The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 136: Actor audition

Today is the official audition for Junci's "The Record of Life and Death".

As the director and the only casting director, Jun Ci naturally came here early in the morning.

The audition place is located on the 16th floor of the building, and the entire floor is the place where Junci auditioning took place.

The staff Gulu arranged to help on the Internet have also been here long ago to help Junci make props such as number plates.

At the same time, the scene was set up.

These staff are not insiders, so they only know that this is an audition scene.

But it can be said that I have never heard of this drama, and I can only find one novel in a search on the Internet, but the venue for the audition feels quite formal.

However, everyone was still a little curious when they saw that there was only one teenager on the scene.

Just take money to do things and don't ask what should be asked, so everyone is just curious.

After arranging the scene, Gulu reported to Junci: "His Royal Highness, there are already actors who auditioned downstairs."

Jun Ci nodded, and then ordered a staff member: "You take the sign and go down and see how many actors are waiting in front of our venue. You can bring them up to audition."

The staff immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I will go now."

When they faced this young man, although they felt that the young man was quite peaceful, their aura was inexplicably strong.

No matter what she said, there was a feeling that she had to be treated with care unconsciously, as if she was shorter.

It seemed to be a kind of inborn model, and they couldn't even describe the specifics.

So when you speak, you don't know it, and you have a sense of respect.

There is a special waiting place in the lobby of the building downstairs. The actors who come can wait there for a while. It is just right to go down and bring them up.

Jun Ci entered the audition room and asked Gulu: "Has Luo Lanyi come?"

"I haven't set off yet, Your Highness, Gulu doesn't quite understand her thoughts. She has already read the novel several times and accepted the script. Why are you still hesitating?"

Guru's thoughts are very direct, and they cannot understand the entangled emotions that are unique to humans.

Jun Ci smiled indifferently, supporting her forehead: "Guru, this is a human being. It's normal for her to struggle in her heart. Don't worry, I think she will come."

Because of this inexplicable intuition, the actress's audition invitation was only sent to Luo Lanyi.

"His Royal Highness said she will come, then she will come."

Guru completely unconditionally trusted what his Highness said.

At this moment, there was a noise outside, and the actors for the audition began to come up.

Because Jun Ci chose the role alone, he did not distinguish between male and female starring roles in different places. Anyway, according to the number plate, whoever comes first will audition for the corresponding role.

The audition room is no different from the audition room of the general crew. Junci’s table pretends to be some of the audition actors' materials. In fact, she has a grunt, which is just to pretend.

There is also a bell on the small table. Jun Ci presses it, and the outside staff will start to let actors in for auditions.

Almost sure, Jun Ci stretched out his hand and rang the bell, and within a short while, the first actor entered outside.

A girl.

Slightly restrained, but still generous, he said: "Hello, I am the actor who came to audition for the role of Zhi Ling. My name is Ning Yan."

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