The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1695: Just recommended

"Welcome to my audition, Miss Marlene Lonsdale, I am the emperor. When we meet for the first time, you look better as a real person than on TV."

With Junci's personality, she can't say that it would be my honour to come to the audition, but she can still say a few beautiful words.

Ma Lin is very good-looking. Even if she is over fifty this year, she looks like a woman in her early forties. She is tall and slender and has a perfect body. Her devil-like figure is no worse than that of young people, although there are some traces of age on her face. , But she didn't deliberately conceal it, and naturally let these fine lines show through, and there was a kind of grace and luxury in her gestures.

This is a woman who is aging gracefully, she is much more graceful than many Hollywood women who are struggling to keep their beauty.

The young man is a world-famous beauty. Even now, others must admire her beauty.

"You are polite, Emperor."

When Ma Lin saw the emperor, she smiled very softly: "You are a real genius, my God, I really never thought that one day I would meet such an excellent oriental director."

She stretched out her hand and shook Jun Ci, and quickly explained her intention: "I am your book fan, this time knowing that you are choosing an actor, I am very interested in the role of Queen Beatrix in it. I hope my audition performance will satisfy you."


Jun Ci raised her eyebrows slightly. Queen Beatrix was considered a small villain in her novel. She didn't have too much drama, but it played a role in connecting the story line to the script. She didn't expect Ma Lin to like this character.

It shows that she has really read her own book.

I haven't read my own book, it is difficult to pick this character.

"Good Miss Marlene, I will look forward to your performance."

After talking with Ma Lin, Jun Ci glanced at the long line of dragons outside and ordered people to prepare to start.

She held the audition meeting inside the Hollywood branch of Bai Lai Men. It is not only the branch office but also the prop library and shooting venue. Basically, it is very convenient to audition.

With so many people, it is naturally impossible to finish the interview in one day. Junci ordered the people from Bailaimen to hand out the interview cards, and he began to sit in his seat and wait for the audition performance.

The order of the number plates is given in the order in which the actors came. Even the big names such as Marlene are ranked at the 100th. People thought that if they were in accordance with Hollywood rules, such big names would have long been invited by the producer.

However, Bai Laimen is very clear about Junci's style of doing things, and there is no jump in the queue. No matter who it is, they have to line up honestly.

Except for some stars who ask their assistants to queue up, Ma Lin is all.

They just need to sit and chat, and when it comes to themselves, the audition will be in the past.

After Laura and Bessie were ranked in the 200th, they came early, and they couldn't stand the others earlier.

Looking back, Laura roughly estimated that the number of this team is at least 500 people, and many of them are stars who have appeared in important TV shows or movies, and the big-name Marlene Lance, who is even the queen. Dyer is here.

The competition is not trivial, and Laura doesn't think she has any chance if she follows her fame and performance.

However, Jun Ci came to her personally.

Bessie secretly inquired about the news for her: "I asked, they were only recommended. I think it's impossible for the emperor to find everyone, right?"

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