Twenty days after "Seventh Killer Space" was released in China, the box office has reached 4.5 billion.

People's enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high because of the emergence of new technologies. During such a hot summer vacation, "Seventh Killer Space" will once again create a history.

And these histories were created by the emperor himself.

Although she has disclosed her identity as a girl, except for the initial shock, everyone seems to have accepted this fact now.

The emperor is a girl.

Although from most Reuters photos, Junci is mainly in men's clothing, and I have rarely seen women in women's clothing.

Up to now, the only photos of women's clothing are the one posted on her own Weibo and the eternal one.

Many people suspected that it was a show, but when thinking of the emperor’s publicity, they once said that it was because of the family that they were dressed up as men. They have been used to it for so many years.

It is not so easy to change things that have been used.

Many people understand this.

But no matter what, everyone understands a fact.

She is still handsome! Still handsome!

This is enough.

But when this matter gradually disappeared, a sudden incident detonated the network.

Claire’s elder brother, Myers’ eldest son, Ian Austin, was recently dating a starlet, because the emperor’s popularity has recently been in full swing, and the "Seventh Killer Space" that also exploded in Hollywood is exactly this one. The director, so Ian was probably to brag. After getting drunk, he said that the emperor was actually his niece, the daughter of his father's previous wife, that is, he and Claire's niece.

The little star was stunned at the time, couldn't believe it, and even recorded the sound himself.

Although the recording was intermittently drunk, the words spoken were exceptionally clear.

Ian said that the emperor was actually her niece.

This is simply a crazy thing!

The Austin family is also a wealthy and distinguished family in the United States, how suddenly they got involved with a Chinese director of pure Chinese nationality.



Before the emperor broke out that he was a girl, there were still many people who hadn't recovered from it. Now that the incident broke out again, it was simply shocking!

The little star felt that he had got the big news, so he sent it directly to the gossip media.

The gossip magazine suddenly came out this news the next day.

[Ian Austin said that the emperor is his niece? 】

[The emperor himself comes from an American wealthy family. What is the reason? 】

[After drunk, Ian Austin said that the emperor was his niece, and the emperor has no response yet]

[Bombshell, the emperor is the daughter of a wealthy family! 】

When the news came out, Junci was still sleeping.

Because the day in the United States is the night in China. When she woke up, the sky in China had already exploded.

European and American Information Circle V: I know that everyone hasn't recovered from the news that the emperor is a girl recently, but now there is more outrageous news. The Austin family is a wealthy family in the United States. It is the largest casino group in Las Vegas. Now, Ian Austin, the heir of the Austin family, is drunk and says that the emperor is actually his niece, his father and original partner. The daughter of an eldest daughter who was born. It is said that this eldest lady was also very famous in the upper class at the time, but disappeared inexplicably when she was fifteen. There are magazines in Europe and the United States that revealed that on the day of the emperor’s engagement, Claire, a supermodel, appeared in China. .

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