The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1678: She remembered where she met this person

Laura lives in a famous starlight spot in Hollywood, a small apartment building nearby.

She doesn't have much money and can't afford to live in a good house. The rent is shared with another girl who also has a dream in Hollywood.

Although the girl has a star dream, she is completely different from Laura, and she is willing to pay any price for the superior.

So Laura was not surprised when she heard the ambiguous moan coming from the house today.

She turned over, grabbed a slice of potato chips to eat, and was bored watching TV.

During the break, she hadn't removed her makeup yet, and her thick smoky makeup hung on the deep eye pupils, which looked very charming.

Under the gray T-shirt collar is a pair of straight long legs, which is not surprising among Europeans and Americans.

Gradually, the moaning stopped. After a while, Laura heard the sound of someone closing the door and going out, and then her door rang.

"Laura, can I come in?"

Laura glanced at the door, "Come in."

Someone pushed the door in, and the roommate was only wearing underwear and underwear, showing a beautiful figure, not much embarrassment.

After sitting down, he lit a cigarette: "Do you know who that person is? The screenwriter of "The Source of Life", he promised that I would arrange a role for me on the crew. But he really can't do it, it's over in a few minutes ."

The roommate is quite entertaining, grinning and laughing at the person just now.

Laura was silent.

She has always been quiet, and her roommate is not surprised.

Smoke rose in the air, and roommate Bessie's vision gradually became blurred: "Laura, you are not allowed to do this. If you really want to be in this business, what else can we do without a background or a background? Without the blessing of the God of Fortune, it is basically impossible to be famous. Sometimes, I really admire Cecilia. I used to apply for a model show with her, and now she is a star wars blockbuster. The heroine, I heard that the global box office has passed 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, and Hollywood has another sweet pastry."

Laura changed the remote to another station, and the TV jumped from news to SpongeBob.

Bessie chuckled, her cigarette caught in her hand, and she became a lot of decadence: "Laura, what did you do before? Why have I never heard you talk about it? Is it just reading?"

Laura squinted at Bessie, and said coldly: "I was wanted by the FBI before, and I couldn't get along with my career, so I came to be an actor."


Bessie leaned forward and closed with a smile.

Obviously, she took what Laura said as a joke.

No one would believe such absurd words.

"Ding Linglingling..."

Suddenly there was a constant button press outside the door, and Bessie took a look, stood up and opened the door, also a little puzzled: "Does that idiot want to continue?"

When she said this, she opened the door when she walked outside.

Outside the door was a strange boy wearing a mask, and his eyebrows seemed to make her familiar.

She couldn't remember where she seemed to have seen such a dress.

"Hi, is Laura Ann there?"

The visitor spoke purely in English, and the elegant tone seemed to pass between his lips and teeth. Zheng'er made Bessie suddenly embarrassed because of his current dress.

"Oh, she is in the house, may I ask you who?"

When she said this, she let the boy into the room sideways, pointed in Laura's direction, and at the same time, she hugged her arm and prepared to go to the room to put on a coat.

When she reached the door, her blood clotted all over her body suddenly.

She remembered where she had seen this boy.

on television.

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