The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1686: Please call a meeting

It was a menacing male voice.

Jun Ci didn't look back, just heard the woman's puzzled voice: "Boss, is there any problem?"

"Oh my God, are you eating Chinese food? Are you eating something that doesn't serve the table? What is this, water and noodles together, what is this?"

"Have you not eaten it? This is soup noodles, beef noodles, delicious..."

"Are you kidding Carrie!"

Junci paused...

The master's smile became a little awkward.

He doesn't understand this fast English, but he can simply analyze that the other party is saying that there is a problem with his beef noodles.

Carrie was a little surprised. She stood up, and the other departments who came to have a Chinese meal in the back glanced at the man, and all of them retired in fear.

Department staff who ate in other dining areas also looked over, and were a little puzzled.

Jun Ci glanced over his head and recognized that the man was the fat white man in the underground garage. At this time, he had a nameplate on his chest. It said that the manager belonged to the finance department.

Is a very high position in the company.

To this point, he is a very good character. Why is he here to die?

Obviously, it is racial discrimination.

Racial discrimination is a serious problem in the United States.

But in fact, the serious thing is that for blacks, many whites basically discriminate against Asians, especially Chinese.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a scum inside Silori. Whether or not he really hates the Chinese, he shouldn't say it on this occasion.

Or he thought they were all inside the group and there were no outsiders.

Maybe it was too bad. After all, she, an authentic Chinese, is sitting here now, and what is even more unfortunate is that she is still the boss of Silori.

Carrie didn't expect it. She looked at the people around her and frowned and whispered: "Please Kenneth, did you take the wrong medicine today?"

She has an improper relationship with Kenneth, but she needs to rely on Kenneth to better climb up in this group, but Carrie's situation today is a bit unexpected.

Kenneth frowned, looked at the teacher who was standing there awkwardly, and yelled: "I really don't know why the Chinese food is set up in the company..."

He said that he was about to go outside, but suddenly an ethereal mechanical female voice sounded throughout the restaurant: "Kenneth Hannah, please apologize."

This is the company's total intelligent control system, and it rarely makes any noise.

Many staff members did not expect this, including Kenneth.

Kenneth shook his head incredibly: "No, I was right again, how could I apologize? Did I say something? Annie?"

The name of the control system is Annie.

Annie didn't speak any more.

It has monitoring records and check-in records, so it is natural to know that the highest person in charge of the entire company is here.

But Kenneth was going to die, it couldn't stop it.

Kenneth left proudly, Carrie was a little at a loss, but she had no choice but to follow Kenneth.

Others have moved away from the Chinese food area.

What makes Kenneth so arrogant is not only his own abilities, but he is also a relative of the current CEO of Silori in Los Angeles.

Of course, his superiority must be based on his ability, and Guru will not allow such relatives to climb up without the ability.

However, other people's racial discrimination, it is impossible to monitor every day, this kind of private behavior, there will be blind spots.

Unexpectedly, he revealed himself today.

The teacher stood awkwardly and took Carrie's tableware with a lonely expression.

Jun Ci quietly and elegantly finished his last bite of noodles, and then wiped off the oil stains on the corners of his mouth.

"Anne, please hold a meeting. All the managers and above in the Los Angeles branch of Silori will gather in the eighth floor conference room."

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