The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1684: Girls eat so much at home

"But young man, I think you are very strange. Are you a newcomer?"

The teacher speaks very kindly, just like the grandfather next door.

Jun Ci nodded: "Almost so, I came here temporarily from the headquarters."

Temporarily came to inspect the work.

The master nodded suddenly: "It turned out to be like this, hey, how does the food at the headquarters taste? Is there any authentic beef noodles that I make?"

Jun Ci almost laughed. Unexpectedly, the chef would fight for a bowl of noodles. He nodded and laughed, "You made delicious."

If you are polite, of course Junci will say it.

The master chef smiled even more happily: "That is, I used to be in China and made beef noodles for more than 20 years. The base material for boiled beef, the taste, can't be forgotten even after eating in the village. There are still people calling me to go back to China to sell beef noodles. It’s just my son who immigrated. I can’t do it by myself. It’s boring if I came to this foreign country alone. I hadn’t heard about this company recruiting a master some time ago , I won't come either."

He said that beef noodles, of course, can't only make the same beef noodles. There are only two chefs in Chinese cuisine, and they are responsible for many typical Chinese cuisines.

Having a personal chat while eating noodles can also kill time. Jun Ci asked in passing: "The master made such a good taste. Why didn’t you expect to open a restaurant and run here? With your craftsmanship, you opened your own home in Chinatown. Doesn’t the restaurant make more?"

This is just a monthly salary, although it is not low, but a kitchen master is not high.

"Hey, relax! How many people are in a company? Just eat at noon and night. It's a group of foreigners. Only a few people eat Chinese food. Leisure! My son works as a vice president in a listed company, my daughter-in-law It’s the strategic deployment and management of a certain multinational group, and the money at home is not bad, and the restaurant is open all day, and it’s tired of my old bones."

Jun Ci: "...It turned out to be so, sir, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"Hey, but what exactly do you do? I think you guys just came out to work at a young age, right? What is your profession? Is the salary high here, do you want me to let my son introduce you to a better job? Good job? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Junci: "..."

The teacher started to change his taste as he talked. Not only did he want to dig the wall, he also wanted to introduce Jun Ci to his girlfriend's posture.

Jun Ci took a bite of noodles and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I have a deputy and I am not short of money. Silori's job is just what I like, and I'm also engaged. Thank you, sir. Your kindness."

"Oh, since you are so young, you got engaged?"

The master is quite gossip.

At this time, the Silori group started to get off work, and a large crowd came in for lunch.

Silori packs three meals a day, and the group has a lot of delicacies and all tastes. It is not necessary to go out to eat, so basically many people choose to eat in the company.

Although the master is not very busy, there is always a crowd of people who want to eat Chinese food, and he quickly gets busy happily.

Because Jun Ci was sitting in the first row, with her back facing everyone, not many people noticed her. After she finished a bowl of noodles, she just tried the taste, so she ordered less, not too much fun, and planned to let the master cook it for her. bowl.

Gulu reminded: "His Royal Highness, girls eat so much at home!"

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