The sudden change of Junci shocked He Jiankang.

But after all, it was a person in the imperial capital, but was shocked by the sudden release of Jun Ci.

The boy in front of him was obviously not as weak as he was just now.

Play pig eat tiger?

I am afraid that others will be frightened, but He Jiankang has been in the imperial capital for so long, but he is not frightened!


He Jiankang sneered: "Then do you know who dares to negotiate terms with me, what will happen to him?"

This is a threat to her.

Before Jun Ci could answer, He Jiankang raised his mouth proudly, as if showing off something terrific: "They are all dead!"

"His Royal Highness, he is farting, and he has never killed anyone."

Junci: "..."

It's embarrassing to be exposed by Guru in an instant.

However, even if there were no lives, Jun Ci probably estimated that this He Jiankang was definitely not a good thing.

He Jiankang was still empty. After speaking, he glanced at the knife in Jun Ci's hand.

The knife light is too dazzling.

The smile on the corner of the boy's mouth in front of him was enough to confuse people, but in this confuse, a frightening cold began to appear.

"He said this sentence, it seems that I won't sell my face, so I am willing to answer He very clearly here."

Jun Ci's words paused, and then he said word by word: "What are you?!"

After she said this, the knife was thrown sharply from her hand.


The blade flew past He Jiankang's head and directly inserted into the armchair behind him.

Steadily, at that moment, He Jiankang stood upside down. Unexpectedly, this Junci said that he would do it, and his frightened footsteps stepped back. When he was about to scream, Junci had already moved like lightning. The tablecloth on the table twitched.

Fortunately, there was nothing on it now, and the only candlestick fell on the carpeted floor because the tablecloth pulled away, and only made a muffled noise, which could not attract the attention of people outside.

Besides, this club is soundproofed.

Jun Ci pulled out the tablecloth and covered He Jiankang's mouth with his palm.

She wanted to keep her clean hands from touching this fat and ugly face.

"What kind of thing are you Jiankang? You dare to negotiate terms with me?"

Obviously looking slender palms, but with huge explosive power, he firmly covered He Jiankang's mouth and pressed his entire head, so that he could only show his eyes, because he couldn't breathe, his face became more and more when he subconsciously struggled. Blushing, one hand can only struggle unconsciously.

"Since you said that everyone who negotiated terms with you died, do you know what will happen to those who negotiate terms with me?"

He could only see the cold and murderous low-alcohol voice, as if it was about to infiltrate his bones, bringing a sensation of bone pain to his limbs.

He Jiankang felt it for the first time, what a real death threat is.

He simply couldn't think of why this young man would shoot him directly.

He originally only wanted to bring people over to threaten him with a lesson, but he didn't expect that this would threaten his life.

The nose is completely unable to breathe. He Jiankang's face is now covered with a pale blue-gray because of suffocation. His already fat face is now hideous and terrifying. At the moment when He Jiankang is about to lose his intuition, Jun Ciyan A trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and then he let go.

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