The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1528: Do you think I'm long-winded? Yep.

Jun Ci froze for a moment.

The engagement of her and Jiang Yi is not a secret thing. There are many people who know about it and there are many videos left.

Coupled with the similar functions of Moxing and Gulu, it is not difficult for it to check some news, and it must have known Jiang Yi's identity in an instant.

But the princess almost didn't make Jun Ci laugh.

Especially the solemn and rigid voice of Mo Xing, earnestly uttering the three words "Prince Concubine", Jun Ci finally let out a "pouch" laugh.

As soon as Jiang Yi connected, he saw Jun Ci laugh and immediately laughed along with him: "Porcelain, what is so happy?"

"Well, there is something very happy."

Jun Ci smiled, and at this moment, his brain was already laughing frantically: "Yes, the end star, this is the prince!"

Your Royal Highness is the crown prince, isn't it the crown prince to find the other half?

"What's the matter? Saying it makes me happy?"

Jiang Yi was probably lying on the pillow, leaving only the light that could see the video clearly. He blinked and looked at Jun Ci, with thick eyelashes that fluttered up and down like a fan.

He is not feminine because he has such a heaven-defying face. Looking from left to right, Jun Ci feels that Jiang Yi is not like a princess.

This person is obviously a prince, but it is a pity that he is also a prince now, so let's let Concubine Jiang Yi get into the sky.

"As far as the forces of this world are concerned, his identity is barely worthy of His Highness."

The last star is still seriously evaluating.

If someone else hears that the eyes will fall out, Jiang Yi's status is barely worthy of Junci?

Gulu agreed, and relentlessly dismantled the stage: "I also think so, the most important thing is that our Highness thinks he looks good."

Junci: "..."

"I just learned a happy thing today, but when I go back, I will tell you in person."

Jun Ci also nestled in the quilt. It was raining outside, and it was exceptionally cold tonight. She covered the quilt and looked at Jiang Yi from the side, saying a lot more softly: "Is training tired? I miss you very much."

"I miss you too."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yi's eyes brightened, and he wanted to rush into Jun Ci's arms to act like a baby.

But this obviously doesn't fit his elder Jiang's prestige, especially since he is still in the dormitory now, with a roommate next to him, and he can't speak loudly when he is tired of people.

In the past, these two people were so tired of sprinkling dog food and only Gulu could hear it. Sometimes the little spy and the piano accompany him to torture, but now, with one more star, Gulu seems to have found it. The like-minded little friend, it has just put other things aside first, and has been excitedly asking the end star some things.

"End Star, don't you really remember what happened in the abyss? You protected your Highness for five hundred years, but you moved me. I'm sorry that when we fought together, you disappeared, but It’s great that you are back with your Highness now."

"You see if your Royal Highness looks a bit different from before, but don't be surprised. After all, they are all people who are going to get married. It is normal for a little change. Your Royal Highness has not been in love with a woman dressed as a man. Not bad."

Junci: "..."

Guru: "Oh, why do you keep ignoring me when I speak, End Star, do you think I'm very verbose?"

The last star spoke: "En."

Guru: "T.T hum!"

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