After that, he left directly.

After he left, the woman in the back of the car got out of the car, wearing OL work clothes, black stockings, and a very good figure.

With golden hair and delicate features, he blew a kiss to Jun Ci when he got out of the car, then closed the door and left. The crisp sound of high heels could be heard throughout the underground parking lot.

Jun Ci raised his head and glanced at the camera hanging on it.

So courageous?

Before she sighed, she grunted out: "It's the staff of the branch."

"Don't say it yet."

She touched her chin and snorted, judging from the appearance, the status of the white man just now should not be low in the group. It is interesting to see this kind of thing.

When the Junci group recruits people, the first thing is the ability problem. Although the recruits are all elites, they can't guarantee the character is very good.

She chuckled and took the elevator upstairs.

The whole building is from Silori Group.

The first six floors are all floors where people within the group or who cooperate with Silori can move freely when they come.

The sixth floor is the restaurant and movie theater, including the gym and other entertainment venues.

From the seventh floor up are the floors that can only be accessed by management level.

The ninth floor is the highest-level management office, which is reserved for Junci.

Only Junci and Leo have the highest authority to enter.

Only the elevator can go up, and it is a single unit, including the floors where you go up are blocked by a code lock.

Although the top management basically doesn't come here, everyone knows that the ninth-level executives can't get up.

All the intelligent systems used in the entire Silori, the master system is made by Guru, which can control all the internal procedures of the Silori Group, just to avoid being too intelligent to cause panic among some people. Basically, many people in the group are not Know all its functions.

After entering the elevator, Junci thought for a while and entered the button on the fifth floor.

The group's classification system is very rough, and the higher the department, the more important it is.

She has basically never been to a company in the United States, and of course she has time to inspect the people below.

She didn't alarm anyone, including Leo, she didn't tell that Leo was in Manhattan anyway.

On the fifth floor, when Junci exited the elevator on the fifth floor, a few white women wearing black and white OL work makeup were talking and laughing outside the elevator door, holding a pile of documents in their hands.

When Jun Ci came out, they just glanced subconsciously, and then went into the elevator.

When the elevator doors were about to be closed, the women said in a little surprise, "Hey, is the person wearing the mask a bit familiar?"

It’s just not visible anymore.

The interior of Silori Group, which is mainly black and white style, is simple and low-key, simple and fashionable.

Show the rigor of the work environment.

However, the occasional colored decorations within the group, including the smart dolls walking around, brought a lively atmosphere to the group, which seemed not so serious.

Anyone who comes to work in Silori Group can give a permanent smart doll to one person. The doll can accompany him to work, so many people bring smart dolls with them.

Perhaps you will see a serious-faced elite IT staff playing cards with their monkey doll while working.

Jun Ci took two steps, and a fat rabbit jumped and hugged Jun Ci's thigh.

Its owner exclaimed: "COCO, come here, don't!"

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