The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1672: Wake up from nightmare

"how about it?"

Hearing that Bonita was quiet, Miles opened her eyes and asked her.

Bonita shook her head: "Not sure."

The child's words were ambiguous, with a vaguely strong, even Bonita could not hear any emotions.

It's really a little scary kid.

Was it the same with Kai'Sa back then?

Bonita was a little puzzled. She even felt that the emperor had a trait that even the Austin family did not possess.

Could it be related to her father?

"Not sure what does it mean?"

Miles twitched his cheeks, facing his wife who shook his head, he could only close his eyes with a sullen face.


"Bonita said Miles has hidden feelings. Why can't Gollum see that he has hidden feelings?"

Guru was a little angry when he mentioned Miles.

Someone else has a granddaughter like Junci, who has long been happy to take the person back without knowing what, but Miles actually doesn't want to admit his Highness!

Last Star: "Maybe there is."

Guru: "Moxing, what do you know, you know, don't interrupt if adults talk and children, hurry up and go with your researchers!"

Last star: "..."

The cup in front of him emitted a faint heat, and Jun Ci looked at the cup in thought.

Bonita said, she hadn't thought about it earlier.

But what secret can Miles have that would make him so resistant to let her return to the Miles family?

Maybe it's really for profit.

For his own benefit.

Unexpectedly, she thought of Lydia again, perhaps Lydia knew it.

In other words, Jun Chengbai?

Having been with Lydia for so many years, didn't Lydia ever talk about the Miles family?

Jun Ci originally wanted to make a phone call to Jun Chengbai, but thought that it was dark on the island now, Jun Chengbai was probably already sleeping, Jun Ci didn't call again.

The piano came to Jun Ci and saw Jun Ci staring at a cup of tea in a daze, sticking out his tongue and licking the tea cup.

Piano: [Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Ao Aoao

MMP, it's really hot, it's burning to death, it's burning to death! ! ! ! ! ! !

Seeing the piano go crazy, Jun Ci glanced at it coldly and pushed the teacup away disgustingly: "I was licked by you. I will throw it away later."

Piano glanced at her contemptuously.

Do not drink and fall down.

Before Junci was going to hit it with a feather duster, it had done this to death, and rushed back to the study to play games.


At night, it rained heavily in the United States, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The servants in the villa closed all the windows, only Miles' bedroom had a window wide open, and the floor-to-ceiling curtains were all blowing and hunting.

In the middle of the night, Miles slept unsteadily because of the events of the past few days, and his nerves were too tight.

Miles, who was gradually falling asleep in the sound of wind and rain, unexpectedly heard the girl's laughter.

The laughter resounded around him like bells, bringing countless accents.

Then, a hazy scene appeared.

Because it was too long and the picture was blurry, he could only see a girl smiling at himself.

He also became happy, but suddenly, the picture went dark, and the girl's laughter turned into unwilling screams——

"Daddy, save me!! Save me!! Daddy, no!!!"

Opening his eyes with a "huh", Miles woke up sweating profusely.

Looking at the ceiling, there was a loud "click" outside the window, and the sound of thunder rolled, and the instant light reflected Miles's pale and old face.

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