-I can hardly eat the melons these days... Can you pity us who are about to enter the postgraduate entrance examination?

-Blockbuster news exploded one by one, and all came from the emperor

-The Emperor’s True Modern Edition Jack Suga Marisu...

-Fuck Ian Austin! ! ! Famous Hollywood Playboy! ! The supermodel girlfriends are all based on playing, but they are the emperor's uncle? unbelievable!

-I always think that the beauty of the Austin family is one of the few wealthy families that I can get to. I didn’t expect to be relatives of the emperor. No wonder they all look so beautiful

-The emperor has become like this, so how beautiful should her mother be?

-I disappeared when I was fifteen, but now Ian and Claire are in their twenties, and the emperor is twenty-two. There is no difference in age. Does the emperor’s life experience feel a bit bloody?

-The emperor is half blood, right? If her mother is American and her father is not Chinese, her facial features cannot be so Asian, but she is really mixed. Her appearance can be beaten in Hollywood. Many foreign friends around him say that the emperor looks good.


Internet public opinion exploded.

If it was the emperor's matter that was clarified earlier, now that the wealthy elements are added, it is even more popular with melon-eating people.

Who has the most people in life?

Of course they are ordinary people.

What ordinary people most yearn for is what kind of life the rich family will have, and what kind of corrupt life he should lead as a rich, especially those rich gossips who have fallen below the Three Views are the favorite of the people who eat melon.

Now the rich secrets are involved in the world leader.

Shocked, the world-class leader is the daughter of a wealthy family!

Just by looking at the title, you can realize how much **** it is.

I don’t know how many passers-by were excited, and the control of public opinion on the Internet was not strict, and the news soon broke into the country.

Gulu didn't want this incident to happen, but firstly, Junci was sleeping, and secondly, it didn't look pleasing to the Austin family.

Originally, his Highness was noble and did not rely on your family. Now that Ian broke out on his own, Miles must be furious, so Miles must clean up the mess himself.

Gulu don't help them clean up.

Miles can buy the U.S. to stop breaking news for the time being, but Americans are good at exposing such things. It is not as easy to buy as China, and he can't reach out in China.

When the news broke, everyone around Junci was shocked.

They only knew that Junci was a director and had her own company. Regarding her life experience, they only knew that she had an uncle and aunt who was not good to her, and now they have cut off contact.

Never thought that there could be such a bizarre story in the emperor...

It's like a friend around you said one day that he was the son of the richest man. Of course, the richest man is a bit rich, but the gap is too big.

It seemed that the other party had reached the sky in one step.

No matter how capable Junci is now, the rich are the rich.

It seems that in the eyes of the world, the rich will always be given a layer of mystery. As long as they are stained with these two words, they are mysterious and noble, completely in another world, with clear boundaries.

The current Junci is actually a daughter left behind by a wealthy family. The magical plot that can only be seen at the eight o'clock dog-blood story, of course, makes people who eat melons boil.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of Junci, this is a joke.

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