Junci: "I want you to manage!"

Gulu: "You haven't exercised much recently because of your engagement with Jiang Yi, and you have eaten a lot. Do you know how much weight you have gained recently? Three catties, three catties!"

Gulu was a little bit distressed, "If this goes on, your abs will almost disappear."

Jun Ci: "Just your mouth grows up all day long."

Guru: "..."

Although she said that, it was all joking. Jun Ci felt that it was delicious and occasionally willful. If she decided to exercise, it would definitely be fine.

Basically maintain morning exercises every day.

She went to ask for another bowl, and of course the master chef was happy to cook a bowl for her.

While eating, Junci heard a few people who were eating Chinese food behind them and began to discuss things in the company.

It's nothing more than some complaints in the workplace, about how your boss is.

"Everyone knows that Carrie, this little bitch, has gotten together with the boss in her department, so he wants to treat us as fools!"

"There is no way, people have identity and body, we can only watch."



Jun Ci doesn't understand the gossip between these companies, and she has no interest in paying attention.

At this moment, there was a particularly obvious sound of high heels around him. Jun Ci felt familiar, turned his head and glanced slightly, and found that most people were looking in that direction.

It was the blonde woman in the underground garage just now.

She stepped on high heels, with a confident look on her face. She was indeed very beautiful, and her chest was turbulent when she walked around. She was a **** blonde.

It's just that Junci stunners have seen too much, so it's average at best.

As she walked, the crisp voice of her high heels was as majestic as she was going to fight, and almost all the men were knocking on her.

The few white people who were eating behind him were as quiet as chickens. The woman came to the master’s face, glanced with her head held up slightly, and swept around until she saw Junci’s back and a bowl of noodles in front of her. Asked: "What is that?"

The teacher answered her kindly in unskilled English: "Beef noodles."

"Oh, bring me a bowl."

After that, the woman sat behind Jun Ci and began to put on makeup.

She looks good even in whites, probably the kind that has attracted attention since she was a child. Jun Ci only thought about it for a moment, and thought of the quiet atmosphere of the people in the back seat at this time. It is not difficult to guess that this woman is Carrie in their mouths.

The one who hooked up with the department boss.

Honestly speaking, Junci really doesn't care about these things. It doesn't matter whether it involves ethics or not, as long as there are no problems with the business, it will be fine.

Unless it is really troublesome and ugly, and affects the company, otherwise, everything has to be handled, which is unrealistic.

There is no perfect person at all, and Junci will not require every employee of the company with perfect standards, because it is completely impossible.

The master chef quickly made her a bowl of beef noodles and served it.

On Junci's side, because it is the second bowl of noodles, I eat slowly.

Carrie ate some chopsticks, and nodded her head with enjoyment: "Well, not bad!"

Seeing her reaction, the master smiled kindly.

That kind of feeling is like everyone who cooks delicious food, seeing others praise the delicious food they make is really happy.

But just a minute later, a voice came from there: "Carrie, Carrie..."

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