The almost complicated scenes in the script are about to pass, and after the second half of the filming is over, you can almost return to the capital.

Jun Ci was already very fast in filming. The key is that the quality is quite good. She manages everything with ease. The actors are excellent in this aspect, so it is natural to shoot with less effort.

Other crews are looking for high-profile actors to shoot at the box office. It takes a long time for acting alone, and it’s even better to run into those who have no acting skills.

However, no one has the ability to be as headstrong as Junci.

After all, the person himself is a box office call source. Didn't her fans say that they have to watch it when they grow up to be like this.

What's more, people have quality assurance, which is simply more popular than people!

After filming today's scene, Jun Ci stayed in the tent and made a video with Jiang Yi.

He didn't know what he was doing today. He didn't send a video to Jun Ci at 7 o'clock in the evening, so Jun Ci took the initiative to call it.

"Hey, porcelain..."

Jiang Yi switched on the video, as if he was holding the phone in a hurry. On his left hand was a computer screen. Fighting was fierce on the screen, and there were other people talking.

Seeing this, Jun Ci raised her brows: "Are you busy?"

"No, no, I just opened the game, but I didn't send you a video." Jiang Yi seemed to be a little panicked, "ZiZi can't retire this game. Can you watch me play for a while?"


The teenager rolled his waist lazily and lay on his back holding his mobile phone: "You point the camera at the computer screen, and I will watch you play."

"The game is not good-looking, just look at me, I'm good-looking." Jiang Yi really didn't blush when he said this, he even pointed the camera at himself.

Jun Ci was silent for a moment: "I don't want to see you."

"Why?" Jiang Yi didn't do it, and moved the camera closer and closer, reflecting his handsome face 360 ​​degrees: "Then show me me."

Jun Ci rolled his eyes, he was not interested in his game, and it seemed to be a gunfight game. Jun Ci didn't want to watch it. Jun Ci, who likes to use missiles in the interstellar bombardment, didn't like this stuff.

Especially games, they are fake.

She read the news on various forums, and only occasionally heard Jiang Yi's fiercely tapping on the keyboard, and occasionally shouting herself.

Junci happened to see a message on the forum.

[As a girlfriend, you should support your boyfriend’s hobbies, for example, don’t stop him when playing games, let alone disturb him, because boys play games, if you disturb him, he will feel very annoying]

"Porcelain, porcelain!!"

Seeing that Jun Ci did not answer, Jiang Yi shouted more vigorously: "Porcelain, you obviously watched the video, what are you watching?"

Say a word or two, there was a fierce gunfire over there.

Jun Ci silently thought, what counts as that boyfriend who plays games constantly harassing his girlfriend who brushes the forum?

She raised her volume a little impatiently: "Looking at the forum, what is the noise!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yi gave a somewhat unhappy "hum".

What hum, she will hum too.

Jun Ci: "Humph!"

As a result, as soon as Junci hummed it, Jiang Yi in the video couldn't help laughing out: "Cici, you are so cute."

There was a feeling of pampering in the magnetic voice.

Jun Ci responded politely: "No, Yier, you are also pretty cute."

Commercial blows.

Guru: "..."


Little spy: "..."

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