Jun Ci: "I'm not kissing anymore. How old is a person and still so naive."

After being complained by his own brain, Jun Ci still inevitably thought of his past.

She was really not such a person before, and she was much more serious and arrogant, unlike now, at least in some respects, it looks incredible compared to before.

It's just that people will always change, and everyone around her will bring some subtle influences and change some of her style.

It's just that she in her bones, the prince who was once rebellious, is enough.

"Why can't you kiss now?"

Jiang Yi quit, and sat up cross-legged and looked at Jun Ci with a serious face: "Are you not in love with me anymore?"

Guru: "Yes, I don't love you anymore."

Junci: "..."

Jiang Yi hadn't been completely drunk at this moment, and he immediately realized that it was not Jun Ci who was talking. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "You only talk a lot."

Guru: "How can you talk too much!"

Jiang Yi: "Porcelain, look at it bullying me!"

Guru: "..."

Shameless people can still use this trick!

Who wouldn't complain!

Guru: "His Royal Highness, look at him bullying me~~~!"

It can also drag the long tail sound to be cute.

Junci: "..."

She pressed her temples, and only felt a terrible headache: "Can you two not be so naive?"

A future husband, the other is his own optical brain, these two things used to look at the stars and the moon, but now they are starting to hurt each other.

Jiang Yi "pooh", "Ceramics, let's ignore it."

"That's all right, Jiang Yi, go to bed too, I want to go to bed too."

Jiang Yi is still a little drunk, and if he continues to talk, he may pinch the two things even harder.

Although Jiang Yi was a little reluctant, he could hear Jun Ci saying that but still reluctant to say goodnight and hung up the phone.

Jun Ci sighed softly, and went to bed before taking a shower.

In his mind, Mo Xing suddenly said: "Guru, you dare to quarrel with the princess in the interstellar age, you have long been destroyed by humanity."

Gulu was silent for a while, and then said: "End Star, this cold joke is not funny at all."

Last Star: "I know."

Guru: "...I want to bless you."

Last Star: "Less watch TV dramas on the earth. You have lost the original mind that a light brain should have."

Gulu: "...Well, people just love to watch a little soap opera. Just say that."

Last star: "Shut up!"


Junci took a shower and climbed into bed to get ready to go to bed, but finally received a video from the piano from WeChat.

The video is a night scene. There are no figures that shouldn't appear in the lens. It can be seen that it was shot by a quiet river, and the night scene of the city in the distance is particularly beautiful.

Emp: Do you want to be caught in the research institute? Would you like to perform a split in the central square?

Piano: How can such an untechnical thing like splits suit us? I just came out with the little spy for a walk, and you have such a big opinion!

Emp: Have you ever seen other dogs walking while taking pictures with their phones?

Piano: I’m not an ordinary dog. Are you crazy who shovels shit? Do you think there is another dog besides me that can chat with you on WeChat?


Really speechless.

When Gulu said that he wanted to connect the piano bioelectricity, Junci had to refuse, so as not to have the current scene.

In fact, I really hope that the institute will take away the piano.

Jun Ci snorted, put down the phone, lay on the pillow, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

I have to interview those actors tomorrow, and I will be busy all day.

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