The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1676: Preparation of "Interstellar Glory"

"Lydia’s parents are the heads of the Austin family in the United States, and the current head is Lydia’s father, my grandfather. Recently, this incident was exposed, so the reports outside are chaotic. Don't believe anything when you see it."

She just reminded Jun Chengbai to wake up, which made Jun Chengbai say: "Austin?"

He just asked subconsciously, what exactly did Austin do, he didn't know anything.

Not knowing what he thought of, he was a little pleased: "Did they send someone to find you? Are they trying to recognize you back?"

Now Junci doesn't even have a parent, if a family suddenly wants to accept Junci back, Jun Chengbai is still very happy.

Lydia's parents should be as kind as her...

"You think too much, father."

Jun Ci sneered: "I have an irreconcilable contradiction with the Austin family now, but since you don't know it, just forget it, I'll hang up first."

After a few quick words, Jun Ci hung up the phone.

This made Jun Chengbai a little lost.

In fact, sometimes he is not just chatting, he also wants to have a good chat with Junci.

He wanted to know something about this daughter who had been missing for too long.

It’s just that she seems to be very busy, and every phone conversation doesn’t last too long. Her tone has always been very flat, and she rarely greets him about his recent situation. He doesn’t know how to tell Junci, and now Look like.

He put the phone in a daze, and pushed the bridge of his nose to study the glasses he was wearing.

Putting his hand in the pocket of his white lab coat, he looked outside, and the plants on the beach blew by the wind clashed.

There seems to be nothing, and there seems to be a lot more.


There was no good result from the discussion with Junci. In the end, Miles couldn't resist the pressure and stood up and said that he had nothing to do with the emperor.

Because of spending a lot of money to suppress such news, the emperor refused to respond, so the popularity of the report began to diminish.

This incident seems to be suppressed slowly, but Junci knows that this incident is different from the past. Once there is another explosion point, it will rebound with a bang, and it will inevitably cause more trouble.

But that is not something I need to worry about.

As the movie time passed day by day, one month passed by myself.

She seemed to have nothing to do recently, but finally received a message that there was progress and a script suitable for the Air Force was received.

Gulu picked out a suitable one among the nearly 10,000 registered scripts.

Jun Ci sent the script to the people from the Air Force to review it by himself, and then began to prepare for the script of "Interstellar Glory".

Since filming is about to start, it is natural to prepare for the selection of actors. Jun Ci thought for a moment. In my memory, the actor Jensen has always substituted the style of the previous empire.

In the interstellar age at that time, the bloodlines had been completely integrated, and the Western and Easterners actually didn't make much sense, and the gap was not big.

Therefore, Junci intends to pick an oriental one for the male protagonist and a Western one for the female protagonist.

But the heroine Yusha is more difficult to play, how to act to please the audience and not disgust the book fans.

Although Junci doesn't care much about other people's attitudes, the audience is definitely satisfied with the actors she picks.

Right now, when he started planning, Jun Ci made a call to He Jiankang, asking him to prepare, and he was about to start preparing for the crew.

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