The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 138: Influence audition

Jun Ci received Gulu's news before Jiang Yi came in.

Gulu monitors all the corners of this building with monitors, so he has spotted Jiang Yi's whereabouts long ago.

There was a real-time broadcast even before Jiang Yi pushed in.

"Jiang Yi pushed the door--"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yi pushed in.

Jun Ci clutched his forehead, feeling a little urge to punch someone.

Angrily asked: "What are you doing here?"

She was not surprised. Jiang Yi was a little surprised. He didn't mind and walked to the Junci table: "Oh, you seem to know that I'm coming, thinking about your brother day and night?"

Junci: "..."

Guru: "Your Highness, he is as confident as you."

Jun Ci's heart was stubborn, and he immediately said with earnest education grunt: "Guru, he and I are not the same. The two cannot be confused, understand?"

"His Royal Highness, let Gulu understand."

Junci: "..."

Seeing that Jun Ci was not talking, Jiang Yi continued to shamelessly said: "Why, I was right by my brother?"

While speaking, I saw that there were materials on the table, so I picked it up and wanted to look at it.

Jun Ci quickly reached out and hit Jiang Yi on the back of his hand. The strength was not small, and Jiang Yi immediately put down his things and retracted his hand, glaring Jun Ci: "What are you doing when you hit me, you can't watch!"

"Can not look!"

Jun Ci cast a cold eye on him: "You don't know that you can't touch other people's things without their permission?"

Jiang Yi's rare words were choked, and then looking at Jun Ci's face with a mask, the fingers that had been put down just now looked a little bit ready to move.

"Are you looking better?"

Jiang Yi looked at Jun Ci and asked.

"nothing dealing with you."

Jun Ci was too lazy to talk to him, stretched out his hand and pressed the bell on the table to let in the next auditioner.

"I'm busy here, what's the matter with your Young Master Jiang, you go out first and talk about it later?"

It was expected that Jiang Yi rolled his face and sat down in another chair: "If you don't go out, I have to watch the audition too. I will check it for you so that you won't be lame..."

If it hadn't been for the auditioning person had pushed the door in, Jun Ci would have to beat Jiang Yi violently.

Is there any inconspicuous staff member who has two chairs here?

The second actor who came in was an audition for a supporting actor, and his performance could only be said to be so-so. Based on He Gulu's data analysis, Jun Ci directly showed that he was unqualified.

The auditioning person suddenly went out with his head downcast, Jiang Yi only realized after he was next to him and added: "Would you not be the one you bought for this film?"

Although Jiang Yi knew about this, he was not interested in the crooked love story of the Records of Life and Death in Xianzhong.

It was just speculated based on the lines just performed.

Jun Ci did not say a word.

When he stretched out his hand to ring the bell and called the next person, Jiang Xiaowang probably felt that Junci had lost his vigilance.

I stretched out my hand and wanted to take off Jun Ci's mask, which was only a few centimeters away from Jun Ci's cheek.

Jun Ci turned his head and got up and grabbed Jiang Yi's arm.

Amid Jiang Yi's screams, he cleaned up his meal firmly.

This time, he didn't do anything harsh, nor did he deliberately slap his face.

It was just an expression full of resentment. Every one of the auditioners who came in was a little scared by the ferocious eyes of the young master.

As a result, the performance is obviously a little abnormal.

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