The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 137: Come through the back door! (Are you asking for a recommendation ticket?)

Zhi Ling is a friend of Yuke, the goddess of water in the play.

She is also the role of a goddess, and her role in the play tends to be calm and self-sustaining.

Disapprove of Yu Ke's love with his servant, and stood on the side of the record of life and death.

But she was not evil either. After Yu Ke died, she brought Yu Ke's soul into the Record of Life and Death, and prayed that Yu Ke would be resurrected.

The girl in front of her was full of lively aura, and she was far from Zhi Ling in terms of temperament.

Gulu reported to Jun Ci: "His Royal Highness, this Ning Yan should be auditioning for another role, not Zhi Ling."

Jun Ci was a little surprised at the time: "I remember you shouldn't audition for the role of Zhi Ling."

Ning Yan was already surprised when she saw that only Jun Ci auditioned. At this time, she was a little nervous when she asked her: "Yes, but I want to try it. I don't know... Director Jun, can you?"

In front of Jun Ci, there was an identity card with her name.

Hearing this, Jun Ci looped his hands and raised his eyebrows indifferently: "Then you will show me a section."

She doesn't force these people's choices, just watch her performance, and it doesn't match her own check mark.

As long as she can perform the feeling she wants, no matter what role she auditioned for, she will pass the level.

Ning Yan got permission, as if she was a little happy.

Immediately, she withdrew from her own happiness, her eyes suddenly changed.

"Yuke, you know, the rules of the record of life and death cannot be changed."

She took a step forward, feeling a little vain in her footsteps, but it was not the kind of weakness in her footsteps, but a sense of etherealness.

The expression in his eyes also became very firm, as if there was still a hint of indifference in the depths of his eyes.

With such a big change in temperament, at least this performance can be scored eighty points. It seems that Ning Yan is not unsure.

The person in front of her seemed to have said something, she looked at her, and hesitated, "No..."


Jun Ci stretched out her hand to interrupt her performance, Ning Yan was a little surprised, as if she hadn't expected that she would be stopped so soon.

She was a little nervous at once, she just said a line.

Junci pretended to look down at the information, but he was actually talking with Gulu.

Then she raised her head: "The performance is good, the form is in place, but the eyes are too deliberate. You need to think about it. Go back and wait for the news. You will receive the news after the audition is over after a week.

Letting go back and wait for the news, at least not on the spot.

Ning Yan was a little happy: "Thank you Director."

She bowed, and then walked out.

In the hall outside, there are many people looking at the script in different forms and reciting lines.

After seeing the first person who entered came out, several people immediately rushed forward, "How is it, what is the director like, is it very harsh? What is the result?"

Although they don't know each other, Ning Yan is very generous: "The director surprised me a bit, and I don't know if it passed. Let me go back and wait for the news."

Hearing her answer, the people around suddenly showed a look of disappointment or speculation.

At this moment, there was another beep from the elevator. Jiang Yi, who was handsome in appearance and dressed in a limited edition high-end brand, appeared quite dazzlingly.

His appearance is so outstanding, and his handsome face is exquisite as if he had been carefully polished by God.

And that kind of arrogance oncoming.

It almost makes people wary for the first time, which company he is regarded as an artist.

And this kind of person usually means going through the back door.

Jiang Yi didn't expect so many people gathered here.

But he didn't care, as everyone watched, he opened the audition door and went in.

Sure enough, he went through the back door and didn't even take the number plate!

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