The well-informed Jun Ci stunned after seeing Jiang Yi like this.

She thought of the greeting Xia Hanyun and the others said when she came back, and the mysterious smile of Mother Jiang, and now she understood what was going on.

It turns out that Jiang Yi was drunk...

It became so stupid!

The old cadre Mo Xing was disgusted, and Gulu wanted to pull it away with a smile. Jun Ci’s expression was a bit complicated. At this moment, the people in front of him didn’t know where he was, and he kept trying to act like a baby at Jun Ci: "Ci Ci, I am a dinosaur. I want to bite you, bite you!"

He said that biting is not a real bite. He opened his teeth and danced his claws. He looked stupid in a doll costume. When he approached Jun Ci, Jun Ci subconsciously stepped back, and didn't want to look at Jiang Yi without turning his head.

Jiang Yi was upset, curled his mouth, wagging his tail and continued to be cute: "I am so cute, why do you ignore me?"

Junci: "..."

She looked at Jiang Yi in a dinosaur suit in silence, not to mention why Jiang Yi had this dress. It took a long time before Junci said: "Jiang Yi, you will regret it."

"Ang!" Jiang Yi jumped onto the bed, jumping around on the bed.

Jun Ci didn't feel very good when he sat by the bed.

"Hahahahahaha, it's so exciting and must be recorded, I have to inform the piano about them!!!"

Gulu is crazy, such a scene is simply a lifetime, if you don't record it, I'm sorry for the society.

Jumping and jumping, Jiang Yi saw that his tail was too short. He stretched out his hand to grab the tail and wanted to turn his head over to watch. This action was a bit difficult. He twisted his head and grabbed the tail with his hands. After spinning around for a few times, I sat down on the bed a few times and said, "Porcelain is dizzy and dizzy!!"

Witnessed the whole process of Junci: "..."

Seeing Jun Ci ignored him, Jiang Yi crawled over and hugged Jun Ci again: "I'm dizzy, you rub me..."

Disgusted and disgusted, Jun Ci rubbed Jiang Yi's head on his temples twice.

At this moment, the little spy and the piano downstairs received the news coming up.

Holding the camera in the piano hand, he saw Jiang Yi wearing a dinosaur costume, and both dog eyes shone brightly.

Little spy: "Oh, I'm going to this one!"

Seeing Jiang Yi on the bed, the little spy almost pulled over without a smile like Gulu, and the piano next to him picked up his mobile phone and started recording Jiang Yi.

Jun Ci felt that Jiang Yi, who woke up the next day, would have no face to meet people.

Jiang Yi ignored them. The whole person was wrapped around Jun Ci. Suddenly he pinched Jun Ci's fingers and said earnestly: "Porcelain, would you not want me?"

Even drunk can still think about it.

Last Star: "Yes."

Guru: "Yes."

Junci: "..."

She hadn't spoken yet and the two light brains answered instead. Jiang Yi definitely didn't know who said it. He thought it was Jun Ci, and he started to cry.

"Wu Cici, you can't do without me, what should I do if you do not want me!!"

He must be unable to cry, just as the aggrieved whimper, like a large animal, the whole person can't wait to shrink the king's arms.

Jun Ci rubbed his forehead: "Jiang Yi, you did this yourself. You are not allowed to drink in the future!"

The little spy and the piano laughed and patted their dog's paws while they were recording, and they probably almost laughed.

Seeing these two things now, what face will Jiang Yi have to teach them in the future.

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