"what happened?"

Bonita woke up in a dazed manner. She was a light sleeper. The weather tonight was not good, but a little noise woke her up.

Turning on the bedside lamp, she saw Miles' pale face.

The cold sweat came down, the look of fear was as terrible as meeting a ghost.

Miles didn't say anything, he sat stiffly with a heavy gasp in his mouth, as if he had ran a marathon just now.

He is already old, and his body can't stand it.

Was awakened by a nightmare, even more unable to sleep.

He didn't answer Bonita's words, but got up and got out of bed in her surprised eyes.

He went into the bathroom to wash his face, and finally came to the table and poured himself a glass of water.

Under the ice, the feeling of breathlessness seemed a little better.

Miles exhaled heavily.

"What happened to you?"

Bonita also came to him in her pajamas. At this moment, Bonita felt that the husband who slept with her was a bit strange.

Even if he used to raise a lover outside, his face has never been so strange as it is now.

Miles shook his head and whispered, "I'm fine, Bonita, I had a nightmare. Go to sleep."

His voice was a little hoarse, as if he was speaking in a breath, much like that kind of dying old man.

Bonita looked worried, she held on to Miles' shoulders: "No, Miles, you rarely have nightmares, you are in the wrong state, what is going on?"

Miles still shook his head and did not speak. He put his hand on his forehead, seeming to have a headache.

Bonita guessed one thing: "Is it because of the emperor?"

Myers' fingertips trembled, and then Bonita said again: "Or because...Kasha...?"

With just such a word, Miles pulled his palm down suddenly.

"No, you think too much, Bonita!"

However, the more he denied it, the more he admitted that it was indeed related to Kai'Sa.

Bonita has been wondering what happened in the first place, so Miles mentioned her daughter as a taboo.

For so many years, she hadn't heard Kai'Sa's name from her husband in the air several times.

Had she not known for sure, she would have thought that Kai'Sa was not Miles' daughter at all.

Bonita hesitated, knowing that the more she asked, the more resistant her husband was, "I'll pour you a cup of coffee."

When going downstairs, Bonita watched the light in the kitchen turn on. At this time, there could be no servants.

She went over and saw that it was her own daughter, Claire.

She was still wearing a black and white dress without even removing her makeup. The retro makeup looked luxurious and indifferent.

"Your work is over, Claire?"

Bonita is not surprised, Claire often comes home suddenly like this, usually too busy at work, she lives outside.

Claire nodded and touched her forehead: "I feel a headache, mother, why are you still up?"

"Your father woke up from a nightmare tonight." Bonita noticed that the corners of Claire's clothes were a little wet, probably because the rain was too heavy outside and got caught: "Did it rain? You go into the room early and take warm water. Take a shower, go to bed early, don't catch a cold."

Claire was attracted by her words: "Father was awakened by a nightmare? How could he have nightmares?"

In her memory, the ridiculous things like nightmares should not belong to children or young men and women?

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