The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1674: At a glance

"I don't know, he refuses to say."

Bonita shook her head, and then began to reprimand: "Claire, you shouldn't call your father's name directly in front of the media. Others will think that there is a problem within our family. And you are disrespecting your father."

Claire's headache got worse. She poured a glass of water and shrugged helplessly: "I see."

When facing her family, she can relax.

"Why doesn't your brother come back?"

"He has exposed the emperor's affairs now, how dare to come back, I said that my father would scold him to death."

Claire puts down the cup: "Mom, what do you think Dad really thinks? He really doesn't want to accept his niece back to Austin? Now she is a world-class director with a reputation and status, and has close cooperation with several major groups in Bailaimen. Let her come back without any harm, why does my father disagree."

Bonita paused: "I know this, but your father is very determined."

Resolutely makes me puzzled.

Claire didn't expect to be able to figure out his father's thoughts, and waved his hand: "Maybe father is crazy. Goodbye mom, I went to sleep."

Bonita said gently: "Go to sleep, boy, have a good dream."

"Okay. Bye bye!"

After seeing Claire go upstairs and enter her room, Bonita brought her coffee again to find Miles.


America is night, and Junci is day.

Gulu sent the audio of Miles awakened by the nightmare in the middle of the night to Jun Ci.

Of course, the discordant picture Gulu will not monitor, but it has been detecting Miles recently.

This audio is kind of discovery.

She had been wondering why Jun Chengyue took Lydia away so easily.

How could Miles not meet Bonita before, so it's impossible to deny her daughter for other women?

Why didn't he look for his missing daughter?

The misunderstanding was quickly understood by Junci.

Unless the news of Lydia's disappearance was made by Miles.

"His Royal Highness thought Lydia was not missing?"

Gulu pondered the thoughts of His Highness, and quickly understood her meaning.

Jun Ci nodded: "Don't forget, it was Jun Chengyue who kidnapped Lydia."

Jun Chengyue was completely in force to suppress Miles, and even made Miles dare not make any more movements.

If it was for his Austin family, then Miles would not dare to look for Lydia again.

"But that doesn’t make sense. He just doesn’t accept your Highness. It stands to reason that you shouldn’t know who you are the child of Lydia. Jun Chengyue didn’t threaten him privately. It’s impossible for him to know to pick you up. Is there anything wrong with the family? All these years have passed. According to records, Jun Chengyue should have never appeared in front of him. He probably didn't know Jun Chengyue."

"Even if you don't know..."

Jun Ci propped his forehead with a pensive look, and his eyes were deeply pressed. Even in his current appearance, he was indescribably charming.

"Maybe Lydia's disappearance at the time was a bit of a stimulus to Miles?"

What happened to cause Miles to be like this, Junci couldn't figure it out, and Gulu naturally didn't know.

Judging from Miles' performance last night, it is very possible that Junci's speculation is true, so four people may know what happened.

Jun Chengyue, Jun Chengbai, Lydia, Miles.

Who to ask, it's clear at a glance.

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