trash piano, take your dog paws away from me!"

The cello hurried over and sat on the little spy in the eyes of the piano gloating.

The proficiency of his movements is obviously not the first time he has done it.


But then, as if the little spy did something, the cello slid and ran away instantly.

There was a slight electric arc flashing on the little spy who got up. The mechanical arm was flashing and it was about to pierce the body of the piano. At the same time, he shouted: "The tiger does not show off, are you a sick cat? Trash piano, I will bear you and you My son has been for a long time, if you don’t turn you into a 250-meter, I won’t have a small surname!

With a cry of the piano, seeing the situation is not good, he ran away quickly!


She has become accustomed to such occasional convulsions at home.

Looking at the time, it will be winter vacation in more than two months. I will go to the mountain to shoot "Blindness of the Heart". I will come back in the spring of the next year. Jiang's mother should be in time for her birthday, but I don't know if the painting will go well Get it.

Naturally, a birthday gift for a future mother-in-law should not be treated carelessly, otherwise Jiang Yi would not bother to tell him this.

If Xu Bo were abroad, she would not go there, to see if Leo could buy the painting for her and take it back to China.

During dinner, Jun Ci read the news on the Internet.

Now many people who don’t pay attention to international news are aware of recent extraordinary things, so there are still a lot of discussions about international news. The people who eat melons on weekdays are not paying much attention to things in the entertainment circle for the time being.

This is also because there are no major events in the entertainment industry recently.

Looking at it, the current "Hongmeng World" is about to be released, so the wind is getting smaller, but the total box office has already passed 6.4 billion, relying on the sporadic box office in the last few days, it has passed 6.5 billion, the problem is not big.

Although it seems that there is no discussion of "Hongmengjie" on the Internet, Junci knows that many people are paying attention to the box office. When "Hongmengjie" is truly famous in history, there will be a wave of discussion. It is time The game of "Hongmengjie" was promoted.

Propaganda has to be early, this Junci still knows.

Now that the movie hasn't been released yet, it's good for the game fever to bring her a wave of movie watching to make a box office, and she doesn't have too much money.

She called Nie Weiyuan and told him that the recent game promotion could start. Of course, the vice president was also responsible for arranging this aspect, so she just discussed with Junci, and soon after hanging up the phone, Junci answered There was an unexpected call.

It's Sura.

When answering the call, the voice of the **** the phone was cold and clear: "I am Sura."

There was coldness in the direct, obviously not the soft Sula's style, Junci instantly understood, and said calmly: "Is there something to look for me?"

Yuan Chenyan knew his cell phone number. If Sura wanted to know his cell phone number, it would take minutes. Yuan Chenyan had no bones to stop Sura's attack.

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