The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1439: Jun Chengyue may have to bring a girlfriend back

It has been twenty minutes since Jiang Yi finished playing the game. His game seems to be a gunfight game. Many people are in a map to see who can survive to the end.

After the fight, Jiang Yi threw the mouse excitedly: "Porcelain, I won!"

He raised the phone, was about to turn off the computer, and then thought of something, sat down again, and turned on the microphone: "I'm not coming, I'm videoing with my wife."

There was a wailing in the video.


"Don't Eternal Boss!!!"

"My daughter-in-law of Mr. Cao Yongheng, is that beautiful young lady? Please see, Mr. Yongheng."

Jiang Yi coldly replied "Go" to the last person.

Before turning off the headset, Junci heard a loud voice asking a weak voice: "Who is the wife of the eternal boss, is it really the emperor?"

Obviously a boy has not kept up with the changes in the information age.

Jiang Yi turned off the computer and went to bed. A long distance away, the two people were facing each other in video. Jun Ci was still looking through the forum intently. Jiang Yi shouted: "I'm finished playing Porcelain, don't watch. Other things."

"En?" The boy's tone was very perfunctory: "You say, I'm listening."

I turned to another piece of news, [If a boyfriend who is playing games is willing to talk to you when you call, it means that he must like you very much and is not willing to perfuse you], the corresponding comment below is [Such boyfriend It’s the legendary pig teammate, I might be killed when I meet]


Why are people so contradictory now?

"Porcelain, what did you do today?"

Jiang Yi started to ask routine questions, and Jun Ci brushed the forum, naturally replied: "Just filming, what else can I do?"


Jiang Yi also knew that he asked you nonsense. He turned his head and thought. He seemed to think that the topic was a bit dry, and began to talk about other gossips: "Hey, Cici, do you know that Dawn and Sister Changqing are together? They made it public, but Xiao Xiao’s family seemed to disagree, and his parents have not yet expressed their views."

"Well, I didn't know, but now I know."

The teenager is not very interested in such gossip. Anyway, it is all about Jiang Yi's inner circle, but she still asked, "Then do you think the Jing family will agree in the end?"

"I think it's dawn." Jiang Yi still knows a little about his brother. "If he insists, the Jing family may not agree in the end. Sister Changqing is just not good enough, and she is not bad herself."

Having played with Jiang Yi and the others since childhood, Xia Changqing is very aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and has worked very hard for so many years and has become a very good person.

It may not be unworthy of dawn.


"So you look at me, and I am sincere to you."

Probably there is still a bit of self-consciousness as a woman. Jun Ci has analyzed the key points by instinct: "Why, do you think I am not worthy of you?"

"of course not!!"

Jiang Yi immediately denied that he was sincere: "I was clearly confessing to you, you deliberately misinterpreted my words."

Also learned to beat back.

Jun Ci ignored him, and Jiang Yi muttered about another thing: "But this is not the main thing. Today I went out to play with Jun Fan and heard one thing, he said it seemed like Chengyue. When Uncle left, he said that he would bring a woman back. The Jun family is now guessing if it is Uncle Chengyue’s girlfriend. Porcelain, it is not easy for you to find Uncle Chengyue..."


The boy was immediately attracted by this sentence.

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