The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1527: Is this the prince?

"it is good!"

Now that the battleship has made such a big breakthrough, Shu Jie is shocked to think about it.

Jun Ci glanced at the group of scientists who were still looking at her frequently, and smiled lightly: "You have to find a reason to help me explain this matter. I'm leaving."

Shu Jie hesitated: "Since it is looking for you, don't you get together with it?"

Jun Ci looked at him with deep eyes: "Are you stupid, it's so high-tech, do you think it can't connect to my computer?"

She has not spoken directly about her brain.

Shu Jie: "..."


I forgot such a high-tech for a while, and made such a low-level mistake.

Shu Jie smiled a little embarrassed, and after speaking with Jun Ci, he let Jun Ci leave.

In fact, the last star had heard their conversation just now: "His Royal Highness, did you let this humanity know your identity?"

"Let him know it's okay, you already know the specifications of this planet, you should know why."


Mo Xing's voice was flat, while Gulu seemed to be much more cheerful: "Since you don't know anything now, then you have to follow me to study hard! According to my seniority, I am your elder brother, you call the eldest brother to listen?"

Last star: "..."

Junci: "..."

Mo Xing is a little strange, but his tone is still rigid, and there is no obvious emotional change as Guru: "His Royal Highness, this light brain seems to be different from me."

"Yes, it's not the same."

Jun Ci almost couldn't help laughing, "It will be enough for you to get along well in the future."

"Which is different?"

Gulu looked a little angry: "It's all the same."

The Last Star suddenly said: "Your Majesty, what are we going to do now? I have checked. There are still several energy mines on the earth that have not been developed. These energy mines are enough for us to create powerful weapons and conquer the entire planet. I can hire someone to mine it, I can hack the banking system, and money is not a problem."

Junci: "..."

Guru: "..." Brother, your thoughts are very dangerous.

Jun Ci also didn't expect the end star to be so violent when he came, and couldn't help but smile and said: "End star, you need to calm down, I don't need to conquer this planet now, you should know what I am doing now. , We have not returned to the interstellar era. It’s not bad to experience another kind of life here, and the days of fighting and killing are also good. You can help this planet develop science and technology."


Unexpectedly, His Majesty's state of mind is so peaceful now, the last star probably didn't think about it for a while, and didn't say a word.

In fact, it is already different, and Junci has noticed it.

It speaks seriously and rigidly, but there is still a thinking state similar to Guru in its speech, otherwise it should answer the questions programmatically, not like it is now, as if thinking about something.

It was dark at the moment, and Junci just left the underground base, but did not leave.

Shu Jie arranged for her to rest here for one night, and she will be walking tomorrow night.

Because there are more last stars, Junci is rarely happy tonight. In the seemingly quiet room, three people are actually talking.

Of course, they were all communicating in their heads, Gulu was happy for a while, and almost didn't even pull the little spy in.

As Junci chatted, Jiang Yi's video came.

As soon as Jun Ci was connected, Mo Xing probably realized something and said, "His Royal Highness, is this the Princess?"

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