Jiang Yi made a fuss for a while, but at the end Jun Ci had to coax him, so he wore that dinosaur costume and fell asleep next to Jun Ci.

Jun Ci took a look. The man changed his clothes and knew he was in his pajamas. If the air conditioner was not on in the room, he wouldn't be too hot.

When she was about to help Jiang Yi take off the doll outfit, Jiang Yi mumbled a few words and turned over and didn't want her to take it off. Jun Ci got rid of it.

When this man wakes up from alcohol, he will lose face.

After he fell asleep, Jun Ci breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period of time, Jiang Yi went drunk crazy, but it made her sweat.

It's like coaxing a child.

She went into the room, took a shower, changed into her pajamas, and lay on the bed. She was going to read Weibo news. Ji Moyin in the WeChat group was crazy@her.

Ji Moyin: @君瓷@君瓷hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Jiang Yi is he asleep? ? !

Just looking at this tone, it was obvious that Ji Moyin knew what would happen to Jiang Yi when he was drunk.

Jun Ci: Cry enough and sleep over

Ji Moyin: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! ! !

Xia Hanyun:...

Jing Fuxiao: I don't know how to face you when he wakes up.

More than just facing her.

Jun Ci sneered. The little spy and the piano by the bed were still playing back the video of Jiang Yi just going crazy.

Probably a big killing.

Jun Ci: Did you know that he was like this after being drunk?

Ji Moyin: Yes, otherwise, how could I provoke him to drink? The last time he drank was before he met you, he wore a dinosaur suit and danced a rabbit dance that night. I didn’t let the dance make a noise, but I laughed to death. Damn it, if he didn't force us to delete the video, he would have been dishonored!


Xia Hanyun: You are not afraid that he will turn over the chat history tomorrow...

Jing Fuxiao: He still has a picture of you wearing a skirt in his hand, please relax

Ji Moyin: Damn, that happened when I was young, can it be the same as now? !

Jun Ci glanced at Jiang Yi next to him. He really didn't expect this man to be so naive in his bones.

He fell asleep quietly now, his whole head could only see the face, shrunk beside Jun Ci, and his paws were holding Jun Ci. From this perspective, he could only see the man's long eyelashes.

She slept quite peacefully.

Junci read the WeChat group, and then turned to Weibo again.

As she expected, Weibo has now collapsed because of her announcement.


It can be said that the effect was even more shocking than when she announced who she was last time, but with Gulu's repair, she was able to enter Weibo, and then saw the news, frowned slightly.

However, in one hour, I now have 300,000 comments and hundreds of thousands of popular comments and likes. However, unlike the pure messages she sent, I brought two of my own on the back of this Weibo. The photo of the women's clothing, and another photo from today’s engagement banquet. Of course, they are all by themselves, and the style of the comments below is also a bit...

-MMP, I was dumbfounded when I saw the news, and even wanted to curse, when I saw the photo, I whispered BB...

-impossible! I do not believe! I'm not crazy, don't stop me, I'm not crazy!

-Hahahahaha Weibo went wrong, the emperor was hacked

-This is impossible, I will never believe it, it is definitely the eternal shameless way to get the frenzied way you came up with. In fact, you are a man. This photo is P, P!

-...No wonder and eternal GAY...oh, it means you two really have a leg

-Hehe, liar!

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