The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1677: Recommend Hera

After such a long time, Junci finally put the story he wrote on the big screen.

Many people are wondering when she will shoot her own film, and now the opportunity has finally come.

The book "Interstellar Glory" is very popular, at least under the leadership of the CG drama, it has spread all over the world.

It's just that it is too high-profile to compare with other things about Junci herself, so her books and film and television dramas have always seemed quiet and quiet.

In fact, there are already a lot of book fans around the world.

Most of her fans have turned into book fans.

After calling He Jiankang, Jun Ci began to think about the choice of actors.

Seriously, she is not familiar with actors in Hollywood, so she has some hesitation in choosing an actor.

On the actor's side, it takes a certain amount of time to judge if Chinese people are going to play. Jun Ci went through it in his mind and didn't think there was a suitable actor.

Now many stars have fans who say below what novels they want their idols to appear in.

There is such a topic in Interstellar Glory. Jun Ci looked at the most highly topical actors, and none of them met his expectations.

However, in the eyes of fans, they seem to feel that their idols can control any image.

Regardless of the three seven twenty one, any image is set on the idol.

You can pass all these people off almost without thinking, but Gulu gave a note: "Your Highness, if you hesitate on the heroine's side, you might as well look for Hera."


"The Hacker Hera?"

Jun Ci immediately remembered who this person was, and Gulu continued: "Yes."

After all, Gollum gave Hera's information.

Upon seeing Hera's first glance, Jun Ci's eyes flickered.

In terms of appearance, Hera doesn't agree with Yusha in her mind, but her temperament is very similar.

Hera's real name is Laura Ann. She was originally a high school student. After accidentally entering the computer world, she found herself very talented. She was almost self-taught in the hacker world.

Only after attacking the Pentagon, she stopped washing her hands because she attracted too much attention.

Now Laura, because of her outstanding appearance, she is not popular, and she is an actress who is mingled in Hollywood.

This identity is too bizarre, so the FBI can't catch Hera even more.

She has a kind of ghostly temperament, likes to draw smoky makeup, but the whole person is very suitable for this makeup, but because of her unique temperament, coupled with her loneliness and arrogance, and reluctance to accept the unspoken rules in Hollywood, she has never been mixed up.

Even if she is a great beauty, she will only disappear into the crowd when she has no works.

No paparazzi would like to go out.

Laura even lives in a bit of embarrassment in private.

Gulu would not recommend others to Junci casually. Junci was interested in this Laura earlier, after thinking about it, he said: "Prepare a ticket for me, and I will go to America to find her."

Guru: "Okay, Your Highness!"

When she started preparing to go to the United States, she naturally had to find actors by herself, so there was no need to post any information on Weibo.

Therefore, Junci’s plans are in progress quietly. Few people know that her "Interstellar Glory" is about to start shooting, because they all think that what she will shoot next is about the air force.

When Junci flew to the United States, although low-key, it still attracted the attention of some people, especially the Austin family, which was originally a headache for some time ago. Now that Junci has come to the United States, I feel a little nervous.

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