The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1696: How can there be such a cheap thing

Obviously it is impossible.

Laura could see the arrogance on the boy's face at first glance, she was not someone who could do such things.

Come find yourself...

It means that to some extent, is she considered a default?

Laura thought it was a little weird, because she had never thought that such an opportunity would come to her. It is no exaggeration to say that it was to step on a dog.

However, she has always been happy and angry, and she still has the advantage of standing there to compare with the well-dressed beauty stars around.

While standing there waiting for the number to be called, there were people who didn't know her. There were some famous little stars around her. Of course, they didn't know Laura because she was completely unknown.

After looking at it twice, they found that Laura had only a slightly outstanding face and no familiar feeling, and these people all avoided their eyes.

Hollywood is a vanity fair, like the domestic entertainment industry, it is very realistic.

If you do not have fame and status, you have no qualifications to get acquainted.

There are kind people everywhere, but here, there are very few.

Bessie and Laura didn't care either, they had already suffered too much from such a snub, and they had long been used to it.

In the indifferent world of Hollywood, it is hard work and luck to get ahead, but luck accounts for 90%.

As long as you have luck, you can obliterate 100% of the efforts of others.

"Laura Ann...?"

Now that you have all the number plates, you don't need to wait in line to shout, so everyone is scattered and separated. They are all obvious groups.

Someone suddenly called Laura's name.

She and Bessie followed their voices and looked over, then Bessie's face changed, but Laura had no expression.

"Oh my God, it's really you. I thought it was me who was wrong, and I was still wondering how you are qualified to appear here."

The woman who saw them gave out an exaggerated and artificial laugh, and she smirked with one hand covering her lips, and her blonde hair shone dazzlingly under her eyes.

Enid. Mawson, used to be roommates who lived with Laura and the others.

But then he took the opportunity of Bessie and became famous after starring in a movie. After earning money, he moved out.

Bessie saw that her face was still a bit sordid, but she knew that Enid was targeting Laura instead.

Enid was jealous of Laura, who was more beautiful than her, and Bessie, who was slightly inferior to her, didn't take her seriously.

Enid walked in front of them, wearing a tube top and a small western dress, completely exposing her white thighs and her plump upper circumference. Seeing that Bessie and Laura were wearing simple knee-length skirts, she was a little surprised. Call: "My God, are you from the country?"

Bessie turned dark and couldn't help but choke: "Enid, it's not your business what we wear!"

"Why don't it matter to me? You can still dress like this when you come to the audition?" Enid smiled: "You two can still have the opportunity to audition, what's the matter, Laura, finally can't help but start experiencing the unspoken rules It seems that you can't help it anymore. It has not been popular. Isn't it ridiculous to maintain your arrogant self-esteem?"

Enid was because Bessie slept with a producer, but Enid went to hook up with the producer when he knew it, and Bessie lost the opportunity.

Especially the two sides forged an enmity.

However, Enid is particularly uncomfortable with Laura, who has to enter Hollywood, and does not want to pay a price. How can there be such a cheap thing.

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