The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1694: Marlene Lonsdale

The news that the emperor was auditioning for actors in Hollywood still let many people know.

She didn't plan to invite any actors to audition, so she didn't tell the world, only some actors came to audition after being recommended.

And among these people, maybe even few of her novels have been read.

When Laura came here, Bessie was cautiously staying beside her, pulling her clothes nervously: "I hope I didn't make a bad impression on the emperor yesterday. I heard that their Chinese people are quite traditional. "

Yesterday, he was wearing underwear and underwear and let the emperor see him. Although the other party is a girl, but the other party is from a more traditional Eastern country, this made Bessie a little embarrassed.

She is a person who doesn't care about face, and is willing to give anything for opportunities.

But after seeing the teenager, she felt a little bit more shameful.

But Bessie couldn't believe her ears when she knew she had an audition opportunity.

Last night, I spent most of my savings with Laura, just to pick a good-looking dress in the mall, hoping not to leave a bad impression on the emperor.

"Fortunately, I don't think she would care about this."

Laura is relatively calm. She used to be so calm when attacking the Pentagon. Now she is just auditioning for an important role, better than the FBI.

Although she was shocked at the opportunity she received in this role, she also knew that only by seizing the opportunity could she have a chance to make her mark.

She didn’t hear that the emperor was about to hold an audition. She found on the Internet that the emperor had a tradition of holding an audition to choose actors. She thought that there would not be many people without notice this time, but when Laura and Bessie came When I arrived at the audition scene, I was a little dumbfounded to see a long queue.

"Do you think that is Lorna Maine in "The Fate of Apple"? Oh my God, that's Marlene Lonsdale. A star like her will also come to the audition?"

Bessie looked over one by one and saw a lot of familiar faces on TV. She was down on the emperor's influence in Hollywood!

She thought that the emperor was not an authentic Hollywood director and would not respond to many actors, but she did not expect even Ma Lin. Superstar queens like Lonsdale have all come to the audition.

Ma Lin. Lonsdale is a veteran superstar in Hollywood in the United States. Although the popularity is not as good as before, her status is still there. Generally speaking, it is almost equivalent to the American version of Mubaijun in her own country. Can reach the top, the difference is Ma Lin. Lonsdale's international influence is definitely greater than Mu Baijun.

Belongs to a person who will be warmly welcomed no matter where you go.

She has been obsessed with philanthropy for so many years and is also the peace ambassador of the United Nations. She has a good reputation for so many years, and many people respect her.

Jun Ci never thought that she would come beforehand.

Ma Lin. It seemed strange that a big name like Lonsdale came to her audition.

However, she did not restrict the arrival of these people, because she was recommended by people in the circle, so as long as she had the opportunity, she could come to the scene to try it out. It might not be surprising that there were unexpected surprises.

Ma Lin's status is not ordinary, and the other party is a very caring old queen, Junci is polite, or personally with Ma Lin. Lonsdale spoke.

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